*Why is it that when you are looking for something, you can't find one you like? Current dilemma...new purse. Everything nowadays looks large enough to carry my weekly groceries!
*How many calories do you burn off going to every Michael's store in search of DMC instead of hitting the gym like you're supposed to?
*How healthy can Avocado Ranch salad dressing be? Avocado = good source of fat. Ranch Dressing = ?!. I guess the fact the salad has bacon and ranch means I just ate an unhealthy meal. It was tasty though. I'll do better at dinner.
*Waking up at 1030am everyday for a week was luxurious. Waking up at 7am for work now is slightly torturous. 2 alarms and I can barely wake up! ZzzZzzzzzZzz
*I was told I am lucky I am single. I don't really feel that way though. Amazing how we want what others have. Married folks want to have space and be single. Single folks want to have someone to share their life with.
*I'm not sure a curvy body should wear spaghetti strap maxi dresses...at least not this one.
*I can't wait to get my new pedometer from Amazon. Time to (re)practice what I preach. 10,000 steps a day...here I come...eventually.
*Oh, and my new Roku! Thanks for all the recs and comments about it. That's on the Amazon order too.
*I forgot to order a phone ear thingie...what are those called? Nobody calls me until the minute I start driving! (Talking on a cellphone while driving is a ticketable offense here)
*I'm so happy to have working phone, internet and Tivo! And Stitchmate! If I didn't have to go to work, I'd never ever leave the house. EVER! Oh wait...10,000 steps. Dammit!
*46 more DMC to complete my collection. All the non-stitching people think I'm insane. I know you all get it. Will the next Michael's trip be a success to my collection? Love those 20% off coupons.
*If I concentrate on Mary Wigham, how much longer will it take me to finish??
As you can see, my brain's been buzzing.
Speaking of Mary, Here's what I've accomplished in a week. Not bad I suppose. Excuse the photo...it's nighttime and I snapped it quick.
Time to pack my stitching bag. Have a nice weekend!
Until next time...
Have fun at your stitching event. I loved this post - I have to check into that Roku. Hmmm, I want a Kindle too. Sounds like you had a lovely time sleeping in. Reality always has to come back to bite you though, doesn't it?
If you stitch REALLY quickly, can that count towards your "steps"? You know 4 stitches = one step?
Nah...probably not. I'm still trying to figure out a safe way to knit on the elliptical.
Interesting post! Well I am married and single lol as dh is always away. I could do with a break from the kids though! You can def finish up that page of Mary. Go for it. x
Oh have fun at the retreat thing! Even if just for the day. I liked reading your randomness. So glad you didn't lose your medallion and chain! Whew! And coincidence -- I've been looking for a new purse too! It's so hard since I've been using my old one for years and am used to it. (Isn't Amazon great? :D) Oh, and how do you know which DMC to pick up? Do you have a checklist? I so want a complete collection!!!! Your Mary is looking great too.
Enjoy your retreat Valerie! Glad you didn't lose your necklace. MW is looking wonderful, I'm sure you can get that page finished!
Sleeping until 10.30am is an unheard of luxury here, even at the weekends, as the cats are usually demanding breakfast by 7am! (I usually let DH get up and deal with it :evilgrin: )
I love ALL of your thoughts!!! I should get a pedometer. I just went to the doc and she recommended I lose 20 pounds. I really need to lose 60. So, I am done. I have been eating less, not as much junk, and walking with my ipod every morning around the neighborhood. I even have been parking WAY in the back of parking lots to get more exercise in. You would be surprised how it adds up. So, 10000 steps is the recommended?
Loved your random post!! Sorry to hear about your necklace - hopefully you can find a new chain that will do it justice!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and that reality doesn't bite you that hard!
Love Mary!!! She's gorgeous.
And yes, I think your brain is working overtime, LOL. I don't know, I enjoyed being single, it's been a long time ;-), and I am happily married, wouldn't change a thing. I think you have to embrace where you are at??? It's so easy to give advice and lots harder to 'live it'.
Glad you didn't lose your grandmother's medallion, so maybe it should have been a good week :-)??? And I like Coach purses!
Valerie, I laughed when I read this post - lots of wonderful random thoughts. Have you been drinking a lot of coffee to come up with them? lol.
The purse thing - I must agree. It's crazy that so many are gigantic and if it was filled you could seriously injure yourself (myself anyway!).
Have fun at your stitching retreat. BTW, love your new car!
I love your randomness Valerie :) It made me smile.
Your Mary Wigham is beautiful. I am sure you can finish that page :)
LOL Chuckled as I read this random post...Glad you could rescue the necklace!!
Have a great time at the stitching retreat...
Well this is my 3rd attempt at posting. I keep getting service unavailable. Anyways Let me know what DMC colors you need. You wouldn't believe what I have.
I completed my DMC collection when I was in the States last year. Lots of bright colours I'll probably never use... but I have them all and it makes me happy. Yup, I get it!
Love your random post~~ I can picture the inside of your head turning!!!
Great progress on your Mary!!! Mine have not seen the light of days for a while..... I always tell myself to pick it up everytime I saw yours. Thanks for reminding me of Mary~~
I hope you have a lovely day with your stitching group friends--believe me, they'll all understand the quest to own all 400+ DMC colors!
Love your progress on MW and I'll be curious to hear all about your new Roku. I've never even heard about that, but I'm always way behind the times as far as technology is concerned--we don't even have Tivo!!
Hope your weekend is a fun one, Valerie--will email you soon :)
What a fun post - thanks for thinking out loud! I'm glad you were able to hold on to grandma's medallion; that would have been a hard loss to accept. As for the dressing, make your own with bottled light Ranch dressing and add some avocado (some chunks and some smashed). This is how a waiter at Ruby Tuesday told me they make it! Enjoy your day trip!
Have fun at your stitching event!!!! :)
A few random thoughts in response...
7am start is luxury in my book! I'm currently woken several times through the night by my hungry little guy!
Have you had a look at Radley purses? I've had them for about 10 years now and always go back for another when one wears out!
I have a post-pregnancy curvaceous body and will be wearing maxi dresses this summer with a myriad of coloured shrugs/cardigans!
Since getting the goats, I now need to get up at 6 am, including weekends, to do my chores. Ugh. But I try to concentrate on something good from getting up so early - hearing a bird song, noticing a particularly fine breeze blowing, enjoying the relative silence around me, etc. Good luck with your early mornings. :)
Your stitching looks great, and yes, IMHO, searching for stitching items does count as exercise. As for spaghetti straps and curvy bodies, I sure wish they were considered a good match. I hate wearing sleeves in the summertime but age and weight seem to dictate that I should cover my upper arms to be decent. Ugh.
I am so glad that you were able to rescue that necklace. What a terrible shame if it had gotten lost.
Your Mary is looking wonderful.
I don't think I want to be single, but I sometimes do envy them the freedom - but not enough to trade.
Your random post reminds me of my brain. Sometimes my brain files need purging, and out it comes. LoL! Glad I'm not alone. I love, love, love being married..you are so right, though. Grass is usually greener across the way, huh?
Your Mary Wigham is beautiful!!
Years ago my Mom was helping me try and get all the DMC colors. We were close and then they came out with about 40 more. We gave up. But I still buy colors I don't have a project for. One of my sons came home with 3 plastic divided boxes of floss most of it on the little cardboard things. He said a friends wife said "take this to your Mom I'm never going to use" They were going through a family members stuff. He said "I took it beacause I thought it would be worth a lot". Good son he knows what his Mom like. He got me a rose bush for MD. I told him he could decide where to plant it because be he would be mowing around it, LOL!
I too am single now and sometimes wish there was someone to share things with. But, that's not happening for me. Hope you find someone if you truly want someone in your life. Good luck.
So glad you didn't lose your necklace! Good for you for getting back to your 10,000 steps - it takes a lot of walking to hit that! Mary is looking beautiful - cheering you on to finish the page! Enjoy your stitching event!!
You've got to try and turn that mind off!
Fantastic progress on your MW! It looking really good :o)
Hope you had fun at the stitching event and enjoyed the journey in your new wheels!
Awesome goings on! Wish I knew someone to loan me a test-run floorstand! :o
So glad you got your tech services all sorted--what a pain!
I do understand about your DMC collection, though my goal is one of those thread sample palettes (with the real samples, NOT the pictures) from them. :D
Oh, also, love the new shades and car! :D
Love your MW! It's a long-standing WIP for me too, and I'm feeling so guilty about it...
Joanns Fabrics has DMC on saleMay 27th-30th, 3 for 99 cents.
I like your random thoughts posts- very entertaining!
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