Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Crazy Busy!

I noticed I haven't really written in a while and it's due to loads of things. Initially, I went through a blue phase because a few people I considered friends completely and totally forgot my birthday. I realize that as we get older, we get busier but acknowledging a birthday doesn't really take a lot of effort. An e-card, email, text message, a call or a mailed birthday card. Each takes about 2-5 minutes. Not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things. So needless to say, my birthday was not the greatest this year. It taught me to not really have expectations of others if you didn't want to be disappointed.

Since I've been fairly blue, I've been keeping to myself and picking up things that I hadn't had time to do in a while...reading, stitching, watching loads of Tivo, watching videos and shopping. Way too much shopping! Gah!!

I've also cut back on dating. I was seeing this really nice guy the last month and a half but despite having many commonalities, I didn't feel a romantic connection. So I let him know that we would be better off as friends and that it was probably in my best interest to take a dating break. It was hard at first. I left my profile up and still logged in to check but didn't contact anyone. No one's really been contacting me either. But I slowly came to accept that it would be a good idea to just take everything down and take the time for myself instead of strangers. Plus, everyone says that you meet someone when you least expect it and maybe Match isn't where I will meet my special someone. So down came everything and it's been good.

Although, I do think it's interesting that the moment you really aren't into dating, guys resurface. The firefighter from a pervious post resurfaced and apologized for his disappearace. I've emailed him a couple of times but I'm too busy with my own things right now to just sacrafice the little bit of free time I do have. I do want to see what he's up to though. I will call in time to fulfill the curiousity but I do have to admit that I am acting a bit like a girl. He made me wait so now it's his turn. Another guy resurfaced...someone I'd been talking to off and on via email. He lives in the East Bay though so that may as well be the end of the earth to me. Not to mention he only talks about me going to his side of the bay to meet but he never talks about him coming over here. How come I have to do all the work?! Why can't he suggest to come here instead of waiting for me to go there. I think he'll be waiting a mighty long time if that's how he thinks things work!

Work is gearing back up which I like and am looking forward to...lots of recruitments in the future.

Now all I need to do is get through the holiday season!

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