I am back to running order no thanks to AT&T. Multiple phone calls, got the run around, had to take time off work and deal with service repair on a Friday evening. Uh, not my idea of fun!
The service guy was a piece of work! He pulled my wires out of the phone box insisting it was inside wiring until the apartment manager made him do a retest. Then he said it was my modem that was causing the failure which I would have accepted if I hadn't realized people couldn't even reach me on my home line. It was interesting how he couldn't answer my "if it was the modem, than why would that be causing a fast busy on the house line. No one can get through to me!" So I played the stupid girl. Mr. Repair Man, I don't know how my internet is connected. I don't know where I'm supposed to plug that in. Friends always help me with this stuff but they're not around right now. If he's going to play stupid with me and not admit AT&T was at fault...then I can play the stupid game and act like a dumb clueless broad. This act paid off. He gave me a new modem, installed it and fixed my security settings. Took a frigging hour and a half! At least *I* didn't have to do it. When he finally left, he admitted that it was the outside wiring plus a faulty modem that caused the problem. Nice that he had to go rip out perfectly good wiring out of the phone box. Geez!
Not much else to report. I haven't started on my on black project yet because the whole internet thing set me into a frustrated rage every night. I'd spend all my stitching time trying to get the internet up without any luck. When I did stitch, it was on Simple Joys just because it was easier...and not on black. So, I hope to make a better start on that this week. I'll show a progress pick on Simple Joys soon.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Until next time...
Well, at least you're up and running again!!! I love being able to "play stupid" sometimes, and also being able to show them that I know what they're talking about when they think I'm stupid too! That's even better :)
Ugh! Sorry to hear it was such a nightmare. I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to stitch on black when I'm already upset either. LOL
Glad you got your internet/phone back. Our phone has been 'out of order' for ages. The internet connection is just fine, we can make outgoing calls but the phone does not ring for incoming calls. I have tried 3 handsets now so I know it's not the actual phone. In the meantime incoming calls are being forwarded to my mobile (cell) phone! They called a couple of weeks ago but would not speak to me as they needed to talk to the 'account holder' who was out!
Glad to hear you're connected again! I wouldn't stitch on black if I was upset either. Not a good combination.
Ugh!! Glad you're back online. Sounds like it was a right pain in the ** though. Now you can relax!
I feel your pain about the Internet. I work from home and am dependent on the Internet to get my work. I am working on a daily copy trial, which means it is due that day. My Internet went out and I had to go to my mother's to work for a few hours. Ugh. At least you have it back up now.
At least you are up and running again!!!! Playing stupid works sometimes, LOL.
Sounds frustrating, but at least you are back online!
Yayy! :)
Glad you've got your internet back!
Glad you got your internet back up and running. Next time we meet up, I'll have to tell you about the time I went without phone and internet for nearly 3 weeks because of ATT. LOL Or maybe I'll let you talk this time and wont babble so much. ;)
Glad to hear you're back in business, Valerie. That must have been so hard not having your internet--I would probably be going through withdrawal if I didn't have it for 4 days! (Well, more likely, I would just head to the library and use theirs!)
You know if they're going to treat you like an idiot it should cost them. grrrrrr.....
LOL, I became frustrated on your behalf just reading about that nightmare. I've had similiar go rounds with my internet provider.
Well done to the repair man for fixing things for you.
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