*Ever wonder what searches bring people to your blog? Here are some of mine:
-dating unemployed men
-stop sending me game (not entirely sure what this means!)
-single forever (at least I'm not the only one thinking this)
-at what point do you definitely know that you'll be single (uh, you'll know!)
-bunny says put your hands up (=/...since when do bunnies talk or dance? )...Put your hands in the air like you just don't care....heyyyy. Oh sorry, got a little carried away there.
*Between the dismal dating results and the parental mind games, I am feeling slightly melancholy and lonely. I am trying to not let it get to me. Usually booking my social calendar helps but it's a slow week and I am trying to reserve my $$ for NY and time to figure out what I want to do and where I want to be ahead of time...especially since I will have to rely on the molasses slow speed of the internet on my Blackberry while I am there.
*Last week, I went to the Apple Store and misheard "sixteen" for "sex change". I was really tired that day. Made the Apple employee laugh!
*There are eskimos controlling the HVAC at work and I was sitting at my desk with a wool jacket on and my hands and nose are frozen! Helloww...can barely type with frozen fingers! It's warmer outside than it was inside. I have to wear a turtleneck to work but can get by with short sleeves outside. I am really nervous that I am going to freeze my butt off in NY. Is it really going to snow this weekend?!
I'm baking a pumpkin bread for a work birthday potluck. The smell is almost too much to bear! How will I control myself from eating a slice tonight?! Mmmmmm....
Has it gotten dark and cold where you live? Brrrr...the force of the hermitting is great!
It's TUSAL time! I got a lot in my jar due to Christmas Rules, Almost Halloween and the frogging from that as well.
I also have a finish! But I'll have to wait to take a photo over the weekend. Favorite Spot Sampler needs to be pressed and I need some daylight in order. And I even started my next project. Unveiling to come!
Happy Friday Folks! Thank goodness! This has felt like the l.o.n.g.e.s.t. week ever!
Happy Friday Folks! Thank goodness! This has felt like the l.o.n.g.e.s.t. week ever!
Until next time...
Lol! We must be living parallel lives :) I am a 30 something single girl (although I don't date)going to NYC (in November and it will be my first time in US), I permanently mishear people much to my friends enjoyment :) and I am sooooo glad its Friday! I hope you start to cheer up now the weekends here. And yes, it is dark here, and foggy, and damp and cold especially when I leave for work at 7am (45 min walk!) and it gets a lot worse when its snowing! Brrr! We gain an hour this sunday which I plan to spend snuggled up in bed watching bad TV :)
Going to get darker earlier from this weekend, we alter the clocks here in the uk, big bonus is an extra hour in the comfy chair, stitch production should increase don't you think.
My Blackberry sucks ass also for getting on the internet as well. My contract is up on nov 2 and I am hoping to get the HTC Rhyme. I love this weather! I am a jeans and sweater kind of girl.
I have to tell you, iPhones aren't exactly speedy in NYC. I speak from experience of my DD's iPhone. :D They do ok, but they don't go at regular wifi speeds.
How do you check how people found your blog?? Cool stuff!
I think -- and hope! -- this snow thing is a fluke. After this weekend we're back in the low 50's again. And they're calling for 1 to 3 inches, not a whole slew. But yes, I'm freaking out about snow so early. I sure hope this doesn't bode another horrid winter like last year. I can't take it.....
dark, cold, rainy, London's a great place in Autumn.. it's going to rain from now til April.
But as another commenter said, the clocks go back this weekend, I'm already looking forward to the extra hour in bed.
I just looked at the stats information regarding my blog - where people come from to visit mine and the searches. Most my visitors come Edgar's blog, which somewhat surprised me. But the searches didn't surprise me much: hockey mom, hockey mom stitch, hockey mom fabric...but gas station air and pumpkin carving NHL were very interesting searches.
Well, my friend, I hope you have a nice weekend. Maybe the cool fall air will help you feel better. Take care!
Oh yes! Snow here this weekend! Ugh!! I'm so not ready - hopefully it won't stick around long!
Beautiful ORT jar, Valerie! I love the little pumpkin too.
Have a great trip to NYC Valerie but keep warm and safe!
Oh, how I enjoy reading your blog posts, Valerie. You always make me smile...I love you wit!
Have a great time in NY and yes, this darker weather has me yearning to become a hermit as well!
I love the fact that "bunny" brings people to your blog!! I just checked mine and I have "big fat gray cat"!! Perhaps you've mentioned lots of bunnies in your post?!! Have fun in NY lucky girl!! I've dreamed of going there so I can't wait to see and hear about your trip! Hopefully you will get my package before you go (fingers crossed it comes Monday!!).
Have a great weekend!! :)
It is, in fact, snowing a great deal here in CT this weekend, so dark and cold is definitely on the menu. I'm battling it by drinking cup after cup of various different teas. :)
(I got this new one called Almost Nutella that is to *die* for. YUM.)
I really enjoy your random posts. I LOL'd at eskimos controlling the HVAC.
Stay warm and have a great weekend!
I just love reading what searches bring people to my blog, too--some of them are just plain weird!!
Hopefully, things will have warmed up for you by the time your NYC trip rolls around--we all got snow here in the east, but luckily, we got a meager 2 inches here in western PA...
How can you tell what searches people have used????
Hope you have a great time in NYC. Maybe that will boost your spirits :o)
Dark when I get up. Dark when I get off work. Bleah. I'm ready for Spring already!
Are you tripping to NY by yourself?
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