~I miss coffee. I thought I was going to die this last weekend...from caffeine withdrawal. I've no idea how I did it but I did. I.am.awesome!
~Cooking takes up way too much time. Like way too much. I haven't had time for yoga or stitching. I know...blasphemy!
~I had to dust off the blender, rice cooker and the steam basket for this little cleanse experiment. More gadgets than I've used in a while. And I think I may have broken the blender. The next time I go to Macy's, I'm getting one of those new fandangled immersion blender thingies.
~I have no idea how moms who work full time and cook three meals a day do it. I miss Trader Joe's!
~Buying completely fresh and organic is freaking expensive! I didn't think I could eat so much but apparently, when you cook everything from scratch, you go through a lot of ingredients. I still miss Trader Joe's.
~I also miss Fairy Moon because she hasn't seen daylight in over a week. Her update is that she looks the same as the last update.
~I can't wait for the cleanse to be over on Saturday and not because I am craving anything although I am getting a little tired of the cleanse diet. I'm really just tired of cooking. I need to find a personal chef boyfriend. This is probably not a good idea though considering what a disaster the last "personal chef boyfriend" was.
~Does anyone have any info on the Grand Cayman as a vacation spot? Not as a tax haven...everyone keeps saying that. People must think I have more money than I have any hopes of having! I wish! I've forgotten to buy the MegaMillions ticket 2x in a row and it was at super duper millions jackpot.
~I'm thinking of ordering some scroll rods and am wondering what the longest size is I would ever need. Are 30" rods large enough for most Chats? I need to do some math.
I'll be back with a post-cleanse update, which will probably contain more whining about cooking, after Saturday. Hope you're all having a good week!
Until next time...