I won Day 28 of Missy Ann and Annette's 31 Days of Halloween Giveaway Extravaganza. Talk about lucky! And I was excited when I saw the sneak preview. I remember just seeing the broom and I thought...it must be the With Thy Needle and Thread Design. Guess what!
I also got a cute package from Melanie. I won her Boo Beads giveaway.

And then...yes, there's more! I received a package from Sharon - Daffycat! She sent me a wonderful RAK.
Well, I have no stitching to show because remember the stitch-ass session I was supposed to have on Sunday? Uh, yea...that didn't happen. I got all carried away dress shopping that I was exhausted and had already missed half the Giants game by the time I got home! I found the cutest dress that cost a small fortune! Why do dresses cost so much money?! So I am debating whether I keep the dress...but it's so cute! Ugh...the inevitable internal debate. I need to find a fun guy that will give me reason to wear a fun cocktail dress in the near future...
Speaking of Giants...Congratulations to my home team! They played with integrity. I'm a little disappointed in the fans though. Rioting, causing havoc and mayhem, setting mattresses on fire, climbing on fire engines and busses. Ummm, hello...you're trashing your own city! Gawd, I have no idea what is wrong with people! What is wrong with people?! I didn't even get to watch yesterday's game but I knew we won by the fireworks, honking and yelling.
My sister is visiting for the week. Yay! My parents can drive her bananas for a week...mental vacation time. Woot! *sigh* Probably means I won't get much stitching done. I've visited 3 times in less than a week and my dad tells me not to be a stranger. For reals?! Holy cow...they are a lot of work. I'm very happy to have my sister in town.
Well, I better head off to bed. Still feeling so tired! Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
Until next time...
wow, you have received some really cute things this week, but it's not over yet............Pumpkins are in the mail to you :-) Hope they get there soon!!!
Wonderful mail you've received! Wow! Lucky lucky! Congrats to the Giants! Hadn't heard about the fans and their destruction. That's too bad. Enjoy your sister's visit!
I love the broom! How adorable.
Keep the dress! It sounds like you love it...
YOWZA! Look at all the wonderful things packing your mailbox! I love the whisk broom with the With Thy Needle witchy (just got this myself (the patter) a few weeks ago)
Love the bling spooky beads!
And Sharon did you up righteous too!
Enjoy the visiting time with your sister, I'm sure that it a load of fun!
Love all the goodies you received - enjoy them all you lucky lady! Congrats on your Giants - even though they took out my Phillies :)
Enjoy the visit with your sister and I say keep the dress and plan a night out!!
You are a lucky one - what wonderful things you received in the mail! But I am lucky too...thank you for the birthday card and the wonderful thread. I posted in my blog about it this morning. It was exciting to start my day out by opening your card. Thank you!
Take care.
Awesome mail! Enjoy all your goodies...and Melanie does make the most awesome beads :)
Congrats on the Giants win...my Oldest was really excited about that. And enjoy your mental holiday and your sis' visit :)
Great exchange, keep the dress, and enjoy your sister's visit ;-).
Oh, you're on a real lucky streak, Valerie!! Love each one of your goodies...
You know what? I would say keep the dress--you'll always keep remembering it and wishing you had kept it if you return it. Treat yourself to a special purchase now and then--you're worth it :)
Have fun with your sister on her visit
Lovely gifts, the broom is really cute, i too won one of Melanies giveaways, my beads became a scissot fob too
Great gifts & prizes!!!
I say keep the dress to & enjoy it! Have a good time with your sister in town :)
Oh I love that stitched band piece VERY cute :) Wonderful gifts you recieved...
I know, why do people have to be so stupid. There is always a few bad apples in the good bag..
I would love to see this dress you bought. I am in need of a new dress for holiday parties but I hate spending any cash LOL
Take Care and enjoy your day!
Awesome gifts you got there!!!!! You are one lucky girl~~~
Enjoy the time with your sister~~~
:) :)
Sometimes I put a dangly on the zipper on my purse. Though that has never worked out for me very well as it's more visible and I end up giving it away to some stranger/kid who was admiring it in the grocery line or something. lol
Isn't it odd how all that "fun" mail seems to come at once? You've been keeping your post carrier busy this week!
I'm so pleased you liked my RAK! *hugs*
Congrats on the World Series !!! Look at you winning all those give aways !! You are right, the beads are so very cute, thanks for sharing the website, I love it.
You need to show us a picture of the cute dress, girl, and you don't need a fun guy to be able to wear it, just grab a bunch of nice girlfriends and go out for a super fun girls night out....maybe that's when you'll find the fun, cute guy :-)
You HAVE been on a lucky streak! LOL! Congrats on all your goodies :o)
Awesome mail haul! Love those beads.
I've gotta throw in with the "keep the dress" crowd.
SF was pretty tame compared to the crazies who were out after the LA Lakers won the NBA championship. I think more people get arrested after a *regular* Lakers game than got arrested Monday night. :p
What fantastic mail! Definitely so much better than bills! That broom is brilliant!
Have a great time with your sister:)
Wow! Darling mail you received. One lucky girl are you! Hope you have fun with your sister.
Congrats n all the goodies!
Wow, nice mail haul! It's always good to pull something stitchy out of the pile of sales stuff and bills! Enjoy your sister's visit. :)
Hi Valerie!
I've just found out your blog and I wanted to thank you for a kind comment you left on my blog.
And then I read and read and I want to tell you how sorry I feel about your parents' behaviour and how I deeply understand your ranting, including the one about guilt.
You don't have to move to stay away from people that you love, but who eat your vital space and won't let you live and never say thank you. Just don't answer the phone, leave it to the machines and be there only for real emergencies. And live without guilt. It will take you about five years to get there. Though I sometimes wonder if I have got there myself, and if I ever will... And I started that big me-first-programme aged 35. I'm 42.
Bon courage,
Lili Bear
Great mail stash! Let's see a pic of the dress!!
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