Wow, thanks to everyone for voting! I had over 70 votes! Where is everyone when it comes time to comment?! Ok, fess up...who voted twice? =D I was watching the poll like a hawk last night after work to see what was in the lead and I could tell it was going to be Favorite Spot Sampler. I was shocked! I didn't think this design was on anyone's radar. I haven't seen anyone working on it. Or talking about it. Nothing! I was also surprised that the stocking didn't get very many votes.
Of course, you guys picked the design I was the least prepared to stitch! I just received the pattern on Friday and I knew I had fabric and threads for it but where were they!? The closet got ransacked and I plopped myself on the living room carpet to find my threads and figure out what linen I was going to use. Here is a snap of my start.
I've made more progress tonight since I took this picture and will try to stitch a bit more on it since it's still early west coast time. I received the needed thread to finish my Almost Halloween thanks to Natasha who sent me a little bit so I can finish. Thank you Natasha! I am going to try to do that tomorrow in between attending a work event, going to pub/chess afternoon and trying to make beef stew. I do have to say that I miss having a boy that cooks but I do not miss any of the related drama. This cooking stuff though really takes time away from my stitching! But sometimes a single girl needs to eat something more substantial than salads and popcorn....not together, of course.
Today, I went to the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival! So much fun! And I bought myself my very own little pumpkin patch! Wait til you all will fall in love. I need to take photos during the day. I, of course, forgot my camera and didn't remember until we were sitting in traffic at a standstill. No way to turn back at that point. So I have no photos to show of the actual festival. Seeing how bad my photos are, perhaps I spared you all. lol
Ok, time to catch up on blogs, try to send emails (maybe) and stitch a bit more.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend! And thanks again for the voting!
Until next time...
Hi, It looks like you have made a great start! I voted for the stocking :( so will have to wait for that one. At least people voted - I only got two votes! But they are commenters too. It turns out that I havent had a chance to stitch ANYTHING this weekend. I am off out now to buy some ....wool! Have fun stitching today :)
Nice start! Look forward to seeing it grow.
Looking forward to seeing your Halloween finish and to seeing this one grow!
I don't know about everyone else but I absolutely love participating in a poll! I voted for HallowEden as I've stitched that one and it was fun. Funny how it was the project you least expected to stitch that won.
Congratulations on the new start! Sometimes it is nice to have someone help you decide what to stitch :)
Oh I'm glad this one won! I think this is a fun design and of course, I love Sound of Music. :D As for the Pumpkin Festival -- sounds like fun! Looking forward to seeing your little pumpkin patch. (I wish I could go to Half Moon Bay.....) Cooking -- bleagh!!!!
Ohh, very nice start! I love the fabric and think it's a great choice for those white parts to show up on.
Great start! I think picking a fabric that white will show up but not swallow all the other colors is the hardest of all.
Great choice and you have made a quick start on it. Pumpkin festival - sounds fun. We went to a fall festival yesterday and had a great time. For once, I DID remember my camera. :o)
Great start, Valerie. I voted for this one. I thought it would be a quick stitch. I'm not a big Shepherd's Bush fan, really. I do like the Adam and Eve sampler but I thought this one was more for the season. Can't wait to see the finish!! Good Luck
Wow - once you got the votes in, you really got a great start on your new project! Keep up the good work: I look forward to seeing it grow.
I picked that one because it seemed to satisfy that 'instant gratification' thing more than the others. Easy to put together, fast to stitch, etc. :)
Have fun at the festival!!
YEAH!! I look forward to seeing the progress. I jave NO clue what new designs are out there anymore what with taking a million years off from stitching, but hopefully I am back LOL
I really wanted to go to the Festivle over in HMB, but I knew traffic would be a nightmare. I might wait till next Sunday ;) I hope you enjoy your stew. Maybe sometime this week I will have a blog update, its only been a month Hahah
Take Care Friend
Ooooh I missed the vote as I'm so behind on your blog! Looks like you made a lovely start on a lovely design.
Nice start you got there!!! I think it is such a cute pattern~ The Pumpkin Festival sounds like fun!!!! Can't wait to see your pumpkin patch~
Good start.
Pumpkin festival sounds a great trip out.
Lol - popcorn and salad?! If I were single I'd live on cereal (and probably be 10lbs lighter!)
Boo hoo, I voted for the stocking. I haven't seen anyone in blogland stitch one of these for a while and I have a couple in my stash.
Looking forward to photos of your pumpkin patch.
Nice start Valerie :)
Okay, I'm a little (very) late in voting. Been trying to catch up with my blog reading still. Nice start on Favourite Spots Sampler. It's a cute design. I find it hard to believe you actually have nothing to stitch on! LOL! Me, I have too many WiPs :P
I missed the vote, Valerie (was out of town with no computer all weekend--yikes!), but that is the one I would have voted for, also... Such a cute piece...
Looking forward to seeing what you purchased at the pumpkin festival!
Great choice and great start! Can't wait to see what you brought home from the pumpkin festival!!
Hi Valerie, I'm here and I'm commenting :P (and no I just voted once on this one it looked so cute, that I wanted to see more) and I'm happy to see your progress :) it's really gorgeous, I'll be waiting for more :)
Beautiful start Valerie!
Can't wait to see your pumpkin patch :o)
Great new start, and I love the fabric. Sometimes the peice no one is working on is the one everyone wants to see.
Nice your fabric choice :)
Well, drats.... I missed out on voting! :) Great start on this, Valerie.
I'm sure your pumpkin patch was very cute!! :D
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