I have my TUSAL update. How about you? Did you want to join in on all the TUSAL fun next year? Go sign up on Daffycat's blog. It's fun and you can have a jar of orts at the end of the year just like me!
I didn't get as much done on Hallow Eden as I had hoped (see: down in the dumps) but I forced myself to get some stitching done.

I survived one holiday...only one more to go! On Friday, I went to Union Square along with 50 kajillion other crazy people. I, however, did not go there to shop and the only time I went into Macy's was to use the bathroom. Thank you Macy's! Not only were there shoppers. There were ice skaters. There were a ton of police officers in riot helmets along with a bunch of Occupy Black Friday protesters. I was a little surprised to see so many riot cops since I didn't even know this Occupy Black Friday stuff was even going on! I saw kittens. And I saw puppies. And I saw the great huge tree in Union Square light up!
Until next time...be merry and bright.
LOL, Valerie !!!! I wouldn't change your Adam at all because that makes it personal and different :-).
Glad you survived another holiday !!
Halloweden looks great - I call all my miscounts " personalizations" LOL.
That tree looks so great! Fun that you got to see it and all. We've run into the Occupy protestors a few times in NYC. DH even joined in one day for fun.
Love Hallow Eden. Too bad about the miscount -- but isn't Adam supposed to be taller anyway? :D
You go girl! I once had to stitch each X exactly by the chart but I have since come to accept the little miscounts and work them in. No one will know but you.
Beautiful tree.
Yes, thank you Macy's =)
Adam grew an inch taller LOL. Love that piece. Gorgeous tree too!!!!
Sorry you are feeling down.
Its going to be UNIQUE!! All my designs are due to my inability to ever get it right! lol! Wow - I have just turned green with envy - I would love to go to Macys (even just for the loo!). I am ever so slightly over excited today as I have finally saved enough for my trip :) but I am happy to send some giddyness your way via the interweb!!!! And why don't you put on your new dress and spin around in circles just as eve probably did when she got her first dress whilst adam TOWERED above her (by a row). lol!
Sounds like some very exciting shopping with kittens, puppies, ice skaters and giant trees. ;)
Hope you'll feel perky again soon!
Adam looks fine to me.
Your ORT jar is filling up nicely
An amazing tree.
Hope you are soon feeling brighter (big hug)
Love the progress on Hallow Eden! And that is a pretty tree.
Valerie sorry to hear your down in the dumps. I think the Holidays do that to all of us. I was looking at my finances and how many days till Chrismtas how many paycheques till Christmas and immedately wanted to stuff my face full of chocolate!
At least you made progress on your stitching. I tried to pull mine out last night but opted for blog surfing instead. Probably a better idea since it was 10PM by the time I got to settle in last night.
Your ORT jar is great! Hope this down in the dumps feeling disappears quickly :) xo
Oh, if only I could have a tree like that in my back garden! Now that really would get one in the festive mood!
I lol'ed at your comments about Adam & Eve. Who cares that you're a stitch or two out? Better than un-picking if you ask me! Fingers crossed you don't encounter any other 'mishaps'!!
It is your work: if you prefer taller men then you go for it! Our mistakes are what make us individual; I think it looks just perfect and was obviously meant to be. Love the colours and wow..wish we had a tree like that near us! Hope you get a bit happier soon xx
Hallow Eden looks fab. Gorgeous tree as well. x
Hallow Eden is coming along really nicely! Sounds like a good solution to the miscount :-)
Nothing wrong with a slightly taller Adam. :)
I hope things brighten up for you soon.
I think your Halloweden looks wonderful! Go with it - Adam should be taller and if you hadn't pointed it out, I never would have known!
Sounds like quite the shopping trip!
Hey, Valerie, greetings from yet another fog city ;-)
The French Valérie
A little fudging on your piece and no one will be the wiser. The tree is really pretty.
No one would even have noticed your little mistake on Adam's height, Valerie--glad you've decided to just let it be :) Hallow Eden is looking great!
You know what, my favorite time of year is actually the post-holiday season--January-March. These holidays bring out way too much craziness and stress for me. I wish Thanksgiving and Christmas were farther apart... Lovely tree in Union Square...
Hope you can squeeze in some Christmas stitching :)
Love your Plum Street sampler! Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)
I'm hoping you snapped out of your mood. I hate feeling that way too. Have some of that "Glow" tea...maybe that will help?!!
Lovely progress on Hallow Eden. I can't spot the mistake, but I'm sure that whatever you do, it will work! That tree is spectacular!! We don't have anything like that here in BC :( Although I think they are trying to bring the Black Friday up here to Canada. It's just as well I missed it though...shopping crowds=me grumpy pants!
Feel better soon!!!!!!! That tree is amazing. I think it's ok that Adam is taller. ;)
Hallow Eden is looking brilliant. I wouldn't change Adam either.
Wow that tree is amazing!
Love the A&E piece, of courese! :) Did you finish it? I have that one that is a must stitch, hopefully next year.
Hope you are feeling better.
Hi Valerie, thanks for commenting on my blog. I haven't seen the Hallow Eden design before, but it's a beauty.
That Christmas tree looks fab!
Happy stitching and best wishes to you.
We had the grand tree lighting--and all the town lights turned on--this Friday. I said to DH that only in Ireland would it be pitch dark, pissing rain sideways, with the tree lights being turned on while a radio rigged up in a horse trailer plays tinny Christmas carols in the background. Fa la la bah humbug. LOL
Hallow Eden looks great!
HallowEden looks fantastic!!! And thanks for sharing the photo of the tree - beautiful!!
I make counting mistakes so many times its not even funny, I'm glad you found a way to work around this one instead of ripping out. And you're totally right, Adam should be taller than Eve.
I like my men taller than me as well so Adam looks fine to me ^.^ Gorgeous Christmas tree :)
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