I've been lacking a lot of drive lately. I've been feeling pretty tired since I came back from New York. No other symptoms...just tired. I have no idea what it is. It would be helpful if I could just go to sleep at a decent hour but I force myself not to fall asleep at 6pm (when I'm sleepy) to go to sleep at a more acceptable time but next thing I know, it's midnight! How's that happen?
My sister's visit came and went in the blink of an eye. She finally saw my apartment. Climbing my 50 steps is a daunting task to most everyone I know. I oftentimes get the "uh, I'll wait for you downstairs" response when people are meeting up with me. I get it...I've fallen off the gym bandwagon and my thighs are burning by the time I reach my doorstep. Apparently, I need to get back to the gym...stat! But it was a treat for me to have my sister in my very own space and see how I have it decorated and understand why it's my sanctuary. At least I get to visit with her in two weeks so it's only a short absence.
Stitching was slow considering...but I managed to stitch the "Needles" portion of the Traveling Stitcher.

After putting the last stitch in "needles", I pulled out all my JCS ornie issues and ornie patterns and started planning which ornies I wanted to try to stitch before the end of the month. And then the threads. And then fabrics. And then I had a huge mess on my hands. As much as I like new starts, gethering all the supplies can be annoying. Missing overdyeds so I check my dmc and I'm missing those too. So I made a quick order and have to make a quick trip to Joann's to really get underway but I've made a decent start on an ornie. Ornies probably won't be shown though as I signed up for an exchange and will be going to my local stitching group's Christmas party so there are two ornie's I have to stitch up and finish(!) quickly. I wonder if I could stitch more...
My luck in blogland continues to run rampant. I won Robin's wonderful giveaway of some felted pumpkins. Thanks Robin! They will be a wonderful addition to my fall decorating. Here they sit with my etsy pumpkin and my TUSAL jar. The jar is getting more and more full. I love seeing the different colored orts and knowing what projects they came from!
I've been fighting some massive kitten fever. It takes so much effort on my part to not stop in on the adoption annexes I pass by. Each time I do...I see a kitten I just fall in love with and I think about said kitten for days afterwards until I can assure myself that he/she's been adopted. I think I need to kitten-proof my apartment and look for a feline companion. It's a little nerve-wracking because I've never had a cat before. I would love to have a dog but that won't happen anytime soon so a cat is my only option for a pet. I just wish a cat would stay kitten size forever!
I'm hoping the next post will be my NY recap post. I managed to get pictures from my friend...now to edit them. I've been...uh...lazy about the editing part.
Until next time...
Love your pumpkin display! Cats are great companions (when they're in the right mood LOL!) and are fun to have around. Good luck with your decision :)
Hi Valerie,
I hope that the fatigue that you are feeling passes soon. Congratulations on the pumpkins, they look great.
I understand the kitten fever too. We have one cat right now. She is about 14 and is really enjoying the quiet of being an only cat. Her sis passed in the spring.
Hope the rest of the week goes well.
Hope that tired feeling goes away -- not fun! Your traveling stitcher will be so pretty! I bet you can finish it (finish finish) with no problems. Congrats on winning the pumpkins -- so pretty!
As for the kitten, I think you should go for it. :D Just make sure you have all your stash nicely put away. You'll have to train the kitten to be nice about your fibers etc! lol!
How lucky winning the felt pumpkins from Robin - I'd admired them on her blog.
I too am in the process of browsing through JCS ornie issues - past and present - to decide what I'm stitching for gifts this year. If I'm honest, as time is ticking, I'm leaning towards the smaller, not-much-cross-stitch ornies! What a cheat huh?!
Congrats on the win!! Love how you displayed the pumpkins!
I can relate to feeling tired - I'm chalking it up to the change in the seasons - it would probably also help if I went to bed when I felt tired, instead of staying up late to stitch!
My middle son and I have been trying to break Daddy down into letting us get a kitten. Don't know if it is going to work or not though!
Can't wait to see what ornaments you pick to stitch!
Ohh Valerie, if you need help looking for a kitten I would love to. I grew up with cats and would love to have one but Licorice would probably terrioze the poor thing.
There is a lady in my building that walks her cat on a leash and has it toilet trained, yup just like the cat in meet the Fuakers. LOL It is a therapy cat.
I will not be able to attend the Christmas party :( WORK!! Ugghh but hopefully I will still see you at this months GTG.
Take care and hopefully you get back on a regular sleep pattern
Owning 3 of the monsters (cats) myself. If at all possible you should consider adopting an older cat. The advantages are many. Their personalities are established, so if you want a lap cat you can find one, or if you want one that isn't going to be sitting on you all the time you can find of those too. For the most part they've decided or learned that humans are not amusing and do not want to play at 3am. And when you get them at this age from a shelter or foster they're already fixed! You don't have to deal with the cone of shame, or the smell of cat that can't properly bathe itself for a day or two.
Also if you have to nap at 6pm, try setting an alarm so you only take a 20 minute nap. Hopefully that'll be enough to refresh you but not so much it keeps you up until the wee hours.
I am biased being a kitty owner, but they do make good company.
Nice collection of pumpkins, congrats on your win.
'needles' looks great, i really must make up my Travelling Stitcher' i think i said that this time last year LOL
Hope you get feeling better soon. I think it's the weather, because I sure have felt tired lately too. With daylight savings this week, we gained an extra hour, but now it gets dark at 5:30, which my body is responding to with a tired feeling.
Your pumpkins are really darling. Thanks for sharing the link, 'cause now I have a new friend to add to my list.
Your stitching "needles" case is really cute. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Take care, and many hugs!
I thought I had caught you up and you finish 'Needles'! It's very pretty and I am sure your 'finish' will be wonderful.
Congrats on winning those pretty pumpkins.
I can't wait to see your new kitty. I've always had cats but didn't replace my last one when she passed. I keep thinking about one now ...
I think it's the time difference and none stop business that is making you tired. I hope you will be able to find time to get fully rested soon.
A small finish is still a finish~~ I love your needle piece. It is beautifully stitched!!!!! I also love those pumpkins display!!! You are one lucky girl to win Robin's felted pumpkin!!! They are totally adorable~~
Sometimes I think of adopting a pet as well. I prefer dogs then cat, but kittens are so hard to resist!!! As much as I would love a companion, I do not dare to adopt one, I just don't know if I can handle all the responsibility yet.... But those cute faces are so hard to resist, aren't they?!
Congrats on your win.... AGAIN !!! Love your Traveler Stitcher... Make sure you rest, girl !!
You lucky girl, Valerie! That pumpkin fits right into your pumpkin display - very nice!
Sorry you are feeling the blues. Sometimes I think the seasonal change can do that.
I hope you find the right kitty for you. Maybe get two so they can keep each other company while you're at work? (tee hee, and here you were just thinking of ONE!)
Very cute finish! And congrats on the win, the pumpkins are terrific.
Love your finish. The colours are so pretty. Looking forward to seeing it all finished up.
Congratulations on winning the pumpkin. Love your display.
Hope you're feeling brighter soon.
Great little finish Valerie! Those pumpkins are so pretty - congrats on winning the giveaway. I know what you mean about wanting a kitty. I have wanted one for years, but the condo we are in doesn't allow pets. Hopefully, we'll be moving next year and then I'll be able to get one. I hope you do get one - I think it would be such nice company for you!
Your needlecase top looks lovely. I'm always nervous about finishing new ways but I'm sure you can do it.
Darn, stash shopping! I know how it is wanting to stitch something and not having everything at hand.
Kitten fever? You really should get one. Having someone else in the house when you come home makes all the difference in the world. And cats are so easy, no going outside and don't mind some new person feeding them if you must go away. I prefer old cats...kittens just drive me nuts but I admit they are precious.
Hope your energy returns soon, Valerie--it is probably a combination of the time change and your NY trip...
Love your little Traveling Stitcher Needles portion look wonderful--luscious colors.
Oh, I am feeling the need for a kitty, too. The B&B we stayed in for our stitching retreat had three and I just loved having them sit there with us while we stitched. Unfortunately, my husband is allergic--put up with our only cat for 14 years, but he says no more... Sigh! Go for it--they are wonderful company and very easy to care for!
Oh fun can't wait for the vacation pics :-). Hope you are feeling better soon.
Love the finish and gorgeous pumpkins.
Congrats on the win, and on the needle finish! I hope you're feeling less blah soon. Maybe it's the time of year? I know I get the November blahs, but then the weather here is a lot more bleak than it is there. I am glad you enjoyed your time with your sister. :)
I think my energy and yours have run away together. I need to get back to the gym too. I know it will make me more tired to begin with but eventually I'll feel better.
I just go the supplies for a few ornies but I'm not kidding myself - they're most likely a finish for 2011!
Can't wait to see you finish this project. I want to see how well you do before I attempt mine ;o)
Maybe a kitty would add some life to your home. Could that be what you need?
Glad you had a good visit with your sister. 50 steps? Wow. No elevator?
I looked on MaryKathryn's site for a tutorial and didn't see it?
Kittens are soooo adorable.
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