Yesterday, I finally mustered up the drive to go to the gym. That says a lot as I think I only went twice in October and probably four times in September. With the traveling, it's just been hard to get there. But I got there last night which was good! But about half way through my workout, I was feeling pretty crummy. I was feeling fine one minute and the next, the dreaded scratchy throat began. By 10pm last night...I was wiped out.
I woke up this morning and still felt the same but I went to work anyways. Sore throat was joined by sneezing and runny nose. In all reality, this probably explains why I have been feeling so exhausted and scatterbrained lately. The cold was festering way deep down. Why'd it have to take so long to make it's appearance?!
Nothing exciting really going on. Last week, I dragged myself to this huge outlet mall that I detest. I hate going there but my coworkers always talk about what deals they find there. So I decided to go to see if I could find a dress I liked better (i.e. less expensive) than the one I bought a couple of weekends ago. I am a terrible fit for a dress...terrible. I am a pear and short waisted so almost always, dresses are too big on top and too tight on the bottom. I hate dresses! I shopped and shopped and didn't find a thing. At the last possible store, I pulled down the zipper to get ready to try it on and wouldn't you know...there was a roach in the dress! IN the dress. I had to drop that dress fast and kick it under the dressing room. If I wasn't practically naked, I would have run screaming from the store! But you know...that wasn't ideal. I spent the rest of the day shaking everything for bugs and had the ebbie jeebies. Sadly, the only exciting thing going on was kind of traumatizing! Needless to say, me and that outlet mall are on the outs!
The nice thing is that the dress I bought 2 weeks ago went on sale and now it's affordable so I will be keeping the dress.
I don't have any of my stitching to show because I'm ornie stitching. My goal was to finish 3 ornies by the time I leave for Dallas. So far, I've stitched one and started the second. I am trying to stitch fast because the one I finished stitching is soooo cute, I want to keep it for myself! I don't think I will be able to finish three by next Tuesday but I might get close.
Speaking of ornies, I received my Hooked on Exchanging ornie from my partner. Wow, she was fast and mailed way ahead of the deadline. Puts me to shame! lol Marie stitched me this pretty Prairie Schooler which she says is from the JCS ornie issue.
Well, I'll see how I feel tomorrow. If I feel crummy, I'm going to stay home and if that happens, maybe, just maybe, I'll get my NY post up and stitch on ornie #2 some more.
Tonight, I'm having a big bowl of pho tai to help clear my sinuses and soothe my throat and then I will stitch the night away on ornie #2. Slippers...check! Tea...check! TV remote...check!
*achoo!* Can someone pass me a kleenex? *sniffle, sniffle*
Until next time...
Ugh! Phooey on the cold and eeeek on the roach!!! A roach in the dress?! IN the dress?!!! OMG! I swear I would never go to that mall again! You poor thing! And the cold -- such a bummer! I hope you feel better really soon. Drink tons of fluids -- it'll make your throat feel better, and hopefully it should help flush all the badness away. Stay home tomorrow!! (I'm starting to sound like I do when I talk to my kids. Sorry. lol!)
Lovely ornie you got in the mail. Hope you're relaxing now!
A roach in a dress? Seriously? I think I would have screamed and tried to stay put.
I hope you feel better soon. The soup looks like it is delicious! Maybe a night in your jammies, soup, and kleenex will do the trick!
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. It is making it's rounds here too and I am trying desperately to avoid it. Hope you feel better soon. Now about that roach IN..THE..DRESS! I think I would have run out of that dressing room nekkid or not!
Hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest.
I can't believe there was a roach in the dress. You gave me the eebie jeebies too.
Can't wait to see the ornaments when you get to share.
Oh clothes shopping is tramatic enough without adding vermin to the mix! You poor girl, no wonder you're feeling poorly. Stress like that doesn't help anything. You've got the right game plan - rest, fluids and stitching. Hope you feel better soon! Take care.
I hate outlet malls. I never find anything.
Hope you feel better. Get lots of stitching done!
Cockroach in a dress?! Yikes!!!!! At least you weren't scared out of your mind running out of the dressing room half naked!! I might have done that if I were in your situation!!!!
I just got over my cold and I'm glade it was over!!! I truly hope yours won't last long!!!
Awwww get well soon. Yuck at the Roach eeeewwwww. Lovely exchange from Marie. Mine is stitched just need to get it finished. x
I've had a horrid cold for the last few days too. In fact the whole household had it and I was the only one unable to take any medication! Of course my lovely husband was rubbing my nose in it, having lemsip every hour or so!
I got shivers when you mentioned the cockroach. I have very few fears but they're one of them. Hate the things, they make my skin crawl, yuck.
Your exchange ornie is lovely, bet you can't wait to get the tree up!
OMG! I just screamed at the roach in the dress bit - that's disgusting! I wouldn't go within a thousand miles of that store again.
Hope you're feeling better soon - like Margaret said, drink loads of fluids, hot lemon and honey is great for bad throats :)
Yikes, that roach thing is the stuff of nightmares!!
I just love the ornament you received, *and* the pretty dragonfly fabric! I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well *passes you lotion Kleenex*. Pho tai sounds great.
Icky on the roach in the dress. Ugh!
Your exchange ornament looks great. Good luck on finishing 3 by Tuesday.
Never been much of a shopper (don't like to spend money on clothing at least) and never an outlet mall shopper...heard you had to have patience to go through all the racks. Patience I really don't have - too much on my plate to take time there. Now, since they are putting roaches in their clothing, I think I can definitely pass. Did you ask about the roach? Maybe that is the latest fashion trend and we just don't know about it :)
Sorry to hear that you got that nasty "bug"...the cold that is going around...I am done talking about the roach. I have been nursing the kids over the last few weeks to make sure they were ready to travel this week/weekend to their respective hockey tournaments. I guess it has been going around; and exercising clubs seem to be like airplanes (a good place to catch everything going around).
Take care and feel free to take the day off and rest. Everyone needs those day off!
EWWW! A roach--I would have been screaming so hard they could have heard me outside the mall! Doubt if you'll be going back there again...
Love your ornament from Marie!
Take care now and feel better soon--it seems like the whole cross stitch world is sick right now :(
Hope you feel better soon Valerie.
What alovely ornie you received.
{{big get well soon hugs}}
Lovely exch from Marie
I would never set foot in that store again after finding the roach ewwwwwwwwww and i think i phone call to the authorities about their cleanliness would be in order
OMG! A roach INSIDE the dress?? I had to read your story twice to make sure that I was not seeing things. You poor thing...I can only imagine how traumatizing!! I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it!
Hope you are feeling better soon...
Valerie, I hope you feel better soon. I used to work out at Curves and the instructors so say that there and gyms are full of germs from everyone using the equipment. They always had hand sanitizer for when you were done. They also wiped down the machines a lot.
I would have died if the roach thing had happened to me! AAAAAHHHH!!! Hope you start feeling a bit better. :)
Poor Valerie - get well soon!
OMG a roach!??
Love that PS ornie, though. ;) Lucky you!
Holy crap. I didn't realize that the roach was IN the dress! I thought it was just in the room, which would have been bad enough. I would have flipped out.
Oh yikes...first off I have to comment on the roach..UGH! IN the dress...double ugh! Those things give me the willies.
Sorry about the cold...maybe - since its been festering deep down for a long will fizzle out sooner? Fingers crossed.
Your exchange from the sweet Marie is WONDERFUL! YAY!
Ah, finally, somebody has written what I've been saying for years. Any type of exercising is bad for you, but particularly that which involves a gym!! ;) Hope you are feeling better! I am TOTALLY skeeved at the thought of finding a roach in a piece of clothing, either mine or one that I was trying on. Oh my gosh. BLECK!
Love the exchange piece!!
Yuck on not feeling good,hope you are feeling better, and quadruple yuck on the bug. I would have been naked in the store, LOL.
Cute ornament!!!
Woohoo on the dress, glad you get to keep it :-).
Roaches in the clothes? No wonder people get such good prices there!
Feel better soon, Valerie! *hugs*
I always said the gym was bad for your health ;o) LOL! Hopefully you feel better soon.
Ewwwwww!!!! That would be it for me :o( I would have probably run out naked! LOL!
Lovely ornament you received.
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