After days of fighting with my home internet, I admit defeat. This may be why it's been taking me an hour to upload photos for blogging lately! Things will be a little quiet on the FogCity Dweller front while I succumb to the torture of calling AT&T to see what is wrong. I have the feeling they'll tell me I have to get a new modem and do a re-install blah de blah *insert nerdy technical speak I do not understand here*. I hate computers! Why is it that things go on the fritz when the nerdy technical guy in your life disappears...without fail!?
All I want is to play on my computer and stitch...not deal with computer mumbo jumbo.
*photo copyright @popbytes.com
I hate it when something is wrong with the internet!!!!! But that five stages comic is too funny - and so true!!! LOL
Hope your problem will be solved soon!!!
So frustrating!! The comic is exactly right!! Hope it gets fixed for you soon :)
Ugh!! The ultimate bummer! I hope you get your access back fast. I hate dealing with customer service people!
Ahhh you never know what is round the corner... Hope it all sorts itself soon. xxxx
Technology is wonderful when it works, frustrating when it doesn't. I love your posts and hope you continue to keep us updated even if we have to wait for pics. Hope it gets fixed soon.
Oh and yes I think you should join us in some "hooky" time dearie. Lots of fun. x
It's kind of funny how we don't find technical difficulties funny at all. It's amazing how addicted we are to being connected. I'm certainly speaking about myself too. Sometimes I just can't step away!
I go into withdrawl if I don't have my interwebs. Good luck with At&t, you'll need it.
Hope you get it sorted out soon! I am a techy geeky person by profession and understand the jargon, but still hate dealing with AT&T when my DSL is down.
Oh that made me laugh, so true - i start to get palpitations if my laptop decides to weird out on me and not work.. - hope you are back up to speed soon.
LOL love that cartoon its so true! I hope you get it sorted out soon... we'll see you on the flip side!
Arrgghh don't you just hate it when technology doesn't do what it's supposed to?
Delete the comment you have in Chinese/Japanese - the dotted line is a link to a porn site! I had to turn comment moderation on as I keep getting these.
That sucks Valerie :o( Hopefully it will get fixed quickly. We'll be here when you get back :o)
Fingers crossed that it is easy to fix, i'm techno scared too, i have to send for help when i do something wrong
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