Can you believe I was off for 10 days and my apartment looks the same and I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off?! Some things just never change. I do have to say that I had a wonderful time off from work and it was mighty hard to drag myself into work Tuesday morning.
In the last days of my furlough, I managed to:
~Go to the Walt Disney Family Museum and learn more about the man behind those fantastic movies I loved as a kid (who am I kidding, I still love them now!) and Disneyland. It was wonderful.
~Tried chinese soup dumplings which I'm still on the fence about.
~Saw The Artist which was fantastic and I recommend highly is you like classic films, the silent era and/or black and white cinematography. Loved it!
~Had a facial and was told by the estetician that I have nearly flawless skin and who was shocked that I was 36 because she thought I was 28. God, I loved that! I'd keep her if I wasn't so loyal to my Russian estetician who I've been seeing forever.
~Read a book...The Wild Rose by Jennifer Donnelly. It was a good read but I preferred The Tea Rose and The Winter Rose.
~Made a pot of soup.
~Saw My Week with Marilyn which I was pleasantly surprised over. Michelle Williams did a great job exuding the spirit of Marilyn and the insecurities she must have felt during her rise to stardom. Fantastic and I recommend this one too!
~Had a nice visit with an old friend who has the knack for making me believe the things I don't from other people. You know, the comments about being beautiful and having a lot of things going for me and being a good person. It's rejuvenating to hear and I've decided to listen for a change, hold it close to my heart and allow it to carry me through. I feel a little spring in my step and feel better than I have in ages!
~Saw The Descendants. Sad movie but well done.
~Met up with a friend who's starting a new relationship. I hope I imparted some good wisdom. "Don't change because they want you to. Change because YOU want to. Don't lose yourself. Be true to who you are." I'm hoping I don't lose another male friend due to female jealousy and insecurities but only time will tell.
So you can probably imagine that I haven't gotten as much stitching done on my furlough as I had hoped. And I did not start my Fairy Moon BAP on New Year's Day. I've decided to carry on with my stocking until it is done and I need to start a small project that a fellow stitcher was kind enough to lend me the chart for and can be my "carry around" project since I can't take the stocking with me anywhere. Once I finish the stocking, I'll start Fairy Moon and it will obviously have to be my "at home" project since it's so big!
In the meantime, the stocking seems to stitch up fairly quick and I am about halfway done!
I somehow need to find the time to put away Christmas and drag a tree down three flights of stairs! It's much more fun to put up decorations than take them down!
I noticed that I am about 6 followers away from hitting the 200 mark. I'm planning a little surprise for when I hit 200 followers and to also say goodbye to the Year of the Rabbit. The year wasn't how I had dreamed but it was a good year for me nonetheless and I'm incredibly grateful to put that terrible streak of bad luck behind me. It will be time for the Dragons to have their fun. So if you're not a follower, become one! I'll have a little surprise worked up in the next couple of weeks or so.
Until next time...
Hi Valerie,
I have just found your blog via Xehuia's blog. I really like the vintage look of your blog and I look forward to read of your stitching progress. I am doing the Mary Wigham sampler as well - it is a gorgeous design to stitch, isn't it?
I have been on holidays, too, and doing lots of stitching. Back to work on Monday, though.
Your stocking is looking really gorgeous, lovely colours.
My blog is if you would like to check it out.
Hugs, Kaye xoxox
P.S. Congratulations on being at nearly 200 followers. Well done!
I know what you mean about holidays, I always start out thinking I am going to get so much done and it never works out that way. I suppose it's the rest from work that counts too though. Your stocking is looking good.
Happy new year Valerie. I hope 2012 is an excellent year for you.
Love your SB piece. It's coming along well.
I love that your estetician thought you were 28. (Even though there's nothing wrong with being 36! :-))
I always think I'll get so much done while on vacation--it never happens. What is important is that you've enjoyed yourself! Nice progress on the stocking!
I never get as much done either and I certainly didn't between Christmas and New Year. It sounds like you had a great time off! Hope re-entry to work wasn't too hard. :)
Yowsa! Buzzzie! :)
I love your stocking!!!!
Hey Valerie,
It sounds like you had some wonderful time off. Thanks for your thoughts on those movies. They are on my list.
The stocking is looking great!
Oh, fun! I liked reading about what you were up to this break. I need to see both those movies btw. And love Disney! Except that my friend told me he was an anti-semite. :( Love your stocking! It's so cute! Which one is this one? I love the figure! It was a bummer to start the ole routine again on Tuesday, wasn't it?
It sounds like you had a good time even if you felt you hadn't done much. I am keen to see what this year will bring (I am a dragon!), I have so many changes to make and hopefully they will go well.
My friend wants to see The Artist and interesting to hear that its good - will pass that on to her.
Looking forward to you reaching your 200 followers! That's a lot of people :)
Sounds like a great break! Keep springing!
Your stocking looks wonderful - wonderful colors! It is going to be a beautiful stocking, can't wait to see it finished :)
Isn't it amazing how little one gets done when given time. Over the New Year weekend I had the whole house to myself and a lot of plans to do things like stitch, do a little uninterrupted house cleaning, take some evening walks with the dog; but all I managed to do was come home from our store, throw on my pjs and plop on the couch for mindless tv watching. I guess some unstructured, inactive lazy time is good.
Sounds like you had a great time off - and received some great words of wisdom from a close friend. Please listen, Valerie! You are a wonderful person and have a lot going for you...embrace life and enjoy!
Take care and hope to get together with you soon for some stitching or just catching up!
I always have high hopes and many plans for what will get accomplished during breaks......sounds like you had a good time though!
Your vacation sounds perfect, Valerie--reading, movies, stitching, friends--nice and relaxing. My hairdresser just raved about My Week With Marilyn yesterday, too.
How nice to spend time with a positive and encouraging friend--it really does make a difference in your life when you are surrounded by positive people, doesn't it?
Hope the Year of the Dragon is good to you :)
you had a busy vacation! Wow!
Oohh! You got a LOT done on your time off!! You must share your facial routine with us! I would love to hear what you use and all ... I am always looking to make my skin better!
What fabric are you going to stitch Fairy Moon on? That is my favorite Mirabilia and has been in my stash forever!
Your stocking is looking fantastic - I love the colors! I decided to continue on with what I'm working on instead of having a new start on Jan 1 too. I am so hoping Year of the Dragon is much better than the the Rabbit was. I could use some good things coming my way for sure!! Happy New Year!
I've being reading your blog for a long time, but just became a follower. Love the stocking.
Good luck on getting all your followers - I just signed up and hope I am your lucky 200. I just started blogging and love your style.
I needed a double shot venti coffee to get through the first day back. I hate having to work for a living! BTW - your stocking looks great. I never thought to stitch one for myself. Maybe after I finally get the other 2 done I can do one for me.
Happy 2012!
Glad you enjoyed your time off! I am wanting to see My Week With Marilyn! LOve how the SB stocking is looking!! I may have to stitch that one too! Have a great 2012 start!!!
Glad you had such a nice break!!! And your stocking is so sweet. Dare I say at some point I'd like to do several this year but who knows ;-)?
Congrats on hitting over 200 Followers! Sounds like you've been very busy. Good progress on your stocking despite being so busy :)
Sounds like you had quite the eventful week!! I will have to see those movies you mentioned. I heard that My Week with Marilyn was really good, now you just confirmed it. I think I saw the Artist (is that the one that Tom Ford stared and directed in?) awhile ago, but maybe I'm mixing that up with another movie. As for facials, I am too scared to go for one because I don't want to look all blotchy for a week afterward! Nice that you have skin like a 28 year old. I think mine isn't so great...I wrinkle my forehead way too much...teacher expressions!
Great progress on your stocking!! And YAY to 200 followers!! That's fantastic!!
Great progress on your stocking - it's lovely!
That's a lot you've done, and the stocking looks lovely!
Sounds like you have been very busy Valerie. Love your SB stocking. Looking forward to seeing more of it.
Wow, you crammed a lot into 10 days Valerie!
Your stocking is looking fabulous. I'm DEFINITELY going to stitch one this year - thanks for spurring me on! Will you finish it yourself? Let me know how you get on if you do.
I dug out my Fairy Moon finish to take a photo to show you. I'm ashamed to admit that I stitched it in 2001! Ten years languishing in my drawer.
200 followers? That's definitely something to celebrate.
Your stocking is looking beautiful Valerie, such pretty colours in it.
Sounds like you had a busy time recently, i'm just catching up on blog reading after the hols, lots of lovely things to see in blogland.
Happy 2012, i hope its a fun filled year to remember for you xx
Stocking looks great, Valerie. Hehehe, sounds like you had the perfect 10 days off. Doing stuff you'd enjoy. Cleaning? It can wait. ;)
Congrats on 203 followers!!! :D
You accomplished quite a bit! I think it was definitely worth while going for that facial ;o)
Your stocking is gorgeous! I'd love to do those but putting them together scares me off...
Your stocking looks beautiful. Great advice you gave to your friend.
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