What IS next? A lot of you have asked me that after I finished Letter C and the answer is *I have no idea!* Maybe you can help me decide. There's a ton of things I want to start but I know I don't want another BAP or Mira at the moment. My wip's have dwindled down to two and I don't want to add too many because I'm a very bad juggler! After going cross-eyed attaching the last bead on Letter C, I wanted something fun and easy. Boo Club is totally a no-brainer. As you can see, I already finished *pumpkin* and have started on *fright*. Once *fright* is done and I've caught up on the border, I'll put this away for a bit. It's about 2/3 of the way done.

Then there's Mary Wigham which totally has to come out of hibernation. I am a terrible moderator and have left the group abandoned! Time for me to calm down the screaming Mary and rally the troops. I'm still only on Part 1!
So what else to start? I have plenty to choose from at the moment! But the ones that are calling my name are
Traveling Stitcher by LHN,
Simple Joys by LHN and
Cinderella Sampler by Willow Hill Samplings which I was supposed to start ages ago before the real drama hit the fan. So what would you start?
Decisions, decisions!
Hope everyone is having a nice start to the week...
Until next time...
Having stitched many LHN designs I would highly recommend one of those if you are looking for an easier stitch. I especially enjoyed stitching on Traveling Stitcher. Diane's patterns are great for those "in between" projects!
Knowing me, I'd start all of them, rotate them around and never finish one. Flip a coin - maybe that will help.
Valerie, I've been having the same problem! lol! I think you should work on whatever is screaming the loudest. That's what usually happens with me. And it's usually quite spur of the moment in terms of deciding too.
Boo Club looks great! Sometimes these simple ones just clear the mind, right?
I have a hard enough time making my own decisions so I'm no help to you there! ROFL! I'm sure whatever you pick will be lovely :o)
LHN is always great for a quick but satisfying project. :)
Ooh, ooh, start Simple Joys! ;) I'm planning on starting that myself, probably this week.
Boo Club is looking great - definitely a nice easy stitch after the Mira!
Travelling Stitcher! I keep meaning to make a start on this myself ...
Boo is looking good.
You wouldn't believe the word verification - l didn't think they would put those sort of words on here!
LOVE the LK Halloween piece. That one is coming along nicely. I am stitching Simple Joys and love it, but I love Traveling Stitcher.
This is such a fun design to watch grow.
The travelling stitcher is a lovely one to stitch, mines still sitting in the 'finish it off' drawer where its been for way too long!
Your Halloween piece looks fantastic! I must start stitching some ornaments for Halloween soon or my black tree will be empty again this year lol!
I would choose Simple Joys! I love that one.
Well, if it were me it would be easy, because I only own Traveling Stitcher, lol. Your Boo! is lovely, I also enjoyed stitching that one.
Simple Joys is a lovely one, I think I'd be daunted by the finishing on Travelling Stitcher!
I would vote for the Cinderella sampler. You need a happy ending plus the sampler is beautiful.
Why not keep working on Boo Club and get it out of the way??? I would start Simple Joys that's the only one that appeals to me.
well, I still vote for waiting for ships, lol!
but I do know what you mean about to many WIP´s, that´s just not my thing either.
the first 2 of your P(ossible)N(ew)P(rojects) are really nice, the cinderella sampler would not be my choice.
but then, you´ve gotta love that pumpkin carrige !
I would go for traveling stitcher (only so i can stitch it vicariously through you! ) so much else to do i'll never get round to it myself.
I vote for Simple Joys, it's such a pretty piece :-).
Oh BTW, 2 WIPs? That is just incredible. I'd hate to go count mine, LOL.
Boo Club looks fabulous.
I am no help on what to start next, I would start them all, lol
Just like I do here...
Happy deciding!!
My vote is the Cinderella Sampler too. It looks FUN!
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