But this little hiccup meant that I got home much later than I thought and there is still laundry to put away and dishes to wash and more gift to stitch and more chain stitch practicing to do. I don't think much will happen tonight now.
There's not much going on with me. I've been feeling pretty low the last few days and I find that if I keep myself busy, I don't have much time to think about "stuff". The anger and sadness is there and it will be there for a while. But at least I get myself out of the house and do the things that need to be done and connect with people even if a lot of the time, I just want to be hiding under the covers.
I signed up for a crochet class and I find that I chain stitch even tighter than I knit. This is slightly problematic!! At least with knitting you can go up a needle size to get the right gauge...apparently, that isn't possible with crochet! I need to practice making looser chaining (?) so I can actually make stitches within the loops! I've gone out to dinners with friends and even tried a new to me restaurant, Destino. They had great tapas and sangria. I think my only complaint is that the tables are pretty close together. It made eavesdropping on the couple seated next to us very easy! They appeared to be on their first date and he seemed very shy, nervous and go with the flow and she seemed very bossy! Good luck guy...I'd run if I were you!
The weekend led itself to doing a lot of the responsible things I had to do like housesitting and laundry. Yesterday was my super social day in which I went to Farmers Market, got a massage (to work out some of the stress knots from the past 6 months), went to my nearby "Art in the Park" with a coworker and then got together with new friends to see a movie (Killers). It was nice to finally be in a movie theater...but if you had any interest in seeing this movie, I'd wait until dvd. Overall...it was a nice weekend.
Now for some stitchy stuff. I don't have much since now I am trying to keep myself busy outside of the house. Here is Letter C so far. I'm not sure I can make my end of the month goal! All that pale blue background took me forever! Ugh...glad to move into the design portion...then backstitching...then beading. Can I do it?! I don't know....
I owe a few people email...omg...I had caught up and now I'm behind again! I haven't forgotten. I just haven't been too talkative in front of the computer the past few days. I'll reply soon...
That's it for me...hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Until next time...
Good Job on the battery change! I hope to see you soon.
Is this the nth time i am telling you i love reading your blog...
It really feels nice Val, that you are going out and mingling!!
I so agree -- AAA is so worth it! You don't use them very often, but when you need them, they're there! I got stuck in the snow recently, called them up, and they pulled me out! Yay! (For free of course.) Nice to know about the fact that the guy could do the batteries for you on the spot!
I tend to be tight on my knitting and crochet too. I had the same problem at first with the crochet, still do a bit, but if you can loosen yourself up, you'll do it. :D It's fun!
Good that you're keeping yourself busy. I know that feeling of just wanting to hide under the covers. Good for you for fighting it!
Love your C so far!
I read the title to your post and instantly related. The battery issue ended very well!
I'm a tight knitter and crocheter as well. With crochet you'll learn soon to loosen up or it will be a struggle getting the hook in and out of the loops.
It's good to keep yourself busy and you seem to be doing very well with it. It's normal to be blue here and there but it will get easier.
I am so proud of you! I got tired reading all of the fun stuff that you are doing and I'm glad that you are going out and about and that you have friends old and new to do things with. Yay for you Valerie! You got your car taken care of easily and you learning new things. I think that is fabulous and you should give yourself a big hug for taking care of business. Good things await you, I know they do :)
Chalk that up as an accomplishment - dealing with a dead battery! For something like that, a Happy Dance is in order in my books :)
Your C is coming a long and looking beautiful as all your stitching does.
I love reading about your adventures - it is definitely good to have you back and posting! Take care my friend - lets look at the calendar and plan a stitching gtg soon.
Great news that it was only a battery, but too bad your Dad didn't teach you about that stuff. I've changed plenty of batteries, tires, and oil in my life (Thanks to Dad).
Your stitching looks great!
I never learned how to jump start a car or change a tire either. Thank goodness for AAA!!
Love your start on Letter C - is looks great so far.
And good for you for getting out and mingling, and for signing up for the crochet class too. That seems to be a big thing right now. The key is just keep yourself busy and before you know it, you'll have less and less thoughts of the bad things.
Good luck with the crochet, its fun to learn something new. A busy weekend with your friends, nice to hear you are getting out and about.
Well that was nice of the AAA guy! I'd say it was worth the money :o)
You're the second person to say they really didn't enjoy Killers. They probably showed all the funny parts on TV.
You CAN DO IT!!!! You've made lots of progress since the last picture :o)
Good to hear that life is moving on, Valerie--and you're forging ahead, too. I know it's not easy, but it will get easier as the days / months pass by.
I know nothing about car repair or maintenance--I guess in my generation it wasn't taught to girls very much. I suppose it's not too late to learn (but I probably won't!!)...
Love the progress on "C"--very sweet colors in it :)
Great that the AAA man came up with a battery!
Sounds like you are keeping busy too!
I love AAA's battery service. It's so convenient and well wroth the cost of membership.
Woohoo for the AAA guy!!! Knowing your vehicle is dependable is important. Hope things settle down soon and you start to feel better.
Love your letter C.
I once had to pantomime changing a tire in drama class. I failed. Of course, I've never changed a tire even once, let alone in tenth grade!
I'm glad you got the battery change sorted! And that it didn't cost you a small fortune to get the car fixed.
I'm glad to hear that you're getting out, even if the impulse to bury your head under the covers is great. Hang in there. Love the stitching!
why don´t you use this site to help you decide what fabric to use ?
Hi Val! I hope you're having a good weekend. I'm still sadly, failing to learn my lesson and the first half SUCKED! I think its just a fear of being alone. I don't work with cool people, in fact, my coworkers SUCK and I would NOT want to hang out with them. I love my churchies (sp?) but unfortunately there aren't many people my age that attend church here. I may consider changing churches, but I hate the thought so I remain stuck in a couple areas of my life. Oh but hey, I got a lot of stitching done, but no pictures and no post about it. Maybe after church tonight... I am LOVING the piece I am stitching on right now. Oh well, enough about me. I hope you got out and had a good weekend, did something fun, stitched a little. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Julie/KS
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