Wow, what a week! How do the days fly by?!
*The boy* and I just got back from a lunch date with the parentals. Mom's been feeling lonely and I thought it would be nice if I picked up treats and shared with my folks. My dad and *the boy* chat and chat and chat and that gives me time to hang out with mom. I've been having major cravings for Nicaraguan food. I don't make any...because I don't cook...and I hate asking my mom to make me food since she's getting on in years and doesn't move around very well. She needs to rest...not busy herself in the kitchen making food for her spinster child and her boyfriend. No...not allowed! But I succumbed and decided to pick up some nacatamales. I did a little research, drove to the Mission, picked up some Nacatamales from an authentic Nicaraguan restaurant along with some yummy pieces of cake and arrived loaded down with food to my parents and had a nice lunch. And with my last bite, I realized I should have brought my camera to take photos so I could share what a nacatamale looks like!
Well, trust was good! And long overdue. I think I spent so much time talking about nacatamales and needing a fix that *the boy* found a tamale vendor at our local farmers' market last week and brought one home. I admonished him about how a nacatamale from a tamale stand can't be authentic and it couldn't be also not the way for him to try his first nacatamale. I was right. It was terrible!! So *the boy* had his first authentic nacatamale. He was finished before anyone else! I guess that means he liked it! lol Even my mom loved it!
That said...eating a nacatamale is the nicaraguan equivalent of eating half a pound of pasta. I need a nap!
The week's been a blur and I haven't been stitching very much because I've been trying to finish
Julie & Julia which is now a week overdue to the library! Whoops...I've become a slow reader! I'm enjoying the book a lot...and have about 80 more pages to go!
I have managed to get a coulple of stitching finishes done but have to do the finish finishing on them which means I am procrastinating. With that, I've kitted up my next 2 projects. Letter C by Nora Corbett and Cinderella Sampler by Willow Hill Samplings. Here come my fabric questions:
1. Despite ironing both of these linen pieces to the point of getting an arm cramp from ironing, there are still creases! Any tricks to get the creases out?
2. Does anyone have any experience with Country Stitch linen? I was internet surfing (someone stop me please!) and found the perfect piece of linen for a someday Mirabilia. Of course, I found two pictures using the same color and they are both very different. I'm worried about ordering and getting a piece not like what I am expecting. I'm going to have to internet order directly from NZ (cheapest way) to obtain the fabric. Just want to know if anyone has any feedback with this supplier.
I'm hoping to get some stitching in this weekend...and I am so in the mood for a Mirabilia. I hope that working on Letter C is enough...that one is for a gift. But all I can think about is Fairy Moon, Waiting for Ships, Stargazer, Titania, Petal Fairy and Trick or Treat Fairy...all of them just clammoring to see the light of day. One day...I'll have a Mirabilia day!
But I am thinking this will help me get more stitching done.

I bought a new lamp for my stitching perch. I've been wanting an Ott-lite forever but I didn't want a white craft lamp since it would stick out like a sore thumb in my black-furnished living room. I've been looking online and I hated thinking I would have to order online and then have to return it and pay for the shipping if I didn't like it. It's kept me from buying a lamp for years. But my old lamp was really making it hard for me to see and I would keep every light on, blind *the boy* with the klieg lights (as he called them) and still have a hard time seeing despite it being as bright as an airport runway in my little living room! In my internet surfing, I discovered some Lowe's carry Ott-lites and after some calling, we drove to the one 30 minutes away and found this one. What's even better is that they had the price mismarked on the floor model and I got it for $25 cheaper than it should have cost.!! I am loving it so far and I can see perfectly with just this light on. It's awesome!
I hope to show a progress pic of my next start...once I get some creases out of linen!
Enjoy the weekend!
Until next time...