I've got a good amount of things going on this coming week which should leave me duly preoccupied and distracted. Distractions are good!
The past month has not been kind as mentioned in my previous post. And when I'm sad or angry, there is no stitching to be had. It's hard to stitch when you'd rather beat someone with your project versus actually stitching with it. It was much safer tucked away in it's project bag. But I managed a few stitches here and there.
Here's where Letter C stands as of early this afternoon. I've managed to stitch quite a bit since but it's too dark for a photo now. I decided to get the boring part out of the way and I've been stitching on the background since the last time I showed you all Letter C.
I've been doing a lot of reading. Well...a lot by my standards. And I read because when your own life is a tragic mess, it's nice to escape to the life of the main character in any book. I read:
A Good Yarn by Debbie Macomber - It's about yarn...and knitting. How can that be bad?! It was an enjoyable read and a continuation for me since I had read "The Shop on Blossom Street" a number of years ago when I a was more crazed about knitting than cross stitching. I think the stories intertwined nicely between the 4 main characters and would recommend it for anyone looking for a light read.
The Help by Kathryn Stockett - So when this book first came out...I thought it was a self-help book just based on the title. How wrong was I?! A friend recommended I read it and so I put my name on the list at the local library. When I started this book...I could not put it down! I think I managed to read the 400+ page book in under 3 days...which is fast for me. It was entralling and interesting and opened my eyes to what life would have been like back in the South in the 1960's and the relationship between well off white women and the colored help that catered to them. Excellent book!
Rainwater by Sandra Brown - I read this book for a book club meeting being held at the local library next week. I figured, if I liked the book, maybe I would go to the meeting and see what that was all about. I was surprised they picked a Sandra Brown book because isn't she really a romance novelist? Anyways, even though there was some romance, it was more about Depression Era Texas and how people hurt each other in their effort to survive or gain more power in a time when people had very little. It was another non-stop read for me.
I'm debating what book to read next...The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society, Water for Elephants or My Life in France (Julia Child). Any thoughts?
Everything else is pretty status quo. I did find out that I will have to furlough 10 days at work in the coming fiscal year. Not what anyone wants to hear but I'm also not surprised by it. I don't feel badly about it since I know that things could be worse and I'm lucky to have a job. There are rockier times down the turnpike with lots of talk of consolidation. I guess only time will tell.
That's it for me today. I think I'll be back with a poll soon...once I figure out how you do that!
Thanks for all the supportive comments in my last post and for sticking with me in my absence.
Until next time...
I like this title!!
I just bought Guernsey and it is on its way to me!! - Have been waiting to read it. Hope you read that first, although i am curious to see what other readers suggst!!
Letter C is looking great. I like the varigated floss you are using. You have quit a task to have it stitched by the end of the month, but I know you can do it.
Guernsey was a really good. Water for Elephants has been on my to read shelf for some time. One day I will get around to it.
Take Care and Ill be in toucg with you soon.
Glad you are back stitching and blogging Valerie!
Love the letter C - your niece is going to love it too.
I loved Guernsey when I read it last year. Water for Elephants is on my TBR list, as is The Help, which I really must get soon as everyone has raved about it so much!
Love your letter C. x
Letter C is looking lovely, love the floss choice on it.
Letter C is looking good! I hear you on the no stitching and reading instead when in a bad state. I'm that way too. You should try audiobooks. They're great for stitching when distracted. As for your next pick of book -- all three are great reads!!! I've read them all and I loved each one! Hard to say which is better than which. Just read them all. :D I'm going to have to try one or two of the ones you mentioned. I looooved The Help!
Hope things get better for you....
Even though the street fair was a dud, it sounds like it was good to get out and hang out with a friend.
Reading is always relaxes me. I've heard a lot about a couple of books on your list but have not read any of them myself.
Letter C is looking fab! I laughed out loud at your line about wanting to hit someone over the head with your project. I think we can all relate to that. I love to read! I think I may check out The Help, as I've not read that one.
I'm with Margaret on the audio books and stitching combo--it combines my two favorite things! In fact, the audio book version of The Help is easily my favorite audio book ever--loved it!! I'd recommend Water for Elephants for your next read (again, I listened to it and it was amazing)...
Nice to see your letter "C" coming along, Valerie...Keep working on that smile--before you know it, it will feel natural again :)
Guernsey is a wonderful book. It takes just a tiny bit at the beginning to figure out who's who and the relationships. I was so sad when it ended. My book club loved it, it was everyone's favorite.
Love the stitchy pic :-). I stitch in part to keep my sanity, LOL.
It's always hard to get back to some sort of new normal but it will happen. Hope things aren't too crazy at work.
Letter C is coming along beautifully - I am glad that you have picked that up and started to stitch on it again! I am sure that you will have it done in no time. Sounds like you have read some wonderful books...thank you for the tip regarding "Help". I have heard wonderful things about it, just haven't taken the time to go get it to read, yet.
Good to have the program back on!
Take care.
Letter C is looking great. I wonder if I could get my slow-poke stitching butt in gear to do this one by my daughter's birthday in September. I love the Debbie Macomber books, too. I find myself thinking about the characters sometimes. How weird is that? I have Water for Elephants on audiobook but haven't listened to it yet. A friend highly recommended it to me though.
Love that letter C, it's looking good!
I know what you mean about not being able to stitch when upset, I'm the same way.
Don't you just love friends that you can run errands with while you're out?! I have two good friends like that, they never mind running by the Costco with me (always picking up DH's meds), or by the Central Market to get whatever...and then I like going with them on their errands cause sometimes I pick up something fun or good.
Life is about those little things sometimes, right?
I haven't been reading blogs for a month so time of catching up. I have been reading your blog for a long time and sometimes comment. I was not at all surprised by the break up but sad to hear what you are going through. Getting back into stitching will help you as well. Relieves stress you know. Hang in there and I will be thinking of you.
My stitching mojo always suffers when life sucks. I get to thinking about things and can't concentrate. And if I force myself to stitch I just attract frogs.
And good for you getting out with friends even though the event wasn't what you expected!
Welcome Back! I LOVE that letter "C". I was so disappointed when Nora released the letter "D"
Chin up, girlfriend. Time heals and you've already worked out you're better off without him. Love to see more of your stitching! {hugs} Pokua
The Help is in my TBR pile too. Everyone at my local Curves is a big a fan of this book.
My favorite cousin is pregnant again; and if it's a girl I'm going to stitch her letter as her birth sampler.
Looks like you've chosen some good books to lose yourself in. :) I read The Help last summer and thoroughly enjoyed it, not wanting to put it down. Lately I've been listening to ebooks from the library. It's so awesome to borrow a book and not even have to leave the house! :D
C is looking lovely :o) Darn, I thought you were stitching it for my birthday. ROFL!
I heard that Water For Elephants was a good book but haven't read it yet.
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