In spite of the sad news, I tried to rally and have a good time. Friday, Claire and I got together at our favorite place, NOPA. I've mentioned this restaurant so many times, I won't get into it much other than to say it never disappoints and we had a lovely meal even though we were brave and strayed from our usual. This time we split a smoked trout appetizer, a halibut entree with a side of greens and splurged on a slice of butterscotch icebox pie and a chocolate cake. Sinful, yet delicious. Gosh, I love that place!
Saturday, I was a very sleepy attendee at my stitch-in. Since I'm bummed, my mojo is floundering but I figured I should get out of the house and see people instead of being a depressed hermit in my lovely apartment. So I rallied and had a nice visit with the ladies and stitched a bit, talked a bit, yawned a bit and ingested as much caffeine and sugar to keep me as alert as possible. It kind of worked since I managed to finish Part 4 of Mary Wigham. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary. She kind of drives me nuts. I'm having an issue with the yellows and pinks since my original choice of colors sometimes blend into the fabric. I ended up choosing CC Queen Bee for the yellow flower motif. It's a tad bright but I think I like it. At least it shows up a lot better than the Straw I was trying to use.
WIPS are driving me nuts and when you add in the floundering mojo, I'm just not really "feeling it". I'm setting Ms. Mary aside for a little bit and I've put Where my Heart Blooms on the floor stand and pulled out a small BOAF WIP just in case. They both have the muted color issue though so I'm not sure how successful my stitching pursuits will be this week but I'm not about to start something new now. I must finish a WIP before I have a new start and I feel pretty determined about that.
Yesterday, I asked a friend to the movies and we went and saw Water for Elephants. Have you all read this book? It's wonderful and whereas, I wasn't happy with the casting selection for Marlena and Jacob, I was pleasantly surprised and thought it was a well-done movie. I really enjoyed it. The movie, of course, skipped over a lot from the book but I think they still did it justice. Afterwards, was just a quick lunch and a lot of Tivo watching. I finally managed to hook up the Roku and put a lot of movies on my Netflix queue but was tired by the time I was done that I haven't tried it out. I hope to do that this week.
I may just be blathering about movies and books for the next couple of weeks instead of stitching! I hope I don't bore you all. I finally finished Olive Kitteridge and started House at Riverton by Kate Morton. I'm excited to read it and have heard great things about this book and if it's anything like The Forgotten Garden, I'm sure to enjoy it!
This week, I'll be brainstorming hairstyles. I feel like I need a new look...some sort of change so I have a hair appointment at the end of the week. I'm not sure what to do. Now, it's a long layered look which I like but am a little bored with. I've been really frustrated with my hair lately as it just seems to shed and shed. Age? Stress? And the new growth seems to be coming in grey! I've managed to avoid it this far but looks like things are catching up to me. I'm getting old! I'm not ready to color it but just want something fun and complimentary.
Well, time to watch a movie on the Roku. Hope you all had a great weekend!
Until next time...
So sorry your friend is moving, Valerie. Its always hard when that happens. I do hope that you will follow up on your good ideas to be a bit more social.
Your Mary is looking so nice - keep plugging away on her.
Valerie, I am sorry, it's always hard. I'm usually the one that moves and also find it difficult to get out in a new place to make friends. It's happening right now. I've lost interest in my Mary but yours is looking good.
What a bummer about your friend. Sorry -- I tend toward being a hermit so I hear you on the social stuff. Your Mary is beautiful! House at Riverton is really good too! Just as good as The Forgotten Garden -- you'll love it!
Valerie, I've always admired your determination to meet new people and be involved. It's hard to find someone to be a super close friend.
If you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it. Nothing wrong with that at all. I always turn to reading too.
You're doing great with MW! Sorry about your friend moving....
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that your friend is moving! I know how hard it is to find friends. I am trying to do that but it seems like everybody already has their friends and don't need more--which one person actually said! I recently read a little sign on Pinterest that said, "I love my computer because my friends live in it.", and that is sooooo me. Thank God for the innernets! ;)
Your stitching is beautiful! Go with what trips your twanger. If the muted colors aren't doing it for you, treat yourself to a new start. I can't wait to hear what you think of The House at Riverton. I loved that book! You should consider joining Good Reads. It's wonderful for picking out new books.
Good luck with the hair style stuff. I feel like I've had a variation of the same cut since my 20s and I look stupid but I go back for the same thing over & over again. As for losing hair, get your thyroid levels checked. I had that problem and it was due to my thyroid.
So sorry about your friend moving!!!! Big Hugs.
Hope things settle soon and you find a couple of good social outlets :-).
Love Mary, she's so pretty!!!!
That stinks about your friend. (Well not for know what I mean. lol) Every time I've moved I've lost friends and it seems so hard to make new ones. (Especially as I'm childless and women at this age.......not so much with that. I think they don't know what to do with me or something.) I always find fun stuff to do on that site if I'm feeling TOO hermit-y. Walking groups, movie watching groups, etc.
Have fun with your Roku box! I just started watching the Sons of Anarchy show on streaming and it's really good. I hope they get the Season 3 stream going soon so I can catch up to the show in 'real time'.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend moving. I can totally relate to it, as I'm the one moving around so much. Sometimes I felt it is harder to make true friends as we grow older, so it is always difficult for me when it's time to part with friends. I admire your courage to venture out. Sometimes you would find a friend in the lease expected place!!!
Sorry to hear about your friend moving. It is good to get out and meet people every so often though. Your Mary W. is looking fantastic - I think the yellow is perfect. I can't wait to see Water For Elephants - I absolutely loved the book!
I'm listening to "The Distant Hours" on audiobook right now. I love Kate Morton!
Sorry you're bummed. It is hard to make new friends. Most of my friends had their kids way before me and so when my daughter was born I forced myself to go to storytime at the library and mommy and me walks in the park. Sometimes the other moms were really young and I felt out of place or they already had their little cliques. Eventually I found a nice, but small group of friends with kids the same age as mine. You just have to keep getting out there and being friendly, which we all know you are great at anyway!
I'm putting NOPA on my list for when our conference comes to SF in November.
I'm sorry to hear that your friend is moving. i've been through that a couple times and it always leaves a hole in your heart. But getting out even when you don't want to will do you a world of good. There are so many people to meet and things to do. You'll have new friends in no time.
Your stitching looks wonderful, but if it bores you now, jump to something else. There are no rules in stitching. It may be just the thing to get you back to muted colors.
And good luck with the hair cut. I'm one of those people whose probably only cut their hair out of the style I'm wearing now once in the past 25 years. i guess I'm a creature of habit.
I know how you feel - and you're doing the right thing, trying to get yourself out there to meet people, even though the effort of it is utterly exhausting and draining. After awhile, it'll be less of an effort and more of a pleasure. Really!
I'm sorry you're feeling so down about your friend. I think trying to find other activities to do is a good idea, it helps you to meet new people and sometime you meet people who turn into great friends in the strangest places.
MW looks beautiful. I'll be thinking of you.
I'm sorry ot hear your friend is moving. I don't find it easy to make friends so I'd feel bummed too.
Your Mary Wigham is looking fantastic.
Good luck with the hair cut. I'm growing mine after having it short for a few years but it's starting to annoy me!
Your progress is looking lovely ;)
That's a bummer :o( It must be hard meeting new people in such a big city. That's why I like small towns.
MW is looking great!
Wasn't Water For Elephants awesome???? I was much happier with the book but the movie was good too :o)
Its a bummer when people leave our lives for whatever reasons. I do beleive that people come and go for a reason. Hopefully you will get out thre and maybe meet someone really cool or have some really cool opportunities come your way!
Mary does look nice, I hope you find that mojo!
So sorry to hear that your friend is moving. Changes like that are never nice.
Your Mary Wigham is looking fantastic.
I'm sorry to hear your friend is moving, it's not easy when someone is such a big part of your life. I find it difficult to make friends too, there just too much drama for me most of the time and I simply can't be bothered with it all. I spend a lot of time alone with my stitching, reading, watching TV, movies and I actually enjoy it (probably a little bit too much).
I like your progress on MW but I understand how difficult it is to stick with one larger project! I hope you are feeling better soon :)
I'm finally trying to catch up on my favorite blogs after being away, Valerie :) I'm sure having your friend head back east is difficult. Both my best friend and my sister moved away three years ago and I remember how abandoned I felt. Thank goodness I found all you dear blogging friends!
MW is looking very, very pretty--hang in there. You'll be glad you finished her in the end.
Water for Elephants was one of my very favorite audio-books--just loved it. I'll wait and see the movie when it's out on DVD...
Good luck with your hair changes! My hairdresser gets bored with cutting mine the same way for the past 11 years, but I still get compliments on it from strangers at work, so it must not look that bad :)
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