Here are the things I am giving away to ONE lucky winner. I wonder who it will be?!

So what do you have to do to enter?
Answer one of the two questions in your comment...on this post only.
1. Since we're in Oscars movie season, what is your favorite movie? It doesn't have to be an Oscar-nominated one.
2. If you had the vacation time and could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?
That's it! Please don't post about this "surprise" on your blogs? I'd like it to go to a regular reader who happens to enjoy my ramblings instead of someone who came by just because they heard about my g-away.
Deadline to enter is February 3rd which is Chinese New Year. Gung Hay Fat Choy!

If I could, I would've gone on a walking tour around the south coast of England and Cornwall. I once read a book by someone who walked around the whole of Britain, but that sounds too much for me. Just south coast, though, would've been lovely.
Ohhhh, my, I think I would keel over if I won this! I love all things bunny!!!! My favorite movie, hands down, Shawshank Redemption because of Andy's patience all those years and then he gets out and so does Red and the ending is just so perfect. I am welling up just thinking about it. I have missed your more regular postings. I hope you are well.
Wow bunnies! What a fabulous giveaway. There are too many places that I want to travel to so how about one of my favorite movies. The Hunt for Red October. Such a classic and a wonderful cast. My husband and I can recite the whole thing.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
I certainly would love to travel to Australia one day....It sounds facinating there!!! Now,about the favorite movie, I am old school and LOVE The Sound of Music no matter how many times I see it!! I thats crazy with all the awesome movies out there, but its true!!
Hippitiy hop, I would LOVE to be a part of your awesome bunny giveaway!! FAye
What a fun thing you are doing. I think the best movie this year is The King's Speech (although my all time favorite move is A Few Good Men). If I could vacation anywhere it would be Hawaii. My brother has been there twice and he says it is just beautiful and relaxing with perfect weather :)
What an awesome prize package! Thanks so much for the chance to win! My favorite movie is one I didn't discover until early 2009, called Firelight. It's a French film, starring Sophie Marceau, and the love story it tells is most unconventional, yet so powerful, beautiful and soul-wrenching. Mere words cannot describe the affect the movie had on me.
I'm sure my favorite movie would be The King's Speech if I ever got around to seeing it. lol! I'm so desperate to see it, but we never get around to it. First it wasn't showing close by. Now it is, but things just keep coming up. Sigh. Weird answer, huh? lol! Thanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year! (I don't do that Chinese stuff. lol!)
Would it hurt to say that one of my favorite movies is "Harvey"? :0)
After reading "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society", I have an urge to visit the Channel Islands. It's rare for me to read a book and enjoy it so much that I want to visit the location of the story but this book had that effect on me.
Great give away idea and such perfect timing!
Japan! Niek and I are going to go at some magical point when (1) the kids are grown-up enough that we can go without them, but (2) we ourselves are not so old that we'll get halfway there and forget where we're going. ;)
Oooooh, I'm a total bunny girl! I even have one tattooed on my ankle. :) If I had the vacation time and money, I would go to Ireland! It's a place I've always dreamed of visiting. I'll go on and answer both questions. My favorite movie of all time is a very close toss-up between My Fair Lady and The Sound of Music. I could watch either of them over and over and never get tired of them. :)
What a fabulous giveaway. I have only seen 2 of the Oscar nominated films - Inception and Winter's Bone so I suppose I should pick one of my all time favorites, Forrest Gump. I can't count how many times I have seen this movie or parts of it and it still draws me in every time I am flipping through the channels and happen upon it.
What a great idea for a giveaway theme - lovely little bunnies just in time for Spring!
Hmm, hard to choose which question to answer - but I'm going for the travel one! I've already filled one of my travel dream - I've been to Ireland (twice!) - but it's a big world out there, so there's more to see.
It's between Australia and Spain, and today, Australia is STILL calling the loudest. SO far away from the middle of the USA, so big, so much caostline, such an opportunity to see different landscapes, culture and lifestyle - but still be able to understand the language.
I found your blog while you were last in New York City - seems you love travel too!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Mary in MN
Ooh please count me in. I love bunnies.
My favourite movie is 'Veronica Guerin'. She was a journalist who fought against drug lords in Ireland. Although she was murdered, her efforts changed some laws in Ireland (so that criminal assets could be ceased etc). A very moving film.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
What a wonderful giveaway. For vacation its a toss up between Iceland and Alaska. Both are breathtaking and have the wonderful villages I would love to walk around, fields and the glaciers!
I dont really have favorite movies but parts of movies or even quotes. Love Col Jessep's (Jack Nicholson) speech at the end of a Few Good Men.
I'd like to enter please .
If I had the time and money , and the kids were grown up , I'd go to South Africa . I've always wanted to go on safari , and now I'd like to go and visit the orphanage our group is supporting too .
Aww...who doesn't love bunnies (except when they get into my vegetable garden!). I'm not entering, Valerie, since I already have three of the charts, but good luck to everyone else :)
I have always wanted to visit the Greek islands so that would be number one on my list...some day!
Hi there! What a great giveaway--bunnies just in time to bring us into spring! And we definitely need something to drive away the SAD! My favorite movie -- who can pick just one? But, for today, I will say Havana Nights! Yumm... the great dancing, the great latin music... and the story line about Cuba is what drew me the first time, since I have Cuban ancestors, and Cuban cousins still. Hugs.
BUNNIES!!! I love bunnies. Enter me please!
I would go to the UK. Again. It's my favorite holiday place and I'd leave at the drop of a hat...or would as soon as my passport was renewed! Unfortunately, it's too expensive and we aren't rich. Why haven't won that damn lottery yet?
What a fun giveaway. Please count me in.
I'd kill to visit Egypt. I've been fascinated with all the history forever.
If I could, I'd return to Italy. I was there last summer on a cruise, but didn't have nearly enough time to expore. OR I'd love to go to Germany & Belgium on a Beer tour with my son.
What an amazing giveaway Valerie :) I would LOVE to be entered.
There are so many I would absolutely love to visit but I think New Zealand would be the one place I'd go if I ever had the chance. I have seen adverts on TV and also programmes and the scenery looks so beautiful. It looks so peaceful.
What fun, Valerie!
Right now, buried under snow, I'm dreaming of a trip to Tahiti/Bora Bora where I can get lost out in one of those hotel room/huts out a long dock in the middle of the blue, blue ocean. *swoon*
Shawshank Redemption, The Princess Bride, and What a Girl Wants (don't judge.. it has Colin Firth!) top my all-time favorite movies! This year it would definitely be The King's Speech.
How fun! I love Dances with Wolves. There were so many things in that movie that reminded me of my two weeks living with the Cree Indians.
Travel......does a trip around the world count? If not, I'd love to see Germany and Austria where my ancestors are from.
My favorite movie of all time? Oooo, that's a hard one!
For pure 'popcorn ready' entertainment value: The Lord of the Rings trilogy. (I loved these books when I was a teenager so I have a soft spot for the movies. *sniff*)
Sweet & Sentimental: Steel Magnolias. (I can never EVER skip by this movie when I see it on cable. Why don't I own this on DVD??)
Serious & Sentimental: I have to agree with the Shawshank Redemption. (Brutal, oh so brutal, but so so good.)
Romantic Comedy: You've Got Mail (Is it wrong that I love the fact that they are mean to each other for 75% of the movie? lol I'm not sure what that says about my romantic sensibilities.)
Romance without the Comedy: The Lake House (Keanu, Sandra and Chicago will never look better than they do in this movie.)
Stiff Upper Lip movie: Howard's End. (Don't know why but I've always loved the book and the movie is just as good, if not better.)
Spooky-ookies: Silence of the Lambs. (Eep!)
I just love movies in general though. lol My Netflix account gets a lot of use. :)
You KNOW that I want my name put in the hat!!!! ;o) Ohhh....BUNNIES!!!!
My favorite movie so far this year has been The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest. I know it's not one to be nominated. I do want to see The King's Speech though :o)
Thank you for such a fun giveaway Valerie!
Bunny!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that bunny fabric too much. :D
I want to go to Australia. I've wanted to go since I was about 10. One of these years....
Favorite movie it tougher, I have a hard time picking a number one - but a recent dvd buy was Grindhouse: Death Proof. Very violent, but over the top girl power that had me bouncing in my chair.
What a wonderful giveaway - too cute!!
If I had all the time (most importantly) and money, DH and I would travel from our home in KY and drive through IN, IL, IA, into Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Washington state. While in WA, we would jump over the border to do a little western Canada, and then back down through OR, WY, Nebraska South Dakota(Mt Rushmore) and Missouri. I believe that would finish the 50 states for my husband, and since I did that as a child, I could get to see him seeing it for first time.
PS I think I am not the first one who said this, but my favorite movie is Sound of Music!
Thanks for the giveaway - good luck to everyone!
What a great collection of bunnies!!!
Travel ~ hmmm... anywhere! I love travelling the States with the kids, and one day I'd love to travel Europe.
Movies ~ too many! Frequent ones at my home would be The Princess Bride, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Kung Fu Panda & Despicable Me :)
Thanks for the chance Valerie!
That is a lovely giveaway Val!! I will pass this one, and let some bunny lover enjoy those goodies...
My favourite movie will be You've got Mail with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.
It has been ages since i saw one, so when i looked at your query i went blank for a bit, LOL.
OK, I'll play too... I would absolutely love to visit Machu Picchu: I'm fascinated by old civilizations, plus it looks like a simply stunning site in every picture I've seen of it.
And I saw The King's Speech yesterday (I found a theatre where they were showing the original, non-dubbed version!) and absolutely loved it, so that would me my favourite movie at this time :-)
A wonderful giveaway Valerie. I'll play along - my favourite movie has to be The Jazz Singer - Neil Diamond can sing to me as much as he likes! I'll answer your second question too. You already know my favourite vacation destination but if money were no object I would love to go to one of the South Sea Islands
I loved The Fighter - love Christian Bale - great movie! I also love, love Fly Away Home - love this geesies!! Thank you for the giveway!
If I could travel anywhere in the world it would be back to the UK. I went to London when I was 17 on a March Break trip. I got to meet a lot of my family for the first time (my parents are immigrants). I barely scratched the surface with London and the UK I so want to go back! I also have aunts, uncles and cousins I've never met and would love to meet!
I'd also love to go back to the V&A Museum, I went there as a teen but as a teen uninterested in needlework I didn't even glance at the collection of 200+ pieces of needlework they have on display! The shame I tell you!
I would love to visit New York. It looks so exciting and so much to see and do! Great give away. Please enter my name.
PS Love your blog
My favourite movie is Love Actually. I love all the intersecting story lines and the always laugh and shed tears when I watch it.
If I could travel anywhere it would be Europe. I was lucky enough to travel to Germany, Belgium and Holland 3 years ago. We were able to connect with my husbands family in Holland which was the highlight of the trip! I want to go back so bad. The food, the history...!!!
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!
ohh my goodness! It's like a dream giveaway, i adore bunny related charts, and two of these are on my wishlist! and that fabric is so cute!! I hope it's ok to enter?
I can't think of a recent movie that I really loved but I do love musical type films sound of music, mamma mia, oliver. and then The wizard of oz, willy wonka, and Annie are my favourite childhood movies and I love the disney films, I've watched them over and over with my kids
thanks for the chance to enter
What a cute giveaway! I love the bunny theme, please count me in.
Probably one of my favorite movies is The Big Lebowski. It makes me laugh every time I watch it.
I cant decide what question to answer so I will do both, fav movie - The Green Mile , if I could travel - an around the world trip, New York on New years Eve, UK in soccer season, Disneyland again, paris ... ok im a bit greedy lol
oh and we have a real pet rabbit,Roxy, so im a rabbit lover too ..
Lovely give away! If I could go anywhere it would have to be Hawaii I think. I have never been on a "beach" holiday abroad and think this would be the most beautiful place. I can imagine sipping cocktails and lazing around and then scuba diving, looking at coral etc.. xx
If I could go anywhere I would go to Ireland. I just feel a pull to go there...like its meant for me.
Fave movied: Pretty Woman. I watch it every time it is on!
Thanks for offering the giveaway. I like year of the Rabbit better than year of the Rat!!
right first off, favourite film is probably Goodfellas, I am a sucker for a gangster movie..
place i would most like to visit - probably South America or Canada or New Zealand, anywhere far away but right now Turkey in June will quite suffice..
I LOVE all the bunny charts and would love to enter your giveaway!!!
My all time favorite movie is "To Kill a Mockingbird". I can watch this movie over and over and never tire of it. The story line and cast makes it a 60's message of prejudice and childhood innocence.
Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!
Such cute bunnies.
My favorite movie is too hard for me to pick so I'll tell you I've always wanted to travel to Europe, it really doesn't matter where but Ireland would probably be my first pick.
I have been reading your blog since you went to the shepherd bush retreat!!! I didn't get to go but have been reading all the fun things from that weekend and hoping for the next one.
My favorite movie is The Notebook.
If I could go on vacation this year I would want to go back to Seacrets Marmoma Beach in Mexico, it is beautiful.
I love bunnies so this is awesome. We have a dutch bunny as a pet. He is my buddie!!
For our honeymoon, my DH and I went on a guided tour of Ireland. We had a wonderful time and met some great people. A few of them had come on our tour straight from a tour of Scotland and said it was awesome, so I would definitely like to go back and do that Scotland tour. I'm part Scottish so I think it would be a blast.
I think my favorite movie of all times is "The War," with Elijah Wood and Kevin Costner. It didn't get a lot of buzz when it was in the theatre, but it was a good story that mixed sadness with fun and humor, and the music is SOOOO good. Everyone I know that has seen it really liked it.
Bunnies?!?!? I have a grandbunny so am quite partial to the designs you've chosen! My dream vacation changes periodically (after all, it IS a dream, lol), but right now it would be a journey to a quiet island, staying in one of those cabanas over the water, with nothing to do but relax and stitch. Oh, and to make it perfect, did I mention that there would be several stitchy friends along? Want to join us?
One of my favorite movies is Never Been Kissed. I love the ending. I'd love to travel to New Zealand. It looks like such a lush, green place.
Jill in VA
I would love to be in hawaii right now! Sun, white sand and blue sea... Could something be better
at this cold period? :)
Count me in, tomorrow is my birthday hehehe so should win this giveaway :)
Have nice day :)
A lovely selection of bunny goodies Valerie, someone is going to be a very lucky winner.
My favourite film of all time is and old musical Brigadoon, about a scottish village that comes to life once every 100 years, romantic and the girl gets the guy in the end!
My favorite movie is Casablanca..
If I could visit anywhere it would be Egypt...
What a great give away....
I love bunnies. What an awesome giveaway. My favorite place in the world to go is Disneyland. I'm getting to old to go on alot of the rides, but I could just sit in the park and watch people walk by. I haven't been in 9 years and have not been to Ca Adventure yet.
Things will get better.
My favorite "feel good" movie this year has to be "The King's Speech." All of the acting was stellar and, although it was a quiet movie, it packed emotional punch. Seeing one man struggle to overcome something that seemed to be insurmountable was inspiring. Plus, I love all things British and Colin Firth has always been a favorite, since his Pride and Prejudice Days. If you have haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. P.S. I love all things bunny and I hope the package will "hop" to my house.
Karen K. in Maryland
I would love to be a part of your giveaway. I like tons of movies, but if I had to choose just 1 or 2, my first would be any of the Harry Potter films. Then of course the Anne of Green Gables films are just awesome. But then if I'm in the mood for an action film, it would be the new Star Trek. Now for vacation spots...I would love to go to Australia, Ireland, and Hawaii. Not necessarily in that order though. LOL
I would love to enter. I'm answering the vacation question. I'd go to Budapest. I am Hungarian and I'd love to visit my ancestor's country.
My favorite movie? There are three, Gone with the Wind, Auntie Mame and the original parent trap. As much as I adore all three of them it's more about no matter when they are on my Mom will call me and invite me over for a movie day.
And my nieces now call me Auntie Mame.
Thanks so much for such a great drawing!
Sooo flipping C U T E ! ! ! If you don't mind, I may borrow this idea for a personal challenge somewhere down the road. Such Genius! :-D
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