The lovely CarolR nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. How sweet! Thanks Carol! You're a beautiful blogger too!
Here's how the award works. The rules are simple:
Here's how the award works. The rules are simple:
1. One must accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award
4. Paste the award on your blog
5. Write 10 things about yourself that others might not know
6. Pass the award on to 10 others
10 things...sheesh. I might bore all of you to tears! Let's see...
1. I learned to stitch when I was 7. My mom taught me from a plastic canvas kit that is still lying around somewhere in their house. After that, I would drag my dad to Woolworth so he could buy me the $2 kits. I've been addicted ever since with breaks here and there. I really, really miss Woolworths!
2. I call myself the "accident baby" because my parents were surprised by my arrival. They were in their late 40's and my siblings were already high school and college age.
3. Because of #2, I'm kind of used to being a loner. Not to mention my parents were strict and wouldn't let me do anything or go anywhere!
4. I'm also very shy which most people don't expect coming from this blog seeing as I've very mouthy. I'm good one on one and with small groups but big parties, forget it, I become a clam and the wallflower in the corner.
5. I'm 100% Nicaraguan and come off looking more Irish. Dark hair, pale skin, freckles. I don't know what happened. To say I stand out in my family is an understatement. Taller than most of them! I'd say I was the mailman's kid but I look like my dad and he wasn't the mailman. :)
6. I've lived in a 20 mile radius of the San Francisco Bay Area my whole life. I love it here!
7. Despite loving it here, I often wonder what would have happened if I moved to Seattle years ago. After visiting it with my sister years ago, I deemed it almost as cool as SF and fell in love with it.
8. I'm a coffee addict. I'm pretty non-functional in the mornings and need high octane brew. Peet's is my favorite. Blue Bottle is a close second but it's hard to get easily near my home or work.
9. I'm a total night owl which makes working an 8am-5pm job very difficult!
10. I would love to travel more! So far I've only been to WA, OR, CA, NV, IL, TX, NH, MA, RI and FL. Outside of the US; Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Canada and France. Ok, that's kind of sad. I need to go about planning my next vacation now.
and as a bonus...
11. I love eavesdropping on spanish conversations...because to most spanish folk, I'm the "gringa" that can't understand a word they say. Goes to show them if they're talking smack!
I'm being a party-pooper on selecting 10 beautiful bloggers because I think that everyone is one and I read far more than 10 blogs to even try to narrow it down! But if you haven't received the reward and want to play the game, please feel free to help yourself and share a little.
I hope everyone is having a terrific St. Valentine's Day! This Nicaraguan is proudly wearing her green. *The boy* who is Irish/Italian was not this morning and he was thoroughly pinched! Hmph!
Until next time...
10 things...sheesh. I might bore all of you to tears! Let's see...
1. I learned to stitch when I was 7. My mom taught me from a plastic canvas kit that is still lying around somewhere in their house. After that, I would drag my dad to Woolworth so he could buy me the $2 kits. I've been addicted ever since with breaks here and there. I really, really miss Woolworths!
2. I call myself the "accident baby" because my parents were surprised by my arrival. They were in their late 40's and my siblings were already high school and college age.
3. Because of #2, I'm kind of used to being a loner. Not to mention my parents were strict and wouldn't let me do anything or go anywhere!
4. I'm also very shy which most people don't expect coming from this blog seeing as I've very mouthy. I'm good one on one and with small groups but big parties, forget it, I become a clam and the wallflower in the corner.
5. I'm 100% Nicaraguan and come off looking more Irish. Dark hair, pale skin, freckles. I don't know what happened. To say I stand out in my family is an understatement. Taller than most of them! I'd say I was the mailman's kid but I look like my dad and he wasn't the mailman. :)
6. I've lived in a 20 mile radius of the San Francisco Bay Area my whole life. I love it here!
7. Despite loving it here, I often wonder what would have happened if I moved to Seattle years ago. After visiting it with my sister years ago, I deemed it almost as cool as SF and fell in love with it.
8. I'm a coffee addict. I'm pretty non-functional in the mornings and need high octane brew. Peet's is my favorite. Blue Bottle is a close second but it's hard to get easily near my home or work.
9. I'm a total night owl which makes working an 8am-5pm job very difficult!
10. I would love to travel more! So far I've only been to WA, OR, CA, NV, IL, TX, NH, MA, RI and FL. Outside of the US; Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Canada and France. Ok, that's kind of sad. I need to go about planning my next vacation now.
and as a bonus...
11. I love eavesdropping on spanish conversations...because to most spanish folk, I'm the "gringa" that can't understand a word they say. Goes to show them if they're talking smack!
I'm being a party-pooper on selecting 10 beautiful bloggers because I think that everyone is one and I read far more than 10 blogs to even try to narrow it down! But if you haven't received the reward and want to play the game, please feel free to help yourself and share a little.
I hope everyone is having a terrific St. Valentine's Day! This Nicaraguan is proudly wearing her green. *The boy* who is Irish/Italian was not this morning and he was thoroughly pinched! Hmph!
Until next time...
Great facts!! It's nice to learn more about people!
Perhaps "the boy" wanted to be pinched?!?! :)
Aww you deserve this award casue you are super special. Okay a free day off is a girls day out you and me.. maybe a trek to the city just bumming around a day to ourselfces NO BOYS.
Take Care
Love learning more about you! I'm totally just as shy as you! lol! Exactly the way I would describe myself too! And it must be fun to be the fly on the wall and listen in on Spanish conversations. :D
Love these 10 facts. :)
I was a surprise too. Only my Mom was 21 - it was me or the promotion. It was a very big deal, she would've been working with "computers". Sorry world, I'm sure I deprived you all of the next Bill Gates. lol
I also agree the boy probably wanted pinched.
I loved reading more about you Valerie :) I'm pretty shy too :)
Loved reading all your facts. It's so much fun to read about people. Lets us all know you a little bit better!
I enjoyed reading about you! Good for you for pinching *the boy*. He should fly his colors proudly. ;)
Interesting facts about you
Interesting facts!
Please visit my blog to accept another award.
Congrats on your award! You deserve it!
Congrats on your award!! There's a little more sunshine on my blog for you ~ enjoy!
I'm nominated you for the sunshine award too!! check out my blogali
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