Hello my lovelies! I've been having a couple of "Calgon Take Me Away" couple of weeks and am all wrapped up (ha! no pun intended) in all the christmas happenings. But I had to yank myself away from the card writing to just catch up a little. I probably have glitter in my hair and on my face but at the moment, I'm oblivious to all that. I've got so much to share and will have to spread it amongst a few posts. I've had some friends emailing me to make sure I am ok. It's been a much longer absence than I thought but I am well. Thanks so much for worrying about me.
Saturday the 3rd was my fun day. I'd been looking forward to it for months since my stitching group was planning our Christmas Shindig for that day. I went about getting my things together the night before and had grand plans to eat terrific food and get loads of stitching done.
I had hoped to be finished with Hallow Eden by Friday so I could start something Christmasy for the holiday party but as usual...I think I can stitch much faster than I actually can! Ha! As the weekend got closer, I decided to just take my time since Hallow Eden is small and portable anyways and I only had two more colors left to stitch.
As I left home in the morning, I noticed the postman on my block and asked him if he had any packages for me as I was expecting a package of finishing from
KarenV. If I didn't get it that day, I'd have to wait until the following Saturday to get it from the Post Office. I was lucky because he had it! Yay! Since I was heading to the party, I put the box in the car and off I went. Once I arrived to the venue, I debated bringing the box in but when I mentioned it to some of the stitchers, they all urged me to get my box from the car and share. They all wanted to join in on the fun.
Karen did a wonderful job, as usual. She finished my Christmas Rules into a bellpull just in time for the holiday. She did say there were issues with this hardware so if you decide to buy it, be careful! However, Images Stitchery does guarantee their products and will take care of you.
And I found it's special spot!

And this is the backing fabric used. A fun, simple polka dot.

She also finished Tweet Gift but Full Circle Designs. I love this ornie. The cardinal is so cute and I plan to stitch it's companion soon.

Here is Almost Halloween by The Drawn Thread finished as a little pillow with the most perfect backing fabric and jumbo rick rack trim! And lastly, she sewed my Traveling Stitcher and matching needles piece onto it's pouch and needlebook for me. If I wanted to do it myself, it would have sat in the closet forever!

And the fun backing fabric for the Halloween pillow...

I am thrilled with the finishes and the fact that they will be displayed this year instead of gathering more dust unfinished in the closet. Thanks Karen!
The rest of the Christmas Party was great. We had a wonderful lunch and cake and I enjoyed a glass or two of wine along with chatter with some lovely ladies I only get to see a couple of times a year. It was so nice to catch up and share some laughs, stories and stitching with one another.
The Clubhouse was decorated very nicely with many trees and nutcrackers and some ladies brought some wonderful projects to show and tell. Here are some photos.

My dear friend Mary's French Alphabet Sampler. It's gorgeous! The picture doesn't do it justice and sadly I caught a glare from the windows behind me.

Narita's completed Flower Power. It's stunning and massive! It's almost the size of the loveseat!

Naomi's almost completed Mirabilia Winter Queen.

It was a fantastic day! I still have lots to share. My "bringing home the tree" story and the end result and I finally finished Hallow Eden! But...it will all have to wait another day.
Oh and before I leave, sign up for
Joyzse's IHSW! It's this weekend and it actually looks like a quiet one for me (famous last words) and I plan on starting something Christmasy! I can't wait! Of course, that will only happen if I finish my cards, wrap gifts, head to the post office finish picking up the last of the gifts by the weekend. Oof...doesn't it seem like there's 5x more things to do because of Christmas!?
Until next time...be merry and bright!