Thursday, May 15, 2008

Class is Over!

Yesterday, my instructor posted the final and I decided that I must get it over and done with. I hadn't really prepared but it was open hard could it be?! Yea, it was hard...really hard! Each time I thought I found the answer, I had to reference to another part of the code book and come to my own conclusion. It was only a 50 question test and I had three hours to do it in. Three hours! Hey, I'm a smart cookie, I know this stuff, I've been reading about boring codes for the past 8 weeks...this'll be a breeze. Not! As the clock ticked on, the more stressed and frenzied I became. I couldn't believe it as taking me so long to go through the questions. There were only 50 of them! At last...I hit the submit key and I got my score and time. Time passed was 2 hours and 56 minutes. Geez! I had only had 4 minutes left?! Score...I passed! 84% Frankly, as an open book test, I should have scored better than that especially since I passed all my quizzes and discussions with flying colors. But...I passed! Yay! That means class is over and I get my certification from the State.

It is such a relief to have this class done and behind me now. I finally have my weekends back and can do fun stuff. I think that was what was bothering me most about the class besides it being really was eating away at a lot of my personal time. I finally feel like I have time to stitch, go to the movies, pick a random neighborhood to explore on the weekend and follow my own agenda.

School's out for the summer!

1 comment:

Carol R said...

Congratulations Valerie - now go stitch!!