As far as the phone and internet, well, that's just a pain. I wanted to switch to Vonage for phone service and keep "naked DSL" with AT&T but they just cut me off completely. Thanks AT&T! Good riddance to you too. I am waiting for Comcast to send me the install kit so in the meantime I am phoneless and only have internet because I am "borrowing" it. Shhhh....don't tell anyone!
And to add to the pile, my cable started acting up over the weekend. I can live without a phone and I can even live without internet (I have a Blackberry!) but I cannot live without cable. I've got shows to watch and things to see! Luckily, Comcast sent out a repair guy on Easter Sunday and the cable box seemed to work under the spell of his magic fingers.
So I hit the trifecta. I have all the luck.
But the exciting news of the weekend is that I bought my new car! I haven't got a picture of it though because my garage space if very dark and tight. I traded in my 15 year old burgandy Nissan Altima for a 2011 Honda CR-V in charcoal grey! It's very exciting and scary! Exciting to have a shiny new car...with keyless entry...and a working stereo...with leather seats...and a working sun visor...and a little spot to put my sunglasses. exciting! Scary to be indebted to the bank for five years though! Yikes! So I see a lot of budgeting, road trips and stitching from stash in my future. That's ok though...I have shiny new car! I'll take a photo soon.
I've been stitching but somewhat halfheartedly. I wasn't really feeling my projects and I decided I needed some whimsy. So I pulled out my Tiny Garden Fob kit by Shepherd's Bush and stitched it up. It had a pretty good message for me...
And then I pulled out Blue Snowman by Shepherd's Bush too. I love the whimsy and have been missing it. It's my usual stitching style. I obviously haven't gotten very far on it though. Hopefully it will grow some today. It will be my main focus for the evening.
I have been working on A Wish For You on my Anniversaries of the Heart. I love this block but it is draaaaging! The house is cute and I love the quirky two-tone brick but it took me forever to build it! Forever!
I am on "vacation" this week. I had to "use it or lose it" so I've been sleeping in til 1030am and catching up on much needed sleep, eating lunch at 3pm at the little eateries in the neighborhood and relishing in the fact that I can wear yoga pants in the middle of the day. It's already Wednesday! It's going by too fast! I should have asked for two weeks off! lol
I do have another finish and things to share but that will have to wait until the next post. Again, thanks for the comments and hanging in there with me through the whine and the hard times. *hugs*
Until next time...
Congratulations on the shiny new car!!! They are so cool, but I also agree with you on the scary part! Have fun with it. :D
Great to hear from you. I hope those extra hours of sleep in the morning make the rest of the day extra-bright!
Love the Shepherd's Bush fob, might have to get this one myself :)
Ooooh, congrats on the new car!!! You got exactly the car I want!!! No fair. lol! Did you get 4 wheel drive? I so want that car! You have to tell me how you like it so far.
Your stitching looks great. Sorry you haven't been into your projects. I think that SB saying is what I need too. :D Enjoy the rest of your vacation. it always goes too fast, doesn't it?
Congrats on the car. I have only slightly more done on Blue Snow Man (a CJC project). But that silk slides through like butter and it is so nice to stitch. Cheers!
Great news on your new car. Lovely wips hun. x
Woo Hoo! Congrats on the new wheels. Can't wait to see it. :)
Stitching looks great!
Congrats on the new car! That is so exciting! I know what you mean how you can miss those whimsy kind of designs. I like to stitch a SB in between my samplers as well. Enjoy your week off!!!!
Congrats on the new car! And I love the fob! Enjoy your time off, I envy you. I'm sick of working!
Congratulations on the new wheels! You'll love it. We have a Honda Pilot and it's been a dream and I've previously owned 2 other Hondas.
Sleeping until 10:30 with no specific timetable for the day sounds like heaven!
I have no doubt that you'll conquer that math and the over 1 stitching! Your stitching is beautiful.
Congrats on the new car - I hope you drive many happy miles in it! And I can tell you are savoring your week off - that's just what you should do. Rest, relax and recharge and stitch a little! Take care --
So glad you're feeling more 'up'. Stitching happy thoughts helps!
Congratulations on your new car! Our Nissan Almera (10 years old) was playing up recently (radiator leak, exhaust starting to go) so we decided enough was enough and traded it in for a 2008 Toyota Yaris (AKA the Tardis, as it's bigger on the inside ;) ) I keep forgetting to blog about it, must do that now your post has reminded me ;)
sorry about the phone/internet/cable though - hope you get hooked up again soon.
Love your SB finish, so cute! I must admit that I don't stitch a huge amount of SB but I always enjoy the ones that I do stitch. The BBD piece is looking great too, good luck with the over one and enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Love the SB will be so cute finished. Happy driving in the new car....
Sounds like this has been a good week for you Valerie! And hey, we have the same car now!! Well, mine is a year older and a pale blue, but I hope you'll love it as much as I love mine :)
I think stitching those little whimsical designs does so much for anyone in a funk--love your little pretties... Good luck with that over one stitching and you're right--frogging over one stuff is the worst. Count twice, stitch once!
Enjoy the rest of your break :)
Congrats on the new car!!! I think Shepherd's Bush is always a good thing to stitch when you need a little cheering up. I still need to finish my Feb block on Anniversaries of the! Enjoy your week off - it sounds like you've been having a good time.
Congrats on your new car! I know exactly what you mean, I love a new ride but I hate the car payments!
We just switched our phone/internet/cable all over to Comcast~~I was getting tired of opening our bills from Qwest and Directv and seeing them going up each time!
Sweet stitching Valerie!
Congratulations on your new car!!!!!! How exciting!!!! Payments could be a pain but just think this car would last you a long time, then it would all be worth it!!!!
I had cable troubles last week as well, and the worst part is all my recordings in my DVR was gone!!!! So angry!!! Thank god for internet so I was able to watch some shows online, but I still prefer to watch them on my TV.....
I love your spring finish, it is so cute!!! Happy stitching~~~
Beautiful stitching - it's going to make a wonderful fob. Glad to hear you are taking some time for yourself - sounds like my kind of vacation! We're off too - there were only 2 working days between Easter weekend and the the double bank holiday for the royal wedding and May Day, so it seemed rude not to take them off! Keep looking after yourself, I am sure that you'll be feeling better soon!
Congratulations on the new car!
Your weeks sounds enjoyable - may the rest of your time off be all you want it to be!
Congratulations on your new car, Valerie !!! How exciting... I like your little Shepherd's Bush.
Congrats on the new car!!!! Exciting!
Good news about the car! That SB finish is so cute. I love the SB fobs, such a fun stitch. Your BBD is looking lovely. Enjoy your week off!
Congratulations on the new car. You deserve something good {{{{hugs}}}}
Your WIPs are lovely. That house on A Wish for You does take some doing! Love the SB fob and can't wait to see the snowman:)
Congratulations on the CR-V! I just got rid of mine --- 12 years old. Lots of happy miles on that car.
I think you will just love it! Can't wait to see the pictures.
Your stitching is adorable and enjoy the rest of the vacation time.
Congrats on the new car! Love your SB stitching, but especially your BBD - and I hear you on the 2-tone bricks (block 1 of Autumn at HRH, anyone?). "Drag" is the right word, lol.
Wow - I love the Honda CR-V, very posh!
I'm loving your Shepherd's Bush stitching. I keep on picking up 'Happy Haunting' from my stash and drooling over the colour of the fabric but then put it back when I realise how much work is required!!
congrats on the new car.
Nice stitching!! Congratulations on the new car. As they say over here, for reasons unbeknownst to me--"well wear!". Safe travels!
Congrats on your new wheels, what fun!
Love the SB fob stitching, that is going to such a darling little dainty to add to your scissors.
I;m behind on blog reading, i hope your week ended well and that work wasn't too awful when you returned this week LOL
That's awesome Valerie!!!! Congrats on the new wheels :o) I always love the feeling of a new car. Ahhhhh....
Sweet finish! I guess with all your electronic problems, you've switched all your attention to your stitching. LOL!
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