It started off with the car battery which resolved itself fine but made me really wish I was dating some really hot mechanic that could save me and my jalopy car. It's hard to be in a position of always having to take care of everyone else and then when you need help, you're at the mercy of AAA. know, I pay for and are therefore obligated to come and save me. At least the AAA guy this time around was super nice.
Crochet class was nice and I could actually crochet but my gauge is curling. I still crochet too tight! And is it just me but does crochet seem harder than knitting?!
On Thursday, my tub got royally clogged! How does that happen? One day, it's working perfect and the next day, you're standing in 6 inches of standing water. Ergh! Despite calling the apartment manager and leaving him a note, it still took four days to fix which of course, led to more frustration. It would drain....very, very sloooowly. Like hours. The apartment manager came down yesterday to return a movie I lent him and I, of course, unleash on him. Where have you been?! Clogged tub, clogged tub! Apparently, he completely forgot I called him and he confused my note with a sink clog incident while the now ex was staying here. *sigh* He unclogged the tub which brought forth a clump of boy hair. For wasn't me causing havoc on the pipes!
The rest of the week/weekend brought forth a lot of flakiness from others and cancelled plans which led to a lot of thinking since I had extra time on my hands. Not happy thinking either. Stuff like "why are people so flaky and is that an original SF thing or an SF thing brought on by all the "transplants" now living here?" And "how in the world did I end up in this big mess...broken up, alone and trying to build up a social life from practically scratch"? And "will I find someone else who will accept me, my craft obsession, my un-sexy undies, sarcastic humor and me being the occasional cranky-pants"...because I doubt it. And it's hard to hear people tell you it's ok to be alone when they are all married and in the throes of a seemingly happy relationship. So...I'm far from happy.
Then there are the boy hair clog, and boy taking the last of something and hiding it, and boy washing the dishes so poorly and putting them away that I then have to rewash them...which requires soaking because the grunge is stuck on (eww!) and still being pissed off that boy bent my car visor which requires it to stay down otherwise it will hit me in the head if I try to put it up because it won't stay up.
I apparently have too much time on my hands if I am thinking this much. I was a thinking, sad mess all weekend. It's probably just as well that almost everyone cancelled on me since I was so tired and unmotivated and sad and pathetic. I almost cancelled on the one person who kept our plans and I'm glad I didn't. We had a nice dinner and went to watch Sex in the City 2. It was a lot funnier than I thought it would be! The outfits were kind of atrocious but supposedly, that's called "fashion" or something. The heck?! Although, I have to say, if I pick anyone's outfits, it would be Charlotte...but in the end, I'm a jeans and hoodie girl. I suppose I should start dressing my age...but there's plenty of time to think about that some more. Overall, fun movie.
Stitching again was scarce because for every 10 minutes of stitching, I did like 90 minutes of thinking. There is no way I am going to make my end of month goal now. Here is how Letter C stands. I think all that Blueberry Tart and Lettuce Leaf slowed me down. I'm not big into pastels and got kind of boring.
So that's the update on me and my little corner. I am trying to figure out a new routine and it's hard! The goal this week will be to get a couple of workouts in and see if I can stick with it for more than two weeks. So that I can lose a couple of pounds and fit comfortably in my old pants...and some new ones I want to buy. Don't you hate being in between sizes?! Ergh...story of my life.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Until next time...
It gets better - just hang in there.
Sending hugs my dear. xx
Oh gosh, yes! I really hate being between sizes! Happens to me all the time! Hope things get better for you. Hang in there, kid!
I'm between sizes too. One size strangles me and the other one is baggy. Ugh!
Keep strong. The crappy days will start to space out a bit. I really admire how you're working to change your routine and put yourself out more.
It will get better!!!! Sorry you had such a glum week. {{{{hugs}}}}
girl,i know just how you feel, so my heart goes out to you. at least you're brave enough to share it...i can't seem to bring myself to post about all the crap happening in my life right now.
let's just say, you've got a friend out there that can relate!
Hope things start to come around your way very soon!
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you are having such a crap time lately. I so admire you for getting out there and making new frienships and connections. Keep going, it will get easier
I'm between sizes too - so frustrating! Sorry you're not having the greatest time - I hope things get better for you very soon! {{{hugs}}}
Hang in there, Valerie--hugs to you :)
Hope you enjoy your workouts this week. Hope life soon deal you a good hand!
Big hugs! It does get better, but when you're making discoveries after the fact, it really brings all of your feelings back to the surface when all you're trying to do is move on. I feel for you, girl! Your C is looking gorgeous, hang in there you'll be looking at a finish in no time!
Hi Val, when it rains it pours. It sure seems that way doesn't it. I hope and pray that things begin improving soon. The workouts will help as will some new clothes. Hang in there and feel free to drop me an email and release any pent up frustration.
I'm very late in catching up on your blog, Valerie, and ... wow! You've had a time of it lately! I'm so sorry to hear that things came so unravelled but I do hope you'll find your own footing very soon. Take care!!
Sending good thoughts your way, i hope things get better soon for you. Keep strong and take care.((hugs))
Hang in there. It will get better. Love the progress!
Yes, you DO have too much time on your hands! Hurry, find something to fill it with...reading, games, going out with friends. I know it's not easy :o( ((((HUGS))))
I think C is looking fantastic! Watch TV while stitching and maybe that will get your mind off of thinking. Watch something with some hot bods ;o)
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