Over the weekend I managed to finish the stitching on my CCN Peace Ornament. I used the recommended fabric and threads and I do have to say...it's kind of big for an ornament. I think I'd have been better off on 32 or 36 count but that's ok. It was a nice transitionary project to work on to help me get out of my stitching slump and I like how it came out. I didn't have time to actually finish this into an ornament but that will have to be a project for another day!

28 count Lakeside Linens Patina
Recommended DMC
I've diligently been working on Edgar's QFRR the past couple of nights. Excuse the photo but I was too lazy to take it out of the q-snap and it's little cozy to take a proper snap. You get the gist though. I had really wanted to finish that one motif but it got too late to keep my eyes open. You can tell I only need to put in a few more stitches to finish it and then I have two more large motifs to stitch before I can sent this onto it's next destination. This is the first time I have stitched with Vikki Clayton silk and it is very different than most silk I've worked with. It has very nice coverage...must be premium. Nice! I really like the color combination that Edgar picked which I of course can't remember now but I will report that when I finish my section.

Since I've found my mojo, I keep bouncing around ideas as to what my next project will be. I am still working on the BC Snappers but haven't touched them since I discovered my big border mistake of 2009! I must start frogging and repairing the border. Since that seems tedious...I need a fun project. I was thinking about starting the Mirabilia - Letter G as a gift for *the boy's* niece. We've been tossing around the idea of a trip to Italy in October and the neice's birthday is in September so I figure it will be fun and a nice present that she can keep forever! Even if we don't make the trip this year, the gift will be readyfor when we do make the viist and that project seems less daunting than starting Fairy Moon right now. Plus, that gives me the chance to go fabric shopping as that's the only thing I need!
To motivate me a little, I joined Yoyo's Totally Useless SAL. You basically start an orts jar and show your progress on every new moon. So...it's totally easy plus, I'll have a colorful jar at the end of the year of all my orts! Of course, I have to keep stitching to have a colorful jar so stitching I must do! I went to Goodwill to find a cheap jar with lid and found the perfect one and have started to contribute to it tonight with the QFRR scraps.
Here's a cute little tidbit. When my mood is in the dumper, I tend to go into a "I want a pet" phase and since I love dogs but am not allowed to have any in my apartment, I start looking at cats. My favorite being an orange tabby. Now, I've never had a cat before but the idea of a little orange tabby makes me happy and I always think it would be nice to have a cat to pet that purrs and keeps me company. Now, *the boy* has lately been listening to me yap on and on about orange tabbys and looking for totes but not finding any I like and how I am so behind on stitching and need to carry my stuff around with me to maximize project output. Poor guy...he's been getting an earful! So, yesterday, I opened my mailbox and found a "surprise" package with this tote inside! *The boy* was browsing around on CafePress and saw this and thought it might cheer me up and it did. It was a very sweet gesture! It's not my usual taste seeing as my other tote is all *i heart goth* but it's growing on me. Insert *awww* here! =)

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend and you have a fun and stitchy week.
Until next time...