So in my blog surfing today, I noticed this type of stand on this
blog. I've never seen this stand before but for some reason, it looks like a good solution for my "owww, my wrist is hurting from holding this q-snap so long and gee, I wonder if that's why my shoulder hurts" dilemma.

I can't really get a floor stand since I have the weird propensity to sit sideways on the couch instead of forwards like any normal person and that habit probably won't get fixed until I get a stitching chair which sadly, isn't anytime soon. I wonder if this will work. Problem is that I am used to stitching one handed so that I can hold the q-snap as close to my face as possible since I have these lovely coke-bottle nerdy glasses that grace my face. I don't really know if this type of a "clip frame" as it is called would work for me. As far as I can tell, they don't sell these clip frames in the US. Why do I love all things British?! They are so hard to get!
So my question to the readership is...have you seen these? What do you think? If you have one, do you like it? And general stuff like that.
Perhaps, I should take out my Z Frame again and give that another whirl now that I'm not trying to put 20" q-snaps in it like a dummie.
And better yet, I am curious what stitchy folk use for their stitching in terms of frames, stands and lamps/magnifiers...if any.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. The gloom and doom weather has lifted to give way to warm and sunny weather here in my area. Definitely an outdoor-type of weekend.
Until next time...
Hi Valerie,
I have a floor scroll frame as well as a lap size one which I bought at Button & Needlework shop.
You might want to check that out as this allows you to flip the frame back and forth as you need (eg for anchoring your threads). I love both my frames and I graduated to them when I had a shoulder injury years ago and realized I had pain when I used my hoops for stitching.
Good luck on finding something that will make your stitching time more fun.
I saw this one on Loreta's blog as well, and thought it was wonderful!!! I've never seen one of these before, either!!
I have both a Q-snap frame and a scroll lap frame. I like the Q-snap frame but my hand gets tired after holding it for a while. The scroll lap frame I had was the cheaper kind you can find at Michael's. It works pretty fine for me. My friend actually just got the more expansive lap frame at Michael's and she loves it!! It has several different sizes frames included so its actually a pretty good deal, not to mention if you use your 40% off coupon!! I'm very tempted to get one myself...
I guess it all comes down to what you are used to use. Have fun searching around!!
I have the Q-snap frames and different hoops. I have always thought about getting the floor stand that fits with the Q-snaps I have seen advertise in the Just Cross Stitch mags (and other needlework mags). However, I either stitch on the end of the couch, nearest the light all curled up...or when I am sitting at a hockey rink. However, it would be nice to take one of my large WIP, attach it to a floor stand in order to put a few stitches in it everyday...mmm, maybe I will wait and see what you are going to do...
I know Jeannette Douglas got one of these from somewhere in Calgary, Alberta and she just loves it. It looks like a pretty cool idea.
If you find a UK supplier - you can always have it shipped to me and I will send it on!
I was thinking about you this morning! And lo...I go to my blog and there you've left a comment, so thought I'd better stop by. I do want to say something about the frame...It sounds to me like you are used to holding your stitching directly under your nose which I have done for too many years to count. But when my hands began to bother me I got a lap frame. I got one of those magnifiers that clip on to the frame, stuck it on there and never looked back. Because I recognized my habit of holding my stitching close I made very sure to buy a frame that is very very adjustable. The lap frame from K&S moves up, and down, higher, lower. It will flip around a full 380º, this one I love. But I of course tried a few others after I saw how much I liked the K&S one, and the not-so-adjustable ones, I just never could get happy with. Because, even though the thing is in my lap, I do have it set very high up and directly under my nose.... That is an extremely hard habit to break. So, shop carefully, most of these frames are not cheap. I could kick myself how many of them I went through before I quit "trying just one more".
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