Not in the most talkative mood but I thought I would blog really quick. The weekend was a complete drag because *the boy* was sick ALL weekend. I don't know what is up with this guy but he seems to be sick every other weekend and it's no fun. Not to mention the whining and the inability to do anything else when he's feeling bad...I don't really want to deal with it on my days off that are so few and far between. Maybe that makes me cold-hearted but sheesh...after a year of broken leg and everything else, I just want a break already! And we had such nice weekend plans. Plus, you know, he just started a job! He's supposed to be able-bodied and ready to work...especially after a 2 year hiatus. This is just ridiculous!
But anyways, you guys aren't here to listen to me rail on about *the boy* and think I'm a meanie. Stitching...that's what you're here for! I dragged my bum to the LNS this weekend and picked up the silk and it was pretty much a dead on match! Yay! Initially, I thought it was a little brighter than the original but the variation made it blend well. Since *the boy* was sick, I stitched my little heart out. Stitch, stitch, stitch! I would have finished this gift Sunday night but I was unfocused and burnt out on all the red. But I finished Monday night and am sending it to Deb so see if she can work her magic on it. OMGosh, I hope so. I feel pretty darn proud that I managed to finish this up in one month. A short month too and the finished dimensions are 8" x 18". Proves that if I focus, I can really be a fast stitcher when I want to be!
Here are a couple more sneak peeks...
For now, I am going to enjoy a couple of low-key days stitching on Boo Club. I'm behind now since I didn't stitch on it at all in February. I'd like to get 2 more sections stitched before I set it aside again. I still have 2 more gifts to stitch and my blogoversary is rapidly approaching and I would like to stitch something up for that as well for a giveaway. So Mary will have to wait a little longer. I swear, she yells at me everyday!
Thanks for everyone's suggestions on the "running out of silk" issue. They were useful for the future. I'm just happy it all worked out this time around.
Until next time...
Glad the silk matched! Whew! I love the sneak peeks! But yes, the monochromatic stitching can be a real bore. Sorry about the boy being sick. I'm afraid men can be babies about being sick. Wish I had the link to these videos about the subject -- very funny ones. :D Hope he's feeling better. At least you got lots of stitching done!
Men are such babies, I'll tell you. When they're sick, they would have you think that they're dying! Glad that you found your silk and it matched! Can't wait to see it finished.
So pleased the silk arrived and was a good match, looking forward to seeing this when its framed and received.
Sorry the boy is sick, men are the worst when sick, we girls just get on with it!
Glad you found a matching silk! I can't wait to see your finished piece.
Oh dear *the boy* - I hope he recovers soon and at least you had yourself a stitchy weekend!
I don't always pop in after reading in my RSS but I couldn't help myself today....hey, it's your blog, if you want to rail about the boy, have at it. Besides ---- it lets us know that our own 'boys' aren't the only ones making us women nuts (LOL).
I think monochromatic stitching is relaxing. It seems to me I don't have to pay as much attention to it, so I just sort of get it in a groove and before I know have tons done. Glad you found a good match for your threads.
LOL, so when is he getting his own place ;-). Seriously, men are such babies when they are sick. I think it's genetic.
Love your sneak peeks and the color is gorgeous.
I'm glad you were able to find a silk match! I don't have much in the way of Gloriana, just stuff I bought very recently because I don't really care for it. I had to buy it for the designs (Paradise Lost & Sarah Woodham).
Love the sneak peeks!
I hope the boy is feeling better. Men are such babies when they are sick!
Oooo professional finishing?! I can't wait to see what she does, I love Deb's work.
So glad your silk matched. And congrats with finishing it. I hope that you can enjoy some of your time off and get some stitching done!
It looks really nice :)
Sorry about *the boy* being sick so much. I can just imagine how frustrating that must be.
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