For being an "old youngish" girl, I've got a lot of back issues. Note to the younger generation...
1. For the love of all that is holy...lift with your knees. And don't lift more than you can by yourself.
2. Try to limit crazy falls down multiple full flights of stairs to none if at all possible. Not like the six and counting of yours truly.
3. Don't hunch over your computer. I see you hunching...stop it!
4. Don't sit weird. Like sitting with your right foot under your left butt cheek. Don't do that. I see you...stop it. You'll regret it later.
Oh, I'm sorry...am I exuding 80 year old cranky old lady? I've been trying to ignore the ouchie back all of last week but it came to a head this weekend when I had to try and take it easy and ice and heat and lie down and rest. I don't have time for all that! I'm busy. Or I was...
I will say one thing...I have no idea how my friend managed to get that christmas tree up the stairs by himself because I about passed out trying to get that monster of a tree out of the building by myself (which I shouldn't have done with a back about to go out on me). I will miss the twinkly lights but oh my, the space...and the light...how I missed thee!
I am so excited to have surpassed 200 followers! Thank you so much! I really do appreciate you all reading my drivel and commenting. I read every one and they make my day full of smiles. Thank you so much! I better get cracking on my surprise now.
Progress on Sadie's stocking has been dress fill-in. *yawn* No photo today but I did finish the fill-in so it's onto the hem, legs, shoes and sheep! Progress photo to come soon!
I am hoping to slowly feel more myself and less ouchie, get into some gym routine and back to my happy social self.
Happy Monday folks!
Until next time...
OMG are you coming into your psychic powers, because 3 & 4 are exactly what I'm doing as I type...
Sorry to hear that you're feeling lousy. Hope you feel better soon.
3 & 4 are me too... oh goodness!! And I can add ~ get an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, and a proper setup!! I've been recently dealing with carpel tunnel issues & they are not fun at all!
Hopefully you're feeling better soon. Congrats on 200+ followers! Awesome!
Ha! I have a heating pad on my back as I sit crossed legged on the couch.... Awww come on don't yell at me!! And umm hello if you needed help with the tree you should have called me, to busted backs would have made for a great storey as.we stumbled down the stairs lol. I hope your back starts to feel better soon.
Ha! I'm sitting here with a heating pad on my lower back since I have a herniated disk and yet, had to pull my leg out from under me when I got to #4, lol! Thanks for the reminder!
Here's to feeling better....ready??
So sorry for the back issues, that is the pits. Hope it gets better soon.
I know what you mean about slouching, I try to sit up straight and it lasts for about a minute. I hope your back improves soon.
*Raising hand* A bulging disc in the lower back here.
You have my every sympathy. I second your advice to all those who have never had back issues - I spent six hours stuck on my hallway floor three years ago when my back gave out. Then a week flat on my back in bed unable to move.
Congrats on your 200 followers - I'm edging nearer to 100 and it is very exciting :)
Urgh.. sorry about your back. I hope you'll get better soon.
I get a bad back too. It's always going. I think once they start you get prone to it. Xx
I hope that you are feeling better soon. This aging thing stinks :)
Congratulations on over 200 followers.
Have a great week.
Hope that back is better. Isn't it amazing how much room there is once the tree is gone? We had the same thing in our livingroom. lol! What gave me a huge pause though -- you fell down multiple flights of stairs many times?! OUCH! Be careful and don't do that anymore! Feel better! Oh, and congrats on 200 followers!
Ouch indeed! Sorry your back is bothering you Valerie, I hope it eases up soon. I managed to pull a muscle in my hip/buttock this morning getting into a 4x4 (not our car - long story!) Suffice to say, short legs and a car that needs a stepladder to get into don't really mix ;)
Ouch! And falling down stairs! Should have had your friend over again to help!! Hope you are feeling better soon!!
Hope you are soon pain free Valerie.
It was nice to put my tree down and let the daylgiht in although i could so with a bit of sunshine instead of the dull grey!
Sorry to hear your back is bad again. I am going to boast that I'm neither hunching over my computer or sitting on one foot as I have a 'kneel' chair which makes me sit straight with my spine in it's correct position! Try one Valerie - they are more than worth the cost.
Take care of yourself and rest. I hope your back is better soon.
Can I add one? Do not sit in an office chair that has arms and attempt to pick up something heavy off the floor while bending over one of the chair arms. This does not have a good outcome. The only 2 times in my life I've had to see a doctor for a hurt back were after doing this.
I hope you get some relief for your back.
Im so guilty of 3 & 4. There must be a back pain virus going around, hope yours feels better soon.
You and me both girl!! However it's my upper back that hurts, not the lower part...as I straighten myself from the hunch I'm getting reading blogs...eh hemmm. I always curl up my legs under me which is very bad. Thanks for reminding me to sit up straight! Whoohoo on surpassing 200!! Your blog is fabulous :D I truly hope your lower back gets better though. I've heard yoga helps and core strengthening.
Hope your back is on the mend - rest and heat are my prescription. I hurt my back years ago (note - along with not falling down stairs add, don't fall off of an 8 ft ladder or get hit my motorcyle). Lifting properly is so important. Take care!
OMG!!! How did you know what I am doing right now in front of the computer?! So creepy~~~~~~
Sounds like you had a really rough time getting rid of that Christmas tree!!! I hope your pain will go away soon!!!!
Hiya - we are still so very very young! At least that's what I keep telling myself :)
Sorry to hear about your back :( I hope you feel better soon, and rest is the most annoying medicine because it comes at a time when you can't.
That stocking is really whizzing along, can't wait for the update.
No wonder your back hurts after dragging that giant tree down all those stairs, Valerie!! Sure hope it feels better soon. My husband used to have major back issues until he began regularly exercising. Don't think he's had a back complain in about 10 years now--amazing!
Looking forward to seeing your progress on Sadie--sometimes fill-in stitching is very relaxing, it's so mindless!
Back issues are the worst and a sore back that really hurts can bring me to tears. Ouch! Sorry yours is bothering you. Don't lift anything and stitch away. Looking forward to your progress pic.
Hope you feel better soon!!!
The hubby has some back issues and they are always worse if he sleeps too long, strangely enough. Anytime he sleeps more than 8 hours, his back is a ruin the next day.
I've been trying for years to stop automatically sitting with my left foot under me...........but I can't seem to quit it. :(
Eepers, Valerie. Will a massage or going to the chiro help? Yeah, I sit that way all the time too. LOL!!!
Ouch! I hope you back is easing a little now. A bad back is an absolute pain ( in more ways that one!)
Not too late hopefully to wish you a happy eventful year, with no back ache...
A sore back is no fun :o( You should have asked for help with the tree. You sound like my DH. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you 'should'! LOL! Take care.
Congrats on 200 followers :o)
I've had back probs since I was a teenager so I learned early on many of those lessons you're preaching. I've even had people "yell" at me for trying to lift stuff I shouldn't be lifting. It's pretty bad when you throw your back out trying to put on your underwear! Yeah, that happened to me just last year, LOL
We're about the same age, so I can feel your pain. I hope you feel better soon.
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