Wannabe artistic side angle with lots of glare
I LOVE it though! I originally told Jill I was looking for a colorful frame...but she emailed me with this moulding choice saying that it just seemed meant to be what with the leaves and swirls that matched the leaves and swirls in the stitched border. I had to agree and I am so glad that I did! The warm cocoa tones in the frame really brought out the warm "caffe latte" tones of the linen in person. I am so happy to have this sucker stitched and framed. Now the task to hang it...I have to rig things with fishing line and moulding hooks so I don't make holes in the plaster walls. It's challenging...I think Ill have the apartment manager do it while *the boy* is around...they can both talk each others ears off and I can keep stitching!
Thanks for all the nice comments on Christmas Tea!! I am really loving it! I was going to put it in my bookcase with a little japanese tea set I have but *the boy* is trying to convince me to hang it in the dining room because of the "come to my table" reference in the piece. I can't decide so for now, I've left it on the chair near me so I can enjoy it. Decisions are not my forte!
I am feeling rather glum. Why is it that when you have big plans with your money, other things come up?! In my case, I'm seriously shopping for a new sofa and snuggler. As I suspected, I owe taxes but I owe 60% more than I anticipated! I have no idea why and am considering making an appointment with an accountant to understand and make sure I set up my W-4 correctly so this doesn't happen again for this tax year. Then, on the way home from Valentine's Day dinner, *the boy* goes "uh-oh, the check engine light came on". I am hypervigilant about the car since it's old and my only way of getting around. After some research, we came up with three possible scenarios of what was wrong and took it to the mechanic. Of course, of the three issues, the car has the most serious and expensive problem! I suppose that's the risk when driving a 13 year old car. After being without a car for two days, the part is now on order and the car will go back to the mechanic next week. Between the taxes and the car repair, I am out the amount of money I would have used to buy the sofa and snuggler. You know what that means...no new furniture for a little while. Argh! It's hard to fulfill the positive thinking goal when your car and Uncle Sam are sucking you dry! Wah! I'm going to go drown my sorrows in stitching. Thank goodness I have enough stash to pull be through this dry slump!
Okiedoke, hope everyone is having a good week!
Until next time...
Wow I love the framed piece. I am so excited to get something framed by Jill especially after seeing your 2 pieces.
Uncle Sam sucks! Thats all Ill say. I hope your car is good as new when it comes home
Oh my gosh, that frame couldn't be more perfect for that piece! Wow, she did a great job framing it for you! Congratulations!
I can totally relate to taxes or car repairs sucking you dry! I have a similar situation now... had my heart set on a new mattress so my back will stop spazzing out and then my dental problems need fixing too! If it's not one thing, it's another!
That framed piece is just gorgeous. I know the feeling of planning for something and something else more urgent somes up to sux up the money.
I really like the two framed pieces. The swirly frame is just perfect for this design. Jill's done such a nice job on them.
Car problems are the worst, I'm sorry. *hugs*
Valerie, your Snapper year is just stunning! Jill chose the perfect frame for it - it's gorgeous!
Sorry about the lack of funds for furniture - we've been there, done that, got the T-shirt, loads more times than I care to think about.
OMG! It's perfect!
Snapper year looks wonderful.
Congratulations Valerie :-)
Sorry about your taxes and your car. I have been there before too, and probably will be again. Thank heavens for stash :-)
I love your framed Snapper!!!!! The frame is so perfect for this piece!!!
Car problem and Uncle Sam knocking are the two worse things that could happen at the same time!!! I'm still in denial and do not want to face doing my tax yet..... I hope your car will come back like new!!
Wow! Looks fantastic! Would you mind if I asked how much it cost Jill to frame this? I have considered sending pieces to her, but was curious what she charged. Thanks.
Wow - perfectly stitched and a gorgeous piece of framing. I like the *boys* photography especially the 'artistic side angle'!
The frame for this piece is just 100% perfect. Love it! It really seems like it was meant to be for this project.
We always seems to have major (this year $1200) car repairs at Christmas. Drives me crazy. I'm not looking forward to doing my taxes this year either as we're loosing a major deduction.
OH WOW...that frame is utterly PERFECT for that!!! WOW!
Love that moulding, Jill used it for one my snapper pieces too. It's so perfect.
So sorry about the unexpected expenses. Hopefully the new furniture will happen sooner rather than later.
Forgot to mention, would love it if we get to meet at Shepherd's Bush. The retreat is so much fun, I've been twice before :-).
SnapperYear is GORGEOUS!!! And that frame is amazing!
well done! And well photographed!
OMG! That frame is absolutely perfect for your Snapper Year! I can't believe it! Jill was right -- it looks like it matches the border perfectly! I love how it came out! Hope the hanging session goes as planned. As for your car and the taxes -- oh yes, I know the feeling! I'm dreading finding out how much we owe. And yes, we have two cars, one of which is over 10 years old, the other of which is 15 years old. And ouch! Every time we take the cars in to be serviced, a huge chunk of money disappears! We're still recovering from the last time. I'm trying to persuade my DH to at least replace the 15 year old car. It's so much money every single time it needs a checkup! Sigh. Sorry about your furniture. Such a bummer! :( At least you have your beautiful framed pieces to admire! :)
What a perfect frame for your beautiful finish, Valerie--love it!!
I think Jill used that frame in white for my Wedding Row. I LOVE that frame; it looks fabulous wrapped around your Snappers.
Sorry to hear about the taxes. That much more than your expected... I think talking to a Tax guy is a good idea.
Wow, that's a real beauty and the pictures are great! Sorry to hear about the car and the taxes - if it's not one thing it's another, isn't it. Hopefully a trip to the accountant can clear it up and you won't owe so much (at least I hope you don't)!
Your Snapper is Awesome! LOVE that frame, it's absolutely perfect!
So sorry about the taxes and car repairs...it always seems to work out that way doesn't it? Remember that tax stimulus from a couple years ago? Well our truck and dryer broke the exact same week we rec'd ours, typical!
Snapper Year looks amazing! And that frame suits it perfectly.
That frame is just perfect for the stitching. Just stunning! I bet you were jumping up and down when you opened it!
Wowza! What a piece!
That is such an awesome design and the frame is perfecto.
taxes are soooo... depressing
The frame is amazing ! It's really the best choice. A perfect match !!!
I feel yourpain for the money ... :-((
What a gorgeously framed piece!!! it is so very lovely!!!!
Your framed piece is beautiful, I love the frame, it's perfect.
Your piece is fantastic! I love that frame.
I completely know where you are coming from - when it rains, it pours!! No extra money here either due to various reasons! Hopefully things will get better.
Perfect frame for such a lovely piece.
Shame your funds are neede elsewhere, always happens here too
WOW!!!! It is simply gorgeous! I just love everything about it :)
Love it! Nice arty side shot too ;).
Oh, Valerie! Snapper year framed up GORGEOUS! I love, love, love the frame, it's perfect!
Oh no! Stupid taxes! I'm soglad your car can be fixed though.
That is so pretty framed and the it looks like the frame was made for it!
Hate your car and Uncle Sam are giving you trouble...it's amazing how the "universe" always knows.
I LOVE IT - what a gorgeous frame, its absolutely perfect for your finish.
Sorry about you not getting your new settee and snuggler - what a bummer, but at least your car is working again now.
B-E-A-Utiful!! That frame is absolutely PERFECT for Snapper Year. It's like it was purposefully made for it. Gorgeous.
Sorry to hear about the tax and car woes. Taxes--the bane of my existance, that's all I'll say. Big hugs.
LOVE the frame (and design of course)!!! I just got off the phone with Jill and placed my order for the exact same frame. Now I need to collect threads and the linen for my Snappers.
Thanks for sharing.
Liz S.
It looks great! I know how it is trying to photograph those big pieces. And Jill was right - the frame is PERFECT! I have several pieces I am wanting to send to her. All I can say is it might be time to invest in some lottery tickets...Murphy's Law that a bill or bills will come up every time you think you have some $$$ to spend!
Fabulous! Just LOVE it and the frame definitely compliments it :o)
I know what you mean...we just sunk $2,000 into a stupid car when we could have used that on the house. Grrrr!
Wow! That's fantastic and the frame is PERFECT!
The frame is perfect, it's like it was made especially for this piece.
Your stitching looks gorgeous with that frame!! Wow :)
Cars... gotta love 'em. I have an older car, too, and have been putting in a repair at least once a year. I figure it's still cheaper than buying a new car. Plus, I LOVE my car :)
I just wanted to say that your Snapper Year is absolutely amazing, I love that frame! I have been looking at these patterns for a while and now I really want to stitch them.
Perfect frame! Perfect.
Isn't "the boy" too young of a name for the man with whom you are spending time? I'd like to suggest Gentleman Caller. ;) I hope your money woes clear up. I think visiting an accountant is a smart idea.
Noooooo! Now I have a serious guilt trip because I've not done the border on my Snapper Year so I can't get it framed yet!
Yours looks SO fantastic! Congratulations!!!
It looks amazing Valerie!
Oooooooooooooooooo, it's so so so pretty! I agree with Jill - that frame was MEANT to be with this piece. It's all just perfection.
Good luck with the hanging bit. I'd probably leave that part to the 'better half' too.
Car troubles are the worst. :(
I love this so, so much! The frame is amazing and really adds something to the design. Fantastic work!
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