The weekend has been relaxing but busy. We went to the farmer's market for some weekly veggies and while we were there, these flowers came home with me.

While I went and visited the old folks, *the boy* was productive fixing some things around the apartment like my coffee table that had various heat rings and scratch marks. I was upset to think I needed to buy a new table since the table looked like new (almost) before *the boy* came to visit. But...he gave the table some love and it looks just like new. I'm amazed! He did some other stuff too.
Today, we went antique-ing and thrifting in the neighborhood. We got some good exercise in walking around and I found some great finds which I'll share later. I'm behind on blogging. Too many stories and not enough time! Remember last week I mentioned I went to the White Elephant Sale? It's an annual fundraiser that benefits the Oakland Museum of Art so the money goes to a good cause. For $15, I bought three charts, 7 fat quarters and two yards of lace. All the charts I bought are out of print. I just about squealed when I came across The Goode Huswife Noah's Ark chart for $1. One dollar...can you believe it? The Beatrix Potter was a quarter and the most expensive one at $6 was Of Female Worth Mary Ann Johnson Sampler - 1816.

Oh and in the sewing section, they had a Lowery frame selling for $125 which I know is a deal. I contemplated it for a second before thinking that would be an expensive doorstop in case I didn't like it. There was lots of great finds there...and lots of people! Wow!! *The boy* was too scared to really look around because he might lose me. Good thing he's tall so I can spot him in almost any crowd.
So a little catching up with the next few photos...
It's the New Moon tomorrow which means time to share my TUSAL jar.
And Snapper Year is finally hung! I went rounds with my apartment manager about how this is the spot I wanted and how he felt it wasn't showcased enough. I finally got him to hang it how I wanted.

In my funk, I managed to read a book. Go me! I haven't read a book in ages because stitching and tv always takes precedence. I've checked out another three from the library so I hope to fit it in somehow. I did notice that in my no stitching funk, I was very productive at work. I wonder how to continue that. I tend to have ADD at work, getting easily distracted by whatever stitchy idea enters my head. I think stitching ALL day! I wish I could stitch full-time but I hardly think that would sufficiently pay the rent and the bills! If work wasn't *so* boring, I'd probably get more things done!
Well, I've babbled on enough. Time for Undercover Boss and Cold Case before I head to bed to get ready to face the week. How is it heading into Monday already?!
Until next time...
Love your Spooky Boo Club Valerie! Your flowers are so pretty :)
I'm glad you're out of your funk a little bit - getting out and about does make a lot of difference, I think. Glad that *the boy* is trying hard and helping out at home - fingers crossed that something good turns up for him soon in the work department. BTW, does he have any tips on the coffee table refinishing? I stupidly used ours as an ironing board (I know!) a while back and there's a faded patch which I'd like to fix, plus the usual scratches and dings.
Your Snapper year looks great above the doorway, glad you finally got it hung where you wanted :)
Sounds like you are in a better mood~~ Those flowers do look happy and I love your finds!!!!! That White Elephant Sale looks like a great place to treasure hunt!!!!!! How fun~
Your Boo Club progress is so cute~~~~~ And I think your snapper's new spot is perfect!!!
I have been working so hard lately that I did not have much time to stitch and watch TV!!! I missed them both..... sigh....
Greta wip and lovely framed finish. Those flowers are lovely. I really hope your man can find a keeper job soon. Hang in there. x
I'm sure you know that in the olden days, lots of houses had molding below the ceiling especially for the purpose of stringing and hanging pictures. You could put ribbon as a pretty adornment if you wanted. Here's a link in case you are curious.
Click on the first picture. :D
Anyway, I love your Boo Club! And the flowers are so pretty! I'm glad you're feeling a bit better about things and that the boy is doing his best for you. I hope he finds another job soon. Oh and all the sale stuff! What a great deal! Doesn't it make you feel good to score on OOP charts? And especially at that price! I love where you hung your Snapper Year. So pretty!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Your flowers are so pretty and you got some really great stash!
Love your SnapperYear over the's perfect!
Great TUSAL, Valerie. And the flowers are gorgeous too.
I wish *the boy* luck finding a job with normal people. My brother went through a similar situation a few months ago when he was hired by what he thought was a decent company and quickly realized the boss was totally nuts and on drugs. He was making people work 7 days a week and calling them in the middle of the night high as a kite. Fortunately, my brother found another job and left that place. After he left he found out the former boss was fired for drug use and stealing from the company. How do these crazy people end up in positions of power??
Those flowers are so, so pretty! Just reminds you, while looking at brown grass and rainy skies, that spring will be here soon.
Sounds like you had a lot of fun walking about and you really got some great finds. I think the GH chart for $1 is the deal of the century!!
Those flowers are so pretty and very happiness inducing! Of course getting all that great stash for $15 is just the icing on the cake! That GH chart is the best deal ever!
Your Boo Club is coming along nicely!
Your flowers are beautiful! Are your walls plaster instead of drywall? Plaster wills split and break if you put nails in it and a lot of the older places are made with it.
Good luck to the boy in finding a job. I hope he gets one quickly so he can stop driving you nuts. :)
After a week of no blog reading, I've just caught up with you. I'm so sorry that things aren't looking so great. From my experience, I have only one thing to say to you. Follow your instincts ... your gut. I wish I had done that more often when I was your age.
It's good to be out and about. You made quite a great stashy haul.
Boo Club looks great.
Very pretty flowers and great deals too.
Snapper looks awesome above the door
Everything will work out just fine I am sure
Hey Valerie, Yes, I am headed to the gtg this weekend. I hope you can make it. Looks like Lisa is going to be too busy.
You sound a bit more upbeat in this post--hope things are going better for you! I like your stitching progress and where you hung your framing! Interesting about the moulding hooks and fishing line! I've never seen that before. YGG on the chart score!
Pretty flowers!
Snappy looks great across the doorway.
Beautiful anemones and great bargains on the charts and fabrics.
Spoojy Boo is really coming along nicely. I love the framed and hugn finish too, its a great place to view it.
I hope *the boy* is succssful in his job hunt, bless him for trying to help out more at home.
Oh those flowers are beautiful!
Maybe it's a pain to hang things that way, but at least you've got things hanging. Me... not so much.
Boo Club looks great! Great stash as well!
I dream of winning the lottery and just stitching & stashing all day, every day. And we seldom even play the lottery lol!
I am also stitching Boo Club and just finished Spiders :-)
Dear Valerie,
This is so fantastic!!! I love this frame so much! Where did you find it? Or is there a frame-master who has it??
Can you tell me it in email, please??
ninocska & gmail . com
Many thanks!!!
Best regards,
Nina :)
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