Help Me Decide! What fabric should I pick for Waiting for Ships? | |||||
Country Stitch Taupo | 45.7% | 21 | |||
Polstitches Stormy Seas | 41.3% | 19 | |||
Country Stitch Lagoon | 6.5% | 3 | |||
Country Stitch Wintergreen | 6.5% | 3 | |||
total votes: 46 | |||||
powered by blogpoll |
It's funny how I went into things thinking Lagoon was the way to go but I was swayed by the popular vote. I usually resist the bandwagon but I am easily convinced in the arena of fabric and floss. I ended up ordering both Taupo and Stormy Seas because Missy Ann is a bad influence and posted a link to her Mediterranean Mermaid which of course, reminded me that I wanted to do that one too! I'm not sure what I will use for either project yet as I am not up to doing a floss toss yet but I tell you, I am in love with Stormy Seas and I may just do both of the mermaids on the same color! I've already decided that next year will have a heavy focus on Miras...starting with Fairy Moon. Yea, I say this all the time but it's happening once I get over my fear of dark fabric and using 3 skeins of white! There's a spot of honor waiting for her.
I've been fabric stashing like a crazy fiend...all with projects in mind. At this rate, I'll be busy well into my 40's just stitching on the projects for *these* fabbies. Forget the rest of my stash...that will take me into retirement! lol
Here are the recent fabbys to come through my mailbox!

(front row): CS Southern Star (for Stargazer) and then two small cuts that Staci rak'd me with. I had asked Staci for some beginning sock patterns and look what was in the envelope along with it! Thanks Staci!
I am in fabric heaven!
I've been stashing too...
I finally managed to finish fright on my Boo Club. This took much longer than I thought. There were a lot of color changes not to mention the computer has been eating away at my crafting time. I need to stay away from just sucks too much time!
Oops...just lost the photo of my TUSAL update. Guess that will have to wait for another time. Darn computer!
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I now I glad I reigned myself in yesterday and just relaxed. No running around with packed plans and such.
Until next time...
Glad you had a nice weekend Valerie :) You've got some great stash there! I agree, the colours for Simple Joys are so pretty. I'm going to start that one tonight - I was good and waited until I finished Lazy Alphabet, but I'm itching to get going on it now :)
Pretty neat stash there.
Boo Club looks fantastic.
Did you see who won Deb's contest??
Ohhh such pretty fabrics. I love your stash that came in the mail Simple Joy is on my to do list.
Boo club is looking good girl. Glad you had a stress free day yesterday. Days spent doing nothing are the best days, I should know LOL I could sit at the pool all day and do nothing thats what we did yesterday although I did swin quit a bit of laps.
Take Care and hopefully we can fianlly gtg once I return from Hot in Cleveland
Love all the fabrics! And the stash too! Your Boo Club is so cool. Glad you had a relaxing weekend.
No such thing as too much fabric.
Boo club is looking good, which reminds me I have to get back to my LK.
Good grief - you're a stashing fool. Love those charts and just love those fabrics!! Congratulations on the win on my blog. Do you have enough scissors to fill it. If not, you better start stocking up on those too! :o)
Sometimes it is nice to just relax and nor run around doing things, isn't it. :-)
Love all your new stash, I'm on a LHN kick st the moment too.
Boo club looks great :-)
Awesome stash! I love stash, even if it isn't mine!
Your Boo Club turned out fabulous! I'm thinking I need to do one of those blocks very soon!
What great fabrics!!! I can't wait to see your Miras. I stitched Fairy Moon and I substituted Rainbow Gallery Petite Braid for all of the beads. It turned out so great, but it is a LOT of stitching white. I was glad when it was finished. Boo Club looks fab. LOVE that one.
Glad you had a good weekend!!! BTW, not the funnest way to do it but congrats on the weight loss too, something good should come of a break-up ;-).
Love the stash and stitching pictuers, too.
Wow, Valerie--great fabrics and charts! You're going to be busy in the next few months. And congratulations on your fabulous win over at Deb's blog :)
I love Boo Club and I totally understand how you feel about the border. I did a small black and white checked border on a 6" square and it just about drove me crazy. Can't imagine doing it on the huge LK piece!
Ooooh~~ I love our stash!!! Those fabrics are so pretty!!!!
Your Boo club is totally cute!!!!
Bad influence? Sounds like she was a good one to me! :) I love the stash haul!
I'm glad you had a great weekend and a restful Sunday.
Yep, the computer is a time sucker for sure! Your Boo Club is awesome!! I love it!
Great progress on Boo Club!
Nice assortment of fabrics, threads and charts.
Sometimes we forget to take some quiet time for ourselves and replenish our energy levels, i always feel better for a quiet days stitching and you can see great progress on a project from your relaxing time too.
I'm glad to see other people voted for the Taupo, too. I think it's going to be perfect. Congrats on winning that awesome flower frog!!!
Great fabric stashing!!!! I need to do more fabric stashing. All of mine is boring shades of beige. I need more COLOR.
You've gotten some gorgeous fabrics and great charts recently! :D Love your LK progress, and agree with you about those borders!
I have absoultuely no idea of these various fabbys, i only know white 14 ct aida, LOL. I am happy you have decided on your fabric... Your stash looks great too...
Dear Val,
If you have not seen the blog yet, you have won Debbie's scissor frog giveaway...
Congratulations!!! Have fun... looks like you will increase your scissors stash;-)
Beautiful fabrics and charts you've bought. I love them all. Boo Club is looking good. Enjoy your new fabrics and charts. :)
Oh man Valerie, I'm drooling all over my keyboard at the moment looking at all that gorgeous fabric and that yummy stash! I might have to invoice you for a new laptop ;o)
Taupo is the winner! :)
And I love your new fabrics coming through the door!
You chose some really cute stash and I'll be anxious to see it come to life here on your blog :)
AND I love Fright're nearly there!
Wow lots of fantastic stash there. Are you going to do fairy moon on black? She will be very striking on that colour. I did mine on a deep lavender was oh so pretty!
Awesome stashing! Boo Club looks really good. It's almost finished.
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