Brain-dead and so tired! Too tired to even look at a needle...let alone hold it. The one week of furlough means that you work doubly as hard when you get back to work. The days have flown by and I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. Stitching has been slow but at least I try to put in a length per evening. Tuesday and today are the exceptions so far.
I've been doing lots of thinking about this year. What I hope to achieve and what I hope it brings. The bottom line is simple. I just want it to bring happiness. That's a long term goal.
So what will make me happy right now? Followers. There...I said it. I was quietly waiting and waiting for my followers to hit 100 and look ------------>
I am so close! I have 96 followers. Can I just have 4 more?
Because, you know what happens at 100 followers right? A fun surprise. The G word. I don't like saying the g-word though...probably because I'm weird but you all know what I'm getting at.
Not to mention it's the Year of the Rabbit and we have to ring it in with style...and bunnies. Lots and lots of bunnies. Hope you all like bunnies....
But that's only going to happen if I hit the big 1-0-0! Uh, not years (at least not yet)...I'm talking about followers here.
I guess I'll see what happens.
I'm off to rest my head. Why's it feel so heavy?! *sigh*
Until next time...
Here's to the weekend, happiness, followers, the g-word and sleep!!
Even though I read your blog faithfully and comment on occasion, I was not a follower - but its done now. You are now only 2 away!!.
Hope you are able to rest AND then pick up a needle! You are at 98 followers now. I know you will do it. I LOVE bunnies!!!!!!!!!
I'm embarrassed to discover that even though I follow your blog, I'm not a follower! Whoops! Well, I am now! lol! I'm afraid lots of times I put a blog in my reader but don't become a follower. I'm trying to get better about that! You're almost there! Hope work slows down for you and you can relax more!
Yeah~~ I am your 100th follower~~~ Love your blog~~ Faye
Its been full steam ahead here too...so I understand your need for rest! You get some and I'll get some too ;)
When I saw your picure I thought HEY LOOK! Valerie got her kitty...but I guess not right?
I'm already a follower, but I had a peek and you are now at 101 folowers. Go you!
I think thta happiness is a wonderful goal, I'll be cheering you on x
You are too funny!!!! Ask and you shall receive ;-). And in abundance, I was number 102...
I see you are up to 100 followers now.Yay! Hope today goes smoothly!
Get some rest and enjoy the upcoming weekend!
You did it. Your at 102!!
Like Sylvia, somehow I was not a follower either - I am now! And I see you are several over your 100 mark. Yay! Hope you are feeling more rested and relaxed soon.
Okay when I first saw your picture in this post I was saying OMG! OMG! did she get a cat, then I read through your post and realized it was not.And though I have you in my blog reader and you are my stitching friend in real life LOL I was not a follower can you believe it? Well I am now #107 baby Hahah....
2010 is dust in the wind, whenever I hear that song now all I think about is Old School, the movie :)
2011 I hope for you is nothing but Joy, Happiness, and no frogs both in stitching and in dating ;)
Take Care friend and remember ITS FRIDAY!!! WooHooo
Dang as I read, the overwhelming urge to be 100 grew and grew and grew. 107 is still a nice number though.
Congrats on the milestone, the return to work, and the lovely stitching. I do so love that BBD snow.... I think it might be the peacock in that subdued color palatte, but whatever it is I just love it.
Happy New Year. Happy Stitching!
OMG I thought I was already a follower - I visit regularly - but it turns out I wasn't but I am now!
Have a lovely weekend - I'm home alone so I am having a 2-day stitch-in so come over and join me!
Whoo Hooo! You made your hundred and more!!! Congratulations!
whoo hoo I am number 111:-)
Congrats on the over 100 milestone! Now, my friend get some rest and relax! mmm...a g-word?
Giggle? Goofy? Goony? Girly? Grinning? Grateful? Well, I will let you unveil it :)
Take care and enjoy the weekend!
Whooo hoooo you made it! We really do love you. :o) I hope you get lots of rest this weekend.
Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog! You are well over 100 followers now, counting me. I remember those old Calgon commercials well - do they still sell it? We all need some now and then. Snow Garden is such a pretty design - I look forward to watching it grow.
I would follow you one hundred times over if I could, Valerie :)
Glad you passed the 100 mark--congratulations! And I hope your weekend is a relaxing, stitch-filled one...
Yeah, being off work isn't always the blessing it seems once you go back! Yuck! *hugs*
Look at all those followers now! Congratulations!
I hope you use your weekend to recouperate and stitch!!!
Hope you get your 100 soon! Even when there aren't a lot of comments at least you know you aren't just talking to yourself. ;)
Valerie, you have so many followers !!! I only have 60, so you are way ahead of me... but I treasure each one of them. What a fun group of people... I love them !!
LOL! Love that picture :o)
Bunnies? Did you say bunnies and LOTS of them???? You know I'm in :o)
Congrats at surpassing 100 Followers!
I love bunnies and i was born in the year of the bunny too!!!
I do so hope that 2011 is a year full of happiness for you Valerie
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