This has been a rather strange week. After my workout on Monday, I came home and organized more of the mess. At the end of the night, I went to stand up and felt a lot of pain in my lower back. It was late and I went to sleep and was fine sleeping but when I went to get up in the morning to get ready for work, I really couldn't. I'd thrown out my back and called in sick to work for three days. I pretty much spent that time lying about drugged up on Flexeril and sleeping at the drop of a pin! It wouldn't have been so bad if I could actually stitch but it's hard to stitch when you're flat on your back. Trust me...I tried. So *the boy* played nursemaid and I just tried to get better. I felt ok enough to go to work on Friday but was still pretty stiff and couldn't stand for long periods of time. By the end of Friday, I had dinner and fell asleep only to wake up the next morning. The medication the doctor gave me makes me very, very sleepy and unmotivated. Today is the first day I am trying to make do without the medication. I feel pretty much back to normal so I hope this is the end of me and my aching back! I've got way too much to do!
Saturday, I decided to start my L*K Boo Club. My intention is to do one block per month and be done at the end of the year but I'd love to finish it by Halloween if some free time opens up mid-year. I finished "Spooky".

It's also time to TUSAL reporting. Here's my jar posing with some funky orchids *the boy* brought home the other day.
And here is a close-up. You can see some of the orange from Boo Club, purple for a gift I'm making and below that are Mary Wiham orts.
Well, better get that dirty laundry together...
Until next time...
Ouch! So sorry to hear about your back Valerie, I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear about your back...that can really stop you in your tracks! Hope you are doing better now :)
I am glad to hear your back is doing better. TUSAL looks great and are those real orchids? That color is amazing.
Hope your back is better soon. Spooky looks great!
Ouch, your back didn't get better after your last email to me. I hope it gets better soon and stays that way!
Sorry to hear about your back!!! I hope you are getting back to your oldself by now.
That orchit is so weird!! It's so intereing that you can change its color just by adding something in the water!!!!
Ooo, poor girl. Having back spasms is not a fun time. Hope it gets better quickly!
Love your ORT jar!
Oh Valerie, what a bummer about your back! I know how that is -- although for me it was a neck that got thrown out so to speak. And no, one can't stitch when one is lying down trying to make one's back or neck better -- and the meds don't help one bit either! I'm glad you're feeling better. Don't overdo -- you don't want to reinjure your back!
Love your Boo Club start! What a bummer that you have to frog! But it's looking good at least!
I've been collecting my orts every year too. Haven't done anything with them except put them in a box labeled with the year. Isn't it fun to start with an empty ort jar on New Year's Day?
Take it easy with that back!!
Feel better soon. Bank pain is some of the worst pain there is.
get well soo val...the spooky finish looks cute
gorgeous orchids too...
Ooh, I love the orchids, they're so pretty!
Great stitching & I hope your back stops giving you grief real soon :)
Sorry to hear about your back - rest plenty and don't over it!
Gorgeous orchids - amazing colour!
Ack, sorry to hear about your back! It must have been very frustrating to have all that time & not be able to stitch.
Spooky looks great!
I hope that your back is better soon. I am also doing the LK Boo Flip Its. I am using the free pattern for the border.
Ahhhh I'm sensing hermithood again!! My back has gone bad as well. It's really hard to pick a heavy two year old up with a bad back. x
Love your spooky start--I think it would be hard for me to stop after one block and wait until the next month!
Hope your back feels better very soon, Valerie--my husband has trouble with his, too, and I know how much pain it can cause...
Oh I just hate having back issues -you just can't do ANYthing when your back is out. Hope it is 100% soon. Hey I see you have the same pincushion I do from The Daily Pincushion. :) My SIL got it for me on Etsy and I just love it.
So sorry to hear about your back. I've done that once and have no desire to go through it again!! Love the orchids and your new start!
Back trouble is no good! Sometimes I sit on a balance/yoga ball. It helps my lower back.
Sorry to hear about your back. That happened to me once, just by mopping the floor. Those drugs... Mmmm yeah, they knocked me out too. Glad you're feeling better, though.
Congrats on your Spooky finish!
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