The rest of the weekend was errands and gift shopping and meeting up with a couple of friends for dinner. Nothing incredibly fascinating. I did go see Burlesque. Ok...don't go rolling your eyes! It was fantastic! I could have sat there and watched it all over again. The singing and dancing was top notch and toe-tapping. I actually felt compelled to clap after each performance but then I remembered I was in a *movie* and not a live performance. I love Cher! Can you believe that she is 64...she looks terrific! Cam Gigandet is pretty easy on the eyes to. I never realized that Christina Aguilera had such range...mainly because I stopped listening to most pop years ago. End result is that I can-not wait for this movie to be released on video. Loved, loved, loved it!
So what else...
I heard from my partner in the Hooked on Exchanging ornie swap that she received my ornie. It was hard for me to part with this one. I love Frosty Flakes! I saw that my partner seemed to be a LHN fan so I decided to stitch up this cute snowman. Simple finish, white beaded edging and a sheer white ribbon hanger.
32 count Pearled Barley
Recommended CC, DMC and Mill Hill Beads
I also stitched the back with the simple tree from the pattern.

For the last week, I was trying very hard to finish part 1 of Mary Wigham. Wow, it seemed to take me forever! I don't know what it was. It's a little hard for me to get into a good position with the floor stand and recliner. I can't seem to get the stand close enough. I think I got too used to bringing the qsnap so close to my face to see that now I am struggling a bit with the distance. Maybe I should try out my magnifier and see if that helps some. I am so tempted to get a Stitchmate but I know I have to wait a little bit longer before I indulge in that fantasy.
For the last week, I was trying very hard to finish part 1 of Mary Wigham. Wow, it seemed to take me forever! I don't know what it was. It's a little hard for me to get into a good position with the floor stand and recliner. I can't seem to get the stand close enough. I think I got too used to bringing the qsnap so close to my face to see that now I am struggling a bit with the distance. Maybe I should try out my magnifier and see if that helps some. I am so tempted to get a Stitchmate but I know I have to wait a little bit longer before I indulge in that fantasy.
The new motifs I've stitched are the funky flower stitched in dark green, light yellow and cream, the initial box in cream and dark green, the SH initials and the light green motif on the top. Ignore the deep crease. I guess I didn't iron the fabric and the rods are too short so I don't have the best tension on this fabric. The ecru is a little hard to see but that is how it is reflected in the color photo so I went with it.
Now onto Part 2. I wonder if I can finish part 2 by the end of the month. Hey now...I hear you laughing at me! I'm laughing at myself! But I will try and see how far I get. I'm devoted to Mary til the end of the month and then I have to put her in some sort of rotation. She will be neglected a little and we'll see how well I am at rotating. Past practice on rotations has been pretty dismal.
I've been setting my goals and projects for 2011 and kind of freaking myself out! There is so much that I want to stitch and I'm trying to be reasonable. This was a poor stitching year. I'm about 10 projects down from last year. I wonder if I can get back to that standard of stitching again...
Well, I'm off to wash the dishes and relax a bit. I have the back of an 80 year old and it has been acting up a lot the last week and holding me back from the chores I have to do around my my quest of getting ready for my own little mewer. But tonight, I think I need to just take a muscle relaxer, ice some and hope I don't drool all over myself. Stash organizing tomorrow!
Hope you all had a nice weekend and that those of you in snow country are keeping warm and safe.
Until next time...
awww. I feel like that when I go into Pet Smart I see all these sweet kitties and want to take every one of them home. If I hit the lottery DH and I are going to start a no kill shelter on our 20 acre farm in the country ;)
I love the ornament you stitched for the HOE, it is so darn cute...great finishing BTW..
I nave been wanting to see that movie, I love Cher also she is an awesome looking 64 year old :) I dont think DH is to keen on the idea of seeing the movie.
Take Care and rest up your back!
Love your ornament, well done!
Hope your back is feeling better:)
The right kitty will turn up for you, when you are both ready :)
Love the FF ornament, you did a great job and MW is looking wonderful!
Congratulations on finishing Part 1 of Mary Wigham... I havent even started, LOL.
Do take care of your back...
I have had a Stitchmate for a long time now and LOVE it. You won't be disappointed if you get one.
You've made good progress on MW! I haven't heard anyone say that they've seen Burlesque. I'm glad to hear it was good! I just need to find someone to go see it with me!
I know there is a special kitty out there for you!
Off to go see what a Stitchmate is....
Awww...there will be another perfect kitty waiting for you when the time is right!
Love your ornament and your Wigham. Mine is currently on hold while I do some holiday stitching. Perhaps I'll work more on it in January - maybe we can motivate each other to get it done!
Your WIP is coming along nicely. i am sure you will find another kitten tht will steal your heart.....
I'm so sorry that Mr. Mew didn't come home with you. But there is another Mr. Meow out there that is for you! I love Tom cats best (as you know) so I know that there is one out there just like my Red ;)
Mary is looking dazzling!
take good care of that back!
Wow I can't believe Cher is 64! I hope I look that good although I'm guessing she's probably had lots of surgery!
Gorgeous ornament you stitched and your MW is looking beautiful.
Hope your back is better soon.
I'm sat here reading your post, just about to finish Frosty Flakes myself. I'd opted for green ribbon edging, but having seen yours with the white beaded edge, I might just change my mind! I love what you did with the motif on the back. I do that with all of my pieces, just seems to make it more personal.
Christina Aguilera did a performance from Burlesque on the 'X-Factor' ( bit like American Idol). She was very good although I've never really like her to be honest. Maybe I'll go and see the film, I do like Cher, hope I look like her at 44 never mind 64!
You will find the right kitty when the time is right. Sorry Mr. Mew was gone. :( I love the ornie you sent off -- I can see why it was hard to part with it! Love your Mary Wigham progress too. You can do it! Isn't it overwhelming to think about all the projects you want to do? I'm feeling overwhelmed too! Hope your back is feeling better!
Ah never mind I am sure there is your own Mr Mew out there just waiting to come and live with you! I am toying with the idea of having a kitty too but then I saw the cutest little chihuahua in Florida and now Su (Contemplating My Needle and Thread) is showing off Harry on her blog. So - a kitty or a tiny dog?
Love your beaded LHN Frosty Flakes - I am struggling to finish the children's ornaments - 3 down - 3 to go.
Mary Wigham is looking lovely.
Cher is 64 - mmm - a year older than me. I know I don't look as good as she does but then I never did look that good! LOL
Hey Valerie! Greetings from Michigan!
Your ornie is darling and I'd have been very hard pressed to give it up, too. Well done!
MW is coming along beautifully! Keep up the good work.
I hope your back feels better - an achy back is not a good thing.
There's another kitty out there for you, I'm sure it will find you when you ARE ready!
Happy Holidays!
The right kitty will come along, don't worry!!
Love the ornament!! I love that one best out of the series. The finishing is awesome on it. Great job!
There are plenty of Mr Mews and don't be fooled - they are pesky little things. I know. They scratch your doors and your carpets and your furniture. They leave bad smells in your house - well mine does as she is an indoor cat! Cat food costs a lot - esp if you buy Royal Canin - well I do have a posh kitty! Yeah they are cute but pesky. Love the ornie and you are putting me to shame on the Mary W. xx
So sorry about Mr. Mew! The right one will come along, I'm sure. :) We got our second dog on kind of a whim, and I'm so glad we did! He is such a hoot, and I can't imagine not having him!
Mary is looking fabulous! I finished all of part one last year and decided that I wanted to go monochrome, and so I started over. It was crazy of me, but I'm glad I did it. This time I started in the middle and am working outward. It's such a fun piece, but hard to keep attention on it...not sure why!
The right one will come along when you are ready. This will be a big commitment so I think it is great that you aren't rushing it. Your ornament is gorgeous, love the beaded edgeing. I can't wait to see Burlesque - I think it will be fabulous and I have always admired Cher.
Aw, I'm sorry you didn't get the orange tabby, Valerie, but there will be another kitty who will pick you very soon. I miss my old cat so much. Had him for 14 years, but can't get another due to DH's allergies :(
Your ornament is so cute--love how you stitched the tree on the back--just perfect!
Cher amazes me every time I see her on TV... And for a bit of trivia, Christina Aguilera went to school right here. She was just a year or two ahead of my oldest son and was even a cheerleader until she became famous and left school!
Aw~ This is just not meant to be, and I'm sure the right kitty is still out there waiting for you!!!
Love your ornament!! I think this design is my favorite out of all the 12~~~ Glad to see Mary again!!! Speaking of which, I should dig out mine again as well!!!
Awwwwwwwwwww...Frosty Flake is so cute. I can see why he was hard to part with.
Great going on MW! And lovely ornie. Good luck with the cat adoption, I'm sure you'll find the right companion.
Cute ornament and love your Mary!!! Hope your new kitty finds you soon :-).
Awww, so sad about Mr. Mew. But your perfect kitty will be waiting for you. Love the ornament and your MW is looking fantastic. I really want to go see Burlesque - maybe next week!
Valerie, what a shame about the kitty, but the important thing is that he found a home :-)
Burlesque, huh? I am not sure about that one... I will wait until it comes out in video.
Mary is coming along really nicely. I am sooooo behind in mine.
Thanks for the tip about Stitchmate !! I didn't know about it and it looks like a great one. I've always been hesitant about these stands because there are so many different ones that I don't know which one will work, but this one looks comfortable and convenient.
Merry Christmas to you !!!
Great stitching!!!
We also looked for several months before the timing AND the kitty were right. Pictures to follow on Friday, after they're home. :D
I lost my furbaby the last week in July this year. I miss her SO much daily. I really want another one, but think it would cause me more harm than good right now. Good luck if you go back for a new furbaby!!
Awww... I'm sure you'll get a kitty when the time is right for both of you. I can't take walking into shelters or Pet Smart when they have the cats available--or dogs. I could SO easily be one of those crazy dog or cat ladies.
You did a great job on the ornament! Beautiful work.
Okay, can't take Cher, but Cam Gigandet? Hoo-ah!
I'm sorry it didn't work out with Mr. Mew but I'm sure there will be another kitty that will capture your heart :o)
Lovely ornament finish and I can see why you had a hard time parting with it.
Congrats on finishing part 1 of MW! That's great!
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