Sunday, February 05, 2006

R.I.P. Sean

In life, you come across people that stay with you forever and some that stay with you for just a moment. I was recently surprised and saddened to hear that this young, cute guy to the left, passed away. A interesting life that was taken away way too soon. It's hard to accept death, whether it be a family member or a friend. The truth of the matter is that Sean was neither to me. But I was still affected and sad.

So a week ago, I heard on the news that a surfer drowned at Ocean Beach. I didn't think much of it. Sadly, it's happened to many before. The waves and surf is pretty rough and frigid out there. A couple of days later, I grabbed the paper so I could read it and saw a picture of Sean on the front page and did a double take. The drowned surfer was him! Shock, surprise and disbelief.

About a year and a half ago, Sean was one of the guys I started talking to off of He seemed smart, sweet, cute, interesting and an all around nice guy. We set up a time to meet and at the last moment, neurotic me cancelled our date and I never rescheduled. Life was too busy, I was too lazy to go through another "interview", he wasn't completely my type...whatever my lame excuse may have been...I always resented that I never contacted him to try and explain and reschedule. As the months went by, I would come across his profile on Match and think that maybe if I emailed him, I could apologize and maybe meet him for coffee. He just seemed like such a good guy amongst all the freaks and crazies I normally end up dating. But I never did...

I don't think I could have changed destiny or that I would have been able to save him that day if I was more involved in his life. He discovered a love for surfing and that love and thrill killed him. But I guess there is that feeling of "you never know what could have happpened".

To a wonderful life extinguished too early...Rest in Peace Sean.

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