Nothing new or exciting going on. I spent the little stitching time I had last week working on the border for the Boo Club. I ripped out the orange and stitched the yellow and then the black and white checkerboard. I'll stitch the border as I go even though that backfired on me the last time. It just seems that it would be more time effective that way. Boo Club is being put away until late February.
I went phone shopping and got a new Blackberry phone and am learning how to use a smartphone. Honestly, sometimes, the phone is smarter than me and my geeky-techie coworkers are all excited because they can bbm me. Um, I don't even know what that means. I get a lesson from one of them tomorrow. I am happy with the phone so far! Here comes new, organized walking around Valerie who hopefully won't have a bunch of post-its and to-do's falling out of her purse. To be honest, the salesfolks at Verizon are lucky I found a phone I liked because after waiting for months for the iPhone rumors to come no avail...and being stuck with the most craptastic phone out there that happens to have a defective jack...I'd have gone postal and on a long rant about how they are doing a disservice to their customers by having excellent service but a poor phone selection and how all their customers want an iPhone so make it happen already!! But I think the BB Curve8530 and I will get along great!
I've also decided I have to start shopping for adult (like grown-up...not stripper poles...poor choice of words there) furniture especially in light of my recent back issues. I'll be 35 this year and I think it's time for a real sofa (not futon) and some matching bedroom furniture. Slightly nerve-wracking since I think the biggest purchase I've made was my mattress set and work has been having it's fair share of budgetary problems and all I know is that I am safe until July. So I'm starting small and focusing on a new sofa with chair/ottoman or streamlined recliner. I went to my first shop on Saturday, walked in and promptly remembered that I should have measured before going shopping. Ummm...oops! I think this shopping for furniture experiment will take a while. It would also help if I finished my closet project before introducing more stuff into my apartment!
Everything else was ok. *The boy* felt sick and was drivingme nuts with his lack of help with my closet project and the noisy downstairs neighbors made me so berserk that I took to banging on the floor with a mop...and they banged back. One day, I will go down there and give them a piece of my mind. They are more inconsiderate than partying college students. Remember these folks are in their 40's! Oh, and I made a small start on my sister's gift who sometimes peeks on my blog so no photos until it's received.
So there has been lots of grumbling and not very much positive attitude. Shame on me! But I have one more grumble. Laural always seems to have the inside scoop on soon to be released designs and Nora Corbett's Letter V, W and X are being released! I *hate* the letter V! I don't like the thin brown left side and the thick green right side, the vine or the fairy just kind of standing there. Really disappointed.

Until next time...
Cloudy, dreary, rainy weather is the pits when it goes on for days on end. ***hugs***
Love your WIP...I have the patterns but have only stitched Creepy so far. Can't wait to see more!
Oh my the W is much cuter than the V. Cool thing you can adapt it easy!
I say go for it re: adapting the W into a V. It's much more *you*.
Sounds like your weekend was very productive and there are a lot of changes that will be taking place with your apartment! Just take it one step at a time.
Great WIP...bummer it has to be put away for a while, but I know that you need to start on your sister gift.
You are definitely right about the V...I would go with the W and change it up.
Take care and stay dry, it sounds like we are in for some more rain!
I don't know how you do it with the wet weather...ugh! I don't mind a couple cloudy, stormy days...but 7 straight! Sending you some sun in hopes that it chases away the clouds :)
I feel tired just reading about your cleaning. The V looks a little like the A. I agree the W is much prettier.
You can totally change that W to V. I am lucky & will not have to! *gloat* lol
Boo Club is looking good. I'm stitching the border as I go too on my Flip It for this year. Hopefully it won't bite me either.
My ds' first bedroom was a walk in closet. And depending on you preferred style estate sales/auctions can be fabulous places to pick up good furniture at bargain prices. I see entire bedroom suites go up all the time.
:( Turn that frown upside down :)
I too am ready for some sunny warm weather
I will have to agree the letter V looks abit weird. I like the idea of using the W for the V....
I agree ~ the W is way sweeter. Wishing you a break from all the rain. It's cold and snowy here, but at least we're seeing sunshine :)
Your WIP is so cute!! I love the checkerboard border!!!! This will be a fun one to watch!! I also like the W better then the V. Well, at lease it won't be a very difficult fix... maybe???
I hear you on the weather!!! The past week has been dreadful... I thought we are in the clear already but I see rain clouds on the forecast for tomorrow..... sigh... Well, I guess we need the rain down here, just not that much all at the same time....
Furniture shopping?! How excited!!!!! Everytime I see a sofa I really like, the price always scares me away..... Good luck with your shopping~
Boo Club is looking great! It would be easy to change the W into a V, so go for it :)
Look at boo it! And the fabric you are stitching it on :)
Now I am surprised that you will be 35, I honestly thought you were 25 :) Hey that's good right?!! You are YOUNG, I'd love someone to call my 39 year old me 25 :) Heck who am I kidding I'd love for someone to think I was 29 :)
Great idea to just use half of the W for the V for Valerie! I think it is cuter, too. Hope you get some sunshine soon--and send it out east, please!!
I like your idea for the letter V -- great solution since you don't like the W. I love your Boo Club too! That's so great that you're getting so much cleaning done -- I really need to do that too, but I don't. lol! Have fun with your new Blackberry -- I'd love to have one of those!
I agree about the letter V. It looks kind of off-balanced somehow like it's not quite finished.
Good idea about the W. Go ahead and just stitch half of it. Look forward to seeing it!
There is definitely something about rainy days makes you want to hibernate and stitch! Can't wait to see what furniture you finally choose. x
I'm grumbling too - oh for some sunshine!
Definitely go with half of the W - it's much prettier than the V
I hope the rain goes. Soon! Great idea to adapt the W into a V.
I love the W too.You can make a V out of it !!! I want to see when you get it and finish !!
I also like the W better than the V. I am stitching the Boo Flip Its and just finished Spooky
Love your boo club! I have this one to tackle this year :)
Blergh, sorry about the weather. It just makes everything just seem kind of sucky, doesn't it? Been there, done that, got the yellow rain slicker and boots. :P
Love the WIP! I say go for the W instead of the V, too, and drop off part of the W.
Good luck with the new Blackberry. We just got iPhones because we had upgrades on our account. We're still trying to figure out how to use it!
All that rain... Yuck!
Congrats on getting your closet cleaned. :) Those things always feel good.
You could do that W as a V. It's a pretty W though.
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