Let's start off with the randomness...shall we.
*My parents have been blowing up my work phone lately and asking me if I am busy. If I'm at work, it's good to assume I am busy and that I definitely won't be patient to discuss things like the cable bill and whatever else isn't an emergency but seems to be really important to an 80+ year old! Really? When I was a kid, I had better be at the nurses station half passed out and delirious with fever before I even thought of calling them at work. If I was raised like that, then I expect that as an adult too. I'm busy and work is too in flux for them to be calling me with unimportant matters.
*After the events of the last week, I have no patience whatsoever for my parents' negative doom and gloom outlook. Ugh! Be happy you're alive. Find a hobby! Enjoy the day! Read a book!
*I canceled a date on Sunday at the last minute. I try not to be one of those. I made the general plans...lunch and a downtown stroll where the guy lived since I wasn't familiar. All he had to do was pick a place to meet. I still didn't know where we were meeting 3 hours before we were supposed to meet. Major peeve. MAJOR! I am not going to get dolled up, drive 45 minutes away, in the rain, for some guy who can't even pick a lunch place. Pick a lunch place already! OMG!
*Sometimes, it just feels right to stay in your pajamas until 3pm.
*I am dreading Thanksgiving. Let's just get it over with already! I need to decorate for Christmas. And seriously...how has November passed so quickly?!
*Why must people stand so close to you at the grocery check out? Back up lady! I'll be done soon...unless you want to pay for my groceries. Then by all means...crowd me and hand over some money!
*Sometimes words speak louder than actions. Like that guy who chased me up the stairs last night. Tell me you're a neighbor and locked out instead of being creepy, chasing me up the stairs in an effort to get into the building and scaring the crap out of me. Jeez! I'd have called the property manager to verify you lived there and let you in. Instead I wish I could have maced you.
I had a work meeting today that ensured that my job is safe but that we need to move offices. The move is not ideal as I see a personality clash with someone who works in the proposed space. But beggars can't be choosers...
*I wonder if a kind Pinterest addict/reader would send me an invite request referral thingie so I can start pinning? I heard that Pinterest fulfills those requests first... Pretty please...
Edited: Thank you, Thank you...I woke up to lots of invite emails. You are all the bestest!*And in case you were wondering...I did buy the dress.

Now to find a party to wear my new dress to!
So it was International Hermit and Stitch Weekend! Did you all hermit and stitch? I had a pretty hermitty weekend which was perfect since a good portion of it was rainy and cold. I changed most of my weekend plans around so that I could be lazy but I was a tad distracted with this.

I had a day to read it because it was due to the library and I couldn't renew it...again. It was a very good book although some bits were pretty trashy. The baseline of the story was interesting. American lady becomes an asset for the Resistance against the Nazi regime during WWII in Paris. I loved the bits that mentioned locales within Paris. It allowed me to reminisce and think about what it was like in the 40's, during my favorite fashion era.
And I was also distracted by this.

I have a kabillion DMC skeins to wind.

I apparently have a long way to go to fill this jammer box! Does anyone else's hand cramp up when they wind bobbins? I have the feeling this will be a slow process.
But I got a little bit of stitching in. I am still working on Plum Street Samplers' Hallow Eden. It's a little odd working on Halloweeny stitching when it's over now but I fear that if I stop, I won't finish.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and if we don't speak soon, may you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time...