Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesdays Are My Stitchy Night

Wow...Tuesday again! The days are just flying by!

I had mentioned that I have been stitching but not a lot really. I had grand intentions of spending most of Monday evening stitching as I was skipping yoga due to the early morning wakeup call needed to take my dad to the hospital. I was sleepy and yawning by 11am! I am not a good morning person at all. But Monday night brought about issues like filing my federal and state tax returns, sorting through mail and finding a new personal physician. You know...fun stuff...NOT! But I've been stitching away at my Peace ornament when I can find a spare 10 minutes here and 15 minutes there. I haven't much left to stitch...just a couple more leaves and the flowers. This will be a happy dance by the weekend.
My Tuesdays haven't been very stitchy lately and today won't be very stitchy either. After the tragedy in Oakland over the weekend, it made me think of a dear friend of mine who is a police officer who I hadn't heard from in a while. Busy lives...busy people...we all lose track of time. I sent her an email to say hi and see if we could catch up and ends up her father is in a dire health situation as well as another member of her family. So dire that it doesn't seem like either will make it to the end of the year. It's all quite sad and she is spending most of her days off travelling about trying to take care of everyone. Today was the only day that worked between our schedules to catch up over dinner and I'd like to see her in person to just make sure she's coping ok. I think that's more important right now than making a few more x's in my stitching. It's surprising to see, read and hear how many people are having health issues or tragic things happen to them so far this year. I, myself, have been dealing with a lot of muscular pain in my neck and shoulder lately and I think it's time I did something about it. New doctor will hopefully bring about new treatment ideas. I'm quite upset at this since my last doctor (the one I switched from yesterday) had prescribed me a muscle relaxer which made me very fatigued and drowsy. When I told her I could not perform my normal daily functions on this medication, she prescribed me valium (stronger) and told to file a worker's comp claim! I refused both...what kind of doctor is that?! I just need a doctor that will give me positive forms of treatment like a couple of visits with a physical therapist to show me proper stretching exercises to target my pain areas. I hope this new doctor can do something like that for me. I hope everyone is in good health.

Lately, I've become an Etsy fanatic! I've been searching high and low for a new tote bag to carry my daily needs like book, stitchy project, bottle of water, camera and snacks, and haven't been able to find anything I really like that is big enough. This is hard since I want something fun, not pink and definitely not floral. It's really hard! I have bought this so far off of Etsy though.
There is a "i heart goth" tote which is cute and fun but not quiet sturdy enough for my rough handling. But I will use it and have fun with it until it falls apart. I love the print and all the others that this particular designer has. It was quite inexpensive considering original artwork and it came all the way from Scotland! I love how she looks all innocent but has a skull barrette, faint skull and crossbones pattern on her shift and very faint burgandy red highlights. It makes me laugh each time I see it. Reminds me of many days of me wearing constant black and sporting dark burgandy hair that would look so bright under any lighting. Ah, those were the days! There are two Q-Snap covers (in white), a pinpillow pattern from M Designs and 2 bookmarks from Belgium on the left which will come in handy now that I am actually reading. The Bookmark seller included a couple of small scraps with her prints on them as well as a very kind note on a postcard. All those can be used as placemarkers in books and magazines too! I thought that was very kind! I'm still on the search for a fun tote...not necessarily all teenagy and goth like this one...but fun, non-floral and no pink. If you have any leads...let me know!

Well, that's the extent of my stitchy Tuesday. I hope people are getting more stitchy time in than me but the good news is I have a quiet Thursday and Friday night and I think that since I scheduled a ton of appointments this weekend, it will be solo Valerie running around and *the boy* will be staying on his side of the bay. That would mean more stitchy time for me. Woo! Which is good as I have some serious time to spend with a QFRR before I send it onto it's next destination point.

Until next time...


Theresa said...

I love that bag!!!! The girl is so cute~~~
I've tried to catch up with my friends once in a while, too!!! One really has to make an effort for it now a days to stay in contact. Hope you will have a quality time with your friend tonight.

Melissa said...

I hope that you find a doctor that will give you some positive forms of treatment. I hope that you and your friend will have a nice visit today. It's nice to have a friend like you to be there for a friend who is going through a hard time.

Hazel said...

Lovely Peace piece! I haven't bought anything from Etsy yet. Just peeked. xx

Cheryl said...

Really like that peace piece!
A good doc is invaluable. I had a great doc but then we moved house and i really miss her!
Enjoy your weekend. Have enjoyed reading through your blog :)

Ann Marie said...

Love the tote, as much as I loved your burgundy hair. :) Good luck with the quest for a new doctor; drugs are an easy way out, but not always the right answer. Any way you'd consider trying out pilates with C?