I'm restless and procrastinating the things I should be doing...hence more randomness.
~Wine Saturday was tons of fun! Lots of wine, lots of laughs, lots of food and some great people. The wineries we went to were Corison, V. Sattui, Benessere and Gloria Ferrer. My favorite was Benessere. The sommelier was fun and we sat outside and soaked in the sunshine while enjoying our tasting. I told myself I wouldn't buy any wine but I couldn't resist here. Two bottles caught my fancy and it will be a nice reminder of Wine Saturday when I get around to opening them up. Fun times!
~Why is it that when you're shopping for something specific, you have the hardest time finding it?! I spent most of Sunday shopping for a white shift for a work photo and a fun party top. Shopping is exhausting!
~Back to yoga this week. I had to try something called a Dolphin. Seriously...me and this dolphin pose did not see eye to eye. I hope we don't have to do it today...
~Went to a 9 course Japanese dinner which was yummy but WAY, WAY too much food. Seriously, I don't know how people do those multi-course tasting menus. Around course 5, I was hoping the courses were over since I didn't pay attention to how many courses the dinner was in the first place. Nope...4 more to go. I wish we had a better table and weren't seated next to loud guys who I could still hear talking in the bathroom.
~I've barely stitched this past week but I've managed 1.25 motifs in Mary Wigham. I'm hoping to finish up that second motif and put her away again for a bit. She's not really my style and I have no idea what I will do with her when I finish (if ever) but every once in a while, I feel like working on something quaker-ish.
~This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch. Go sign up and plan on some "stitch ass". I'm hoping to relax enough to do some finishing. Famous last words...
~I was scanning through The Stitchery catalog the other night. I don't usually find anything I like in there anymore but I saw this...

I love it! Too bad it's kitted with Aida and so expensive. Something to think about...
~On Saturday, this little space turns 7. Hard to believe that I've babbled on for that long. But this little space has been a huge source of comfort and friendship and I am thankful for it. I stitched up a little something for a surprise but as you can imagine (if you know me well enough), I haven't even tackled finishing it. I'll wait til I do that to announce. I always seem to be late to my own party!
~I'm so glad readers appreciate the randomness. I think my brain would buzz incessantly if I wasn't able to offload at least some of it somewhere! And I suppose some of it is interesting.
Well, you all have a nice weekend. I'll be back Monday to report what I've done with IHSW and do a proper stitch report. You all have fun!
Until next time...
Oh gosh, I know exactly what you mean about when you go shopping for something specific. So frustrating, and not fun at all! Oh well. Glad the wine tasting was fun -- and bummer about the noisy table at the Japanese thing. 9 courses? Wow! That piece you found in the Stitchery catalog is nice. Too bad it's expensive. Ah well.
The wine thing sounds fun. Glad you found yourself a little souvenir.
Hope you are feeling more "yourself" soon.
Happy blogoversary!
Aren't wine tastings fun. My sister and I usually hit a couple vineyards when I'm out on Long Island. And I definitely know the feeling about shopping. I spent a good part of today with two specific things in mind. Found one but can't find the other. It's really frustrating.
And randomness is fun to read. When you think of all the things that you did during the week, it's fun to reflect back on them - good or bad.
Shopping is no fun, when you are looking for something!
Congrats on the 7 year mark! That is amazing. I'm grateful for your friendship too.
What an interesting cross stitch piece. Very different but it kind of grows on ya. I hate it when they kit things with Aida. Does anyone really stitch on that anymore?
Have a great rest of the week, and weekend.
Hi Valerie! Lucky you out there in wine country! We were in SF and Sonoma about 10 yrs. ago and had a wonderful time...definitely on our list to visit again! Love the "lady" you found...wouldn't she be fantastic! Treat yourself...purchase her...toss the Aida and stitch her on linen!
I always find things when I'm not looking but boy, the minute you must have something - forget it!
Sounds like you've had a good time - the wine tastings sound like so much fun!
Be careful doing yoga positions that aren't comfortable - I know, I know.... you know that but hey, I"m a mom and that's the kind of thing a mom says even to kids that aren't her own!
I hope to get some serious stitching in on my SB A&E this weekend.
Congrats on 7 years and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you!
Wow! 7 years--that is amazing, Valerie! I don't even think I knew there were stitching blogs back then; in fact, I'm sure I didn't because my sons had to tell me about them 3 years ago when they convinced me to start mine!!
Sounds like you've had a busy, but fun week (except for the shopping--I agree, it is totally exhausting).
Have fun hermitting this weekend--think of me slaving away at work at the library :)
Oh as soon as I know exactly what I want - its discontinued! I think its a conspiracy to keep me shopping -LOL! Congratulations on 7 years - that is wonderful. I hope to hibernate for a little while on Sat. but I have tickets to see Bernadette Peters on Sat. evening and a nice dinner out -should be fun.
Keep searching the design name on the internet. I found the pattern for what was a very expensive kit for a very reasonable price, and I don't even have to throw the aida away!
Seven years is a long time, good for you. Shopping is fun when you find exactly what you want but not so much when nothing jumps out to suit.
Busy girl :) Sounds like you have been having some fun.
Where I live, people think Japanese food is just hibachi. Whenever I go anywhere and can have some good Japanese food I am happy.
I hope that you get some finishing done this weekend. I want to finish and ornament too.
Shopping stinks :(
Congratulations on 7 years!!!
Have a great weekend.
Happy 7 years!
You've had a busy week! I hope you get a chance to relax this weekend. It's supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday and for once I don't have plans.
The wine tasting sounds fun!!! I hope you get a little time to stitch this weekend. Sorry you're not feeling the love for Mary Wigham - finish up that motif and move onto something else!
Oohh...that kit is really pretty!! I have not gotten a Stitchery catalog in years...might have to sign up again! Have a great weekend!
Enjoy IHSW - hope you get lots of stitching in! Congrats on 7 years of blogging!!!!
I love reading your randomness and often think to myself hey I know that one!
Hope you're enjoying your IHSW. Mine has not gone well so far due to hospital visiting last night but I intend on relaxing and stitching away tonight.
I like your randomness posts, an insight into what you have been up to.
Nice design!
7 years of blogging, well done X
Happy 7th Blogoversary!
Ooh... wine tasting is fun. I've only been to a vineyard once when I was in Australia but I'd sure love to go again.
Well, that's always been the rule of thumb for me when it comes to shopping... Whenever I'm looking for something specific, there will be none available in any of the shops I look >.< Shopping sure is exhausting when it's not done online. LOL!
That's a pretty design. I sure hope you'll be getting it. Would love to see some WiP pics ^.^
Wow!! 7 years! That's amazing! I love wine tastings! Only been to one winery, for a Tori Amos concert, and it was amazing!! Will need to do more in the future!!
A 9 course meal?!! That's intense!
As for the shopping, that's how it is for me ALL the time! If I'm looking for something specific, I will never find it, so now I just randomly pop into stores and buy an item that I like, that way I will eventually get the item I need!
I hope you had a good stitch ass weekend! LOL!! I love that design! So you!! Too bad it's on aida and expensive :(
Oh... happy 7 years, Valerie!!!! That's a cool design for sure.
Oh... I hear ya about the shopping!!!! Takes forever to find just the right thing when you have something in mind!!
I always love your random posts! The pattern you found is really neat!
The kit from the catalog is gorgeous... Yes, the ones we *really* like are always so expensive.
Happy Blogversary. Where does the time fly, eh?
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