I have a really hard time mustering up the motivation to finish stitched items. And when I finally do find that motivation...I flutter about like a butterfly. I find I need to reward myself for doing any little bit of finishing. Fifteen minutes of finishing, thirty minutes of reward stitching, fifteen minutes of finishing...you get the idea. Then I go about, collecting the things I need to finish and inevitably, there's always that one thing that you just can't find. I had two things I really needed to finish because I had to get them out in the mail. I was looking for my muslin but I couldn't find it anywhere so I improvised with some interfacing and finally finished what I was making. Once I sat down, I remembered where my muslin was...in my stitching basket! Of course, that was the one place I didn't look. How come you always find things when you don't need them anymore?!
Well, truth is I still needed my muslin for the next finish. I'm really happy with both finishes and I hope the recipients enjoy them. I just wish it didn't take me that long to get things actually finished though. How do people have finishing enthusiasm and where can I find it?! I have a little pile of ornies accumulating that need to be finished. I have visions of finishing them with felt and need to buy a pinking cutter. You'd think I was trying to source a leprechaun and a pot of gold seeing as how hard it is for me to find this in my local shops. I'm going to have to do a little internet shopping to find one.
Hopefully my gifties will wing their way to their recipients quickly so I can share. In the meantime, here's the ornie I started as my "reward".
Last night, I finally started my pre-stitching for my class. There isn't really a lot of stitching as much as there is a lot of backstitching (ewww) and what actual stitching there is, is fiddly. I can't stand fiddly stitching. 1/4 stitch here, 2 full crosses there, another two stitches waayyy over there. I am hoping to get through it fast so I can get back to some real cross stitching!
I hope that everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Mine was busy busy with periods of relaxation...mainly because I was feeling like I was coming down with a bug and forced myself to take it easy. There was boring stuff like doctor's appointments and laundry and errands and there was fun/nice stuff like visiting with my aunt, hanging out with ladies at my stitching group, dinners out locally, shopping and movie watching. The movies of the weekend were The Social Network and Black Swan. I saw The Social Network on video and I think it really opened up my eyes about Facebook. I'm not a big Facebook fan despite having a profile up. I log on to see whose getting married and having babies since Facebook has now replaced normal means of communication between people. It was interesting to learn how Facebook really came about. Black Swan was really well done! Natalie Portman did a fantastic job and I now see why she is up for nomination. Two days after seeing the movie, I am still cringing though. There were some scenes I just couldn't watch...they were kind of oww, ewwww, ugh...can't watch this part...and once it passed, I was ok. It was very much a psychological drama and I guess it works if I'm still thinking and cringing two days later.
Thank to everyone for their encouraging comments and emails regarding my last post. I am very behind in replying! I appreciate the time it takes to tell your own story and it feels better to know I'm not alone and that others are in a similar situation. I just wish things were easier.
Well, I'm off to backstitch some more. Hope you're all having a wonderful week!
Until next time...
I think the dislike of "finishing" is why I used to buy so many pre-finished items. That was fine when the mfg. did a good job. But, now I'm thinking they aren't worth the price and I may have to learn to finish my own stitching projects.
I always have trouble facing finishing. lol! I want to see both those movies you saw. Have the Social Network all ready for viewing, but it hasn't happened yet. I'd better get a move on!
I was able to purchase a rotary pinking blade at my local Joann Fabric Store. It wasn't expensive at all and the blades are easy to switch out. Hope this helps!
Oh, I hate finishing - I let stuff pile up, and then I really, really dread finishing, since there is so much to do.... its a vicious cycle, and yes, then there is always something missing!!
I did enjoy Black Swan, but you are correct - it is disturbing.
I am really curious to know what class you are taking? You probably wrote about it, and I missed it...
I'm probably not the best person to comment on finishing, because I actually enjoy it ;) To me, it's not a chore and I often feel more in the mood to do finishing than to stitch.
I got my pinking cutter off Ebay (a UK seller) but I just checked Ebay.com and there doesn't seem to be anything over there. It might be worth asking Vonna where she got hers from, as she has a wave cutter, certainly. If not, then perhaps I could get you one over here and send it over? Let me know if I can help.
I tend to save up pieces for finishing and then have a marathon finishing day. Not the greatest of ideas I must admit!
I am not a willing finisher because I don't think I am good at it. I'm trying to break that mentality because even an OK-done finish is better than no finish.
With as many ornaments as I've done, Valerie, I still get nervous about the finishing thing...I, too, have a drawer full of ornament-sized things that need to be finish/finished. I think it was Myra who said she always finishes things as she stitches them because otherwise they would never get done... So, I adopted that policy last year and it has REALLY helped me stop procrastinating. Now my framed pieces are another story--I just still let them pile up!
I'm not on Facebook at all--I have enough trouble keeping up with the blogging world :)
Hope your weekend is a fun one!
I know exactly what you mean Valerie. My stitching I tell people is what keeps me sane but finishing that;s just my constant nightmare! I need a whole day just to complete one or two pieces breaks my heart that it cuts into my stitching time..lol.
Have a nice week-end!
I hate finishing. So, I let it pile up. I have at least one ornament that needs to be finished and several of those BBD stockings. I hope your pre-stitching goes fast. The kit for my class should be showing up soon, so hopefully I can get my pre-stitching done as well!!
I hate finishing. I'm a process stitcher/knitter meaning the end result isn't the motivation for me. I mostly like the zen aspect of each stitch, one after another, seeing it come together. The finishing part just seems like work. It's annoying. lol
I have to admit that I struggle with finishing which is why I tend to try and finish things ASAP or they'd just get left for months and months on end. I think it's the problem of finding different ways to finish things then gathering all the supplies.
Lovely start on your ornament.
I have a pile of things waiting to be finished!! Once I get started I can count on needing a chunk of time to finish!
Valerie, sounds like you need to send your ornaments to somebody to have them finished !! :-) I love the one you are working on. I've stitched the same one and guess what?? I have it in a drawer waiting to be finished !! LOL !! I totally hear you girl... it is fun to stitch but not so much fun to finish :-)
Can't wait to see your finishes!!! I dislike finishing so much I just pack everything up and send it to Deb, LOL.
Haven't seen either movie and I am not sure i want to??? I did see True Grit and The King's Speech, both were wonderful.
I have a finishing phobia myself. It's better than it was, but still causes me many delays and a lot of second-guessing!
Yuck, backstitch - hate, hate, HATE it!!!
As for finishing, I'm totally with you on that one. It doesn't help that finishing takes me forever and I end up thinking about how much stitching I could have got done in that time. I do love to finish a piece though, it gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
This one is a lovely ornament, hope you can find some finishing mojo to get it done as soon as you complete the stitching.
I handsew my ornaments, it doesnt seem so much effort as getting the sewing machine out to finish one off!
Finishing? What's that? ;o) ROFL!!!!
Love your new start.
I loathe finishing. Really, really loathe it. I am trying to get better about it but it's hard. It's fine to do the primitive finishes that don't need trim but when it does--I'm sunk. I can't wait to see what you've been working on!
I haven't seen any of the Oscar nominated (and winning) movies yet! I'm waaaay behind the times. Oh wait... I did see Toy Story 3. LOL
I have mastered a few finishing techniques and tend not to stray too far from them. I have stitched pieces that have been languishing in my drawer because I want to finish them in a different way, but can't work out yet what way or how. I also think that I don't have enough finishing supplies in my stash. Maybe that's the real problem.I see a stash enhancement experience coming on :-)
Every time I see that ornament I want to stitch it - It is a great start & I love the color ;)
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