I did get a bit of stitching in though and finished the 6th rule and reached the halfway point on Christmas Rules. Yay!
I even got a little farther and am almost done with rule #7. I wonder if I can finish this in the next month or so.
I've been debating what to do with Drawn Thread's Almost Halloween. I haven't been very happy with it even though I am almost done. I followed the intructions despite my own hesitations and preference. The instructions call for using 1 strand of floss over 2 threads on 32 count. I can already hear the collective groaning. Exactly! The coverage is spindly and sparse and I am thinking of ripping it all out and starting over. I think it may just be the project to resurface on my little getaway at the end of the month. Something to work on on the deck or in front of the fireplace at night.
Hope everyone had a nice Labor day weekend! Tomorrow is Thursday already...wow, I can't believe it!
Until next time...
We are almost in the same place with Christmas Rules - I just started Listen for Reindeer at lunchtime today. I am determined to get this done in the next few weeks so I can get it to the framer and have it to put up for Christmas this year. I love stitching this...the little rules go pretty quickly - a nice change from my other big projects that are weighing me down!
Love your L*K Christmas Rules! You can do it, you can have it done for this Christmas!
I love your Christmas Rules!! It is too cute. As for your DT Almost Halloween--ack. I hate it when I realize too far into the project that I should have listened to the nagging voice in my head that said it didn't look the way I wanted. That happens more than I can say--and they're stuffed in my closet. I feel your pain!
Hey Valerie,
Christmas rules is looking great. Some times it is great just spending time in your pjs stitching.
Your Christmas Rules is so cute! As for the DT Halloween -- sorry! I am the kind who doesn't mind sparse coverage, but if you don't like it, it's not a good thing. :(
Looking very nice...
Oh it looks fab! I really love this one. xx
I love your Christmas Rules Valerie! It looks fantastic :)
Christmas Rules looks great! As for your DT Halloween, sorry - I have some pieces like that where I went to far before realizing I just didn't enjoy it or like the look.
Maybe if you recrossed just the top stitch - 3 out of 4 might not look so sparse.
Great progress on Christmas rules, Valerie !!! I may have to start mine after seeing yours :-). Bummer on the Almost Halloween, I've been there done that !!
Get some sleep !!! :-)
Your Christmas Rules looks really nice!!!! Sorry to hear about your Almost Halloween though.... It always sucks when that happens...
I haven't done anything over the long weekend, either!!! Just hang around home and watch TV.... I would have run out of grocery if I was alone. But there's another mouth to feed here so I did drag my butt to the grocery store one afternoon. This week seems to fly by so quick!!! An extra day off really makes a difference!!!
Christmas Rules is so cute!!!! Hope you figure out something with the Halloween piece that will make you happy.
Christmas Rules looks great! I hope you get it finished. :)
Rip out Almost Halloween and do it the way you want. For me, I will never finish something if I dont like it.
It's so cute, Valerie! You'll have it done soon and know you'll have something new for this Christmas!
Christmas Rules is looking great!
Your pajama day sounds awesome!!! Love your Christmas Rules...you are well on your way to having it done by the holidays!
You are making great progress on the Christmas Rules.
Great progress! I hate that sparse coverage, so I almost never follow those directions. Stitch it how you like!!
Love your CR project! I'm always checking to see what's going on with you. Oh, to be young again! Keep up the great stitching. Carmie
Looking lovely!!!! :)
Goodness, I don't know what to say about the other piece.....I almost never follow 1 strand rules myself because I just don't like the way that looks unless it's the PERFECT fabric for it. (Or over one, obviously.) I just started a piece last night and called for a 1 strand half stitch and...........nope. Hated it. Ripped it out and am doing 1 strand but a FULL cross. Don't fret too much over it either way. :)
Your CRules looks awesome! You've really gone through your blocks quickly. I just finished nine but I'm waiting to iron my fabric before I show pictures :o)
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