*I hope the teen that practically ran me off the road learns how to merge soon. You can keep your hands at 10 and 2 but that doesn't mean you're a safe driver.
*Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary.
*Spending time with stitchy friends is rejuvenating.
*I've decided to "let things go" and I feel better for it. I guess they call this "acceptance". Now, how do you change 30+ years of pessimism and negative thinking?
*Mind over mood, mind over mood. SERENITY NOW! Oops, I slipped a bit of Seinfeld in. Serenity Now, Serenity Now! Costanza/Stiller could always make me laugh.
*Should I rent that cottage in the woods for my birthday weekend? It's a long way off but peace, quiet, beach, trees sounds nice. Maybe I'll meet a lumberjack and he'll sweep me off my feet. I hope there aren't any wolf spiders in those woods. Spiders are scary!
*I'm wearing contacts today. First time in 4 months all because I managed to get a blemish where the nosepad of my glasses sits. Ouch! Guess this allows me branch out a bit and see the world through different lenses.
What else...hmmm. Oh yea, I've been meaning to write about this book I read. The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I had picked it up from the library and something about it caught my attention. I grabbed it as an afterthought.

Right now, I'm in the middle of reading Olive Kitteridge.

My stitching get together on Saturday was fun. I had a good time hanging out with the ladies and getting to know everyone a little better. I was serious about stitching though so I did my best to stay focused on my Mary. She's coming along. I still have 1 more motif to stitch in Part 4 and I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to finish it up tonight. Tomorrow will be my one week mark from the last post but I have dinner plans in the city which means no stitching or blogging tomorrow. But if I don't finish it tonight, I have another stitchy get together on Saturday and I know I will definitely finish then so I'll be back with a Mary Part 4 finish photo soon!
**sidenote: I do live pretty caffeinated because otherwise I'd be comatose and sleeping. I don't do mornings well at all. The caffeine brings about lots of random thoughts hence the recent posts. :)
Until next time...
I loved both those books!! You should read some of Kate Morton's other books too. She's good! Glad that kid didn't run you off the road. Your brand new car! Eeek! Cottage in the woods sounds nice.....
Hey--I LOVE the random thoughts! I plan to come back to your posts tomorrow to take some notes about the books and authors--too tired tonight! Hugs.
Olive Kitteridge was such an interesting book. Not what I expected at all. But, in the end ... I really liked it.
I know just what you mean about the mani/pedi thing. Was going to get some polish and yep .... broke a nail right down to the quick. YOWZA that hurt!
A stitching get together is always so much fun. Glad to hear you had a good time.
I have the book by Kate Morton sitting on my nightstand, waiting to be read - but I think I am going to tackle Game of Thrones first so that I can understand the show a bit better.
Hi there, from one Valerie to another (creates a bond).
Carol lent me the Kate Morton book and I loved it too !
I like reading your posts too and following your adventures and thoughts...
Keep breaking a (or several) nail(s) when they at last start looking like I could paint them and have elegant hands...
Both good books, we are reading Kate Morton's newest book in my book club this year.
Random thoughts are fun!!! Got to have that caffeine too, LOL.
Glad you enjoyed your stitching group have fun at the next one, can't wait to see Mary!
I love your random thoughts Valerie! You're too funny ;o)
Do it! Take a weekend for yourself. You never know what might happen.
Thanks for the book reviews. I'm always looking for new ones to read.
I love your random posts. It's the RACCOONS you have to worry about in the woods my friend. LOL I say go for it! I think that would be a small slice of heaven.
Ooo, I put both books on my Amazon wish list. I'm always on the look out for some good historical fiction. :)
Love your random thoughts Valerie:)
Yes, book the cottage in the woods with a beach!!!
Love random thoughts!
I'm reading the island by Victoria Hislop, which I think you might enjoy. I'm loving it!
I keep meaning to read Olive Kitteridge! You should definitely read Kate Morton's first book, The House at Riverton. I think it was her best out of the three that I've read. Another similar book that you'd love is Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale.
I've read the Forgotten Garden and House at Riverton, enjoyed them both very much.
Cottage in the woods sounds like heaven - go for it!!
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