I definitely haven't felt like being cooped up at home stitching so uh, I don't have anything of substance to show. I did frog what I had started on Christmas Rules though. I know, I know...I said I wasn't going to but I'm a little OCD when it comes to things like that. The red didn't bleed and it was smooth sailing...for once. We won't even talk about how I got chocolate on the fabric. I mean seriously, something is up with this project. I should throw it in the corner and call it a day.
So instead of stitching, I've been reading. I've been trying to get through The House at Riverton by Kate Morton.

I did volunteer this week at the food bank and I think the art sorting event was much more fun. I think that people were just so focused at their tasks at hand that there was less into socializing and more into counting. Do you know how many small oranges equals 3 pounds? The answer is 10-12. I do have a note, you probably shouldn't volunteer at the food bank so soon after treating yourself to a manicure. Lots of polish chips! Oh well, it's all for a good cause.
I did have a nice time at my dinner event last weekend. We tried this southern cuisine restaurant in a sketchy area of the city...Tenderloin. If you're a tourist, this is the neighborhood you don't really want to get lost in. It can be eyeopening and annoying. Me...I walk fast, mind my own business and say a lot of "not today" to the people asking for money. We all met at Farmer Brown and had a really nice meal. I had cornmeal encrusted catfish with yams, green beans and pickled onions. It was a huge portion and just divine. My only complaint was that the yams were too sweet but that also meant, my sweet craving was fulfilled and I didn't need to order dessert! The served complimentary jalapeno cornbread which were delicious but small. The group was very friendly and diverse but I think I was the youngest. I'm not sure how well suited the group will be for me since I'm most interested in meeting people more my age who are interested in going out.
We all went our separate ways after dinner and it was still so early so I went to visit with a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a few months. This friend is also an old-ex from over a decade ago. I know it may seem strange but talking to him is opening up my eyes to the Valerie I was. At least the aspects I would like to get back so it's a nice kind of reminiscing. I was shocked to see him though. He had hit a very rough patch due to the economy and just recently found a job. It's a job way below his previous classification and pay range but he is very happy and positive to just have a job. I don't ask how bad things got but I think the fact that he lost 70 pounds (I'm guesstimating) is a big indicator. If I had passed him on the street, I would not have recognized him at all. Serious! I am still in shock that he transformed from a teddy bear kind of guy to a skinny (a little too) kind of guy. I have intense urges to bake and fatten him up a little. As it was, I left him with two huge homemade blueberry muffins I had made just because I happened to bake...not because I knew he needed a little plumping. It kind of puts things in perspective a little. To be a little happy and thankful that you have a job that allows you to pay the rent and the car payment and the bills and FOOD...even if your job makes you a tad unhappy and seems tedious. Some people out there are struggling and are too proud to let you know that they need help and are unable to find jobs and are at the point of being happy for ANY job.
The other day, I gouged myself in the eyebrow because I got a little tweezer happy. I do that sometimes...I have this thing for keeping the perfect arch and I get a little carried away. This made me remember an email I got from some guy on that annoying dating site. He said he "liked my eyebrows" and that I looked like I could be "Christopher Mintz-Plasse's sister". I had to Google...I didn't know who that was. Apparently, I'd be his older sister because this guy is a kid! I was 13 when this kid was born.
Thanks for all the nice comments and thoughts on my last couple of posts. My dad had his surgery and seems fine and is driving already. I have the feeling he's going to forget his eyedrops and/or get them confused. My sister told me the drill and I'm confused myself!
Hope you all have a great weekend! TGIF!
Until next time...
Hope you all have a great weekend! TGIF!
Until next time...
Wow Valerie do you ever stay in? You seem to be out and about an awful lot and doing lots and lots of socialising. Heck I wouldn't care how old they were. It would just be great to be able to get out right now. As it is I'm glued to the house and it's starting to get me down a little. You sound like you're doing just fine Hun. X
The Distant Hours is her last book, right? I wasn't quite as thrilled by it, but it was a good read too. I'm feeling restless stitchingwise at the moment. I need to figure out what I'm stitching next. Hmmmmm.....
I'm really scratching my head over the 'you could be this guy's sister' comment because it's totally out of left field. I'm really glad I'm not dating, honestly. If I had to go through all that again, I'd stock up on batteries and become a hermit. ;)
I loved volunteering at the foodbank but I've only had one manicure in my life. (I've also only had my eyebrows done once - sense a theme here? LOL!). Good for you, getting out and doing stuff!!
It must be the nice weather out that makes you restless. I too find it hard to sit at home and stitch!!!
I'm currently reading the Distance Hours as well!!! I've read Kate's other two books as well, and I do find her book a little bit hard to get into it right away, but once I got past that, I couldn't put it down. I'm liking what I read regarding the Distance Hours so far, looks like it is going to be a good mystery.
I can relate to the feeling of needing to be out and about!! Especially with the boys home for the summer!
As for the comment the guy made about your eyebrows - seems really strange to me!
You are in San Francisco, right? Are you friends with Edgar from the Blacksheep's Bit of the Web blog? He is always writing about the awesome places they go and eat in San Fran, so maybe you could meet up with he & Rico sometime.
The book sounds great...I will have to look it up as I never read that author.
I gave up on The House at Riverton and was so disappointed, as I loved The Forgotten Garden :( I probably should have stuck it out to the end, but it just wasn't doing anything for me.
I would stick with the dinner group - at least you're going out and having good food :) Sorry your friend has been going through a rough patch - I agree that people tend to take the basics - food, shelter, warmth - for granted sometimes and that there are people out there really struggling at the minute. I hope things are on the up for him with the new job :)
Sounds like you're enjoying reading. And it does sound like the food at the restaurant was good, even if it didn't quite fit the bill socially. Keep at it! It is amazing how being out of work can affect you - it's horrible and so many people are going through it. And no, you don't look a thing like that guy - weird comment!!!
I can relate to how you feel about not having social companions... It's not easy for me to make friends either.
What a weirdo... commenting on your eyebrows. I certainly don't miss the online dating. There are way too many freaks on those sites. I swear, for every 100, there's one decent one.
Your dinner out sounds like it was fun.
I plucked up the courage to go to a craft group at the local museum yesterday morning and for all I quite enjoyed it I'm not sure I could become friends with any of the ladies lol! They were all nice though except for one who looked at me like I was an intruder!
I love your perseverence! Keep trying and keep going out to these kinds of events. I firmly believe in the law of attraction and I think what you put out into the universe will find you in return.
And perseverence with your books too! I have to admit that after 80 or so pages, I will give up on a book.
Ummm, I'd be a little creeped out at the comment about you looking like that guy. Then again, I'm still creeped out that I was told I looked like Rosie O'Donnell! LOL
I loved The House at Riverton and was so excited to get The Distant Hours (I loved The Forgotten Garden, too.). I was NOT into The Distant Hours at all--just didn't do it for me. Have you read Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale? It reminds me a bit of Kate Morton's books and is a fantastic read, too.
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