This past weekend went fast. But then, when don't they. I spent all of Saturday at traffic school and it was kind of torturous. The class I signed up for was a comedy traffic school and frankly, the instructor needs to work on his material. We did the exam in the form of Jeopardy and it was so annoying. I had the right answer quite a few times but as we were split up in teams, the spokesperson would always side with the "doctor". For being a doctor, there's a reason she was in traffic school. She doesn't know the traffic rules! We were losing terribly the first half. Finally, I got to shouting out the answer. Screw the spokesperson! Let's just get on with it already. I obviously become more vocal the more frustrated I am! Next time *knock on wood that there doesn't have to be one!*, I'll do the class online. I just wanted a break from the computer. I am on one between 10-12 hours each workday. After a while, you just kind of want to go out and actually see people.
The movie of the week was Blue Valentine. It stars Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams and I chose it because I felt like seeing Ryan Gosling (he's cute!) more than Natalie Portman. But the movie was meh. Kind of made me happy to not be married. Some scenes were hard to watch...and not because of it being violent. It wasn't. It was more because of the emotion. How love came about and then was lost; dealing with a disintegrating marriage. I did enjoy the scenes that took place in the past more than those that took place in the present but I think that was part of the point. How come so many Oscar picks are dramatic downers?! Mind you, Oscar noms don't get announced until tomorrow but there's been some talk about Blue Valentine getting some sort of nomination. We'll see. I heard mixed views on Black Swan and I know to expect that to be a psycho-trip, weird and kind of a downer. I think next week will have to be The Fighter...Amy Adams isn't playing a fluffy, sweet girl character. Should be interesting there.
I was hoping to have another stitchy finish to show you today. But I'll show what I am stitching on. Carol, Lois, Staci and I are doing a little informal ornament stitch-a-long. One ornie per month. Maybe this will inspire me to actually put up a tree this year! Here's the ornie I am stitching this month. I wanted an easy stitch considering all the busyness lately.

Heart in Hand
32ct. Dirty w/recommended threads
Poor angel is currently wingless! But I love this little design. I think I will have to stitch it up again soon and switch out the tan heart to a lilac heart. I think that will be cute. Maybe I can finish this up tonight? Eh, probably tomorrow. After this, I need to stitch up a quick gift and then I will sit down for a huge finishing and mending session. I'm gonna do it! I am! *sigh* I hate finishing and mending! But maybe these monthly ornies will help me get over my mental block about finishing. One can hope!
I do have to say that after only working on 40 count for the last couple of months, stitching on 32 count is HUGE! Wow...what a difference.
Thanks for all the sweet comments on Snow Garden. Those GAST dyelots are weird, huh? I've pulled my threads for Valentine Rose and I already have one color that I'm iffy about. We'll see what I decide. Hope nobody got upset about my "readers" comment! I have permanent readers...blind as a bat with a prescription in the 5.00+ range. I should get lasik but I'm too scared!
Well, I think it's time to peel off and stitch a bit. I worked my 8 hours, washed 2 loads of dishes, baked banana muffins, cooked dinner and did a preliminary draft of my taxes. I think I deserve a little stitching time. Hope you all had a great weekend. It's Monday...right? ;-)
Until next time...
I do have to say that after only working on 40 count for the last couple of months, stitching on 32 count is HUGE! Wow...what a difference.
Thanks for all the sweet comments on Snow Garden. Those GAST dyelots are weird, huh? I've pulled my threads for Valentine Rose and I already have one color that I'm iffy about. We'll see what I decide. Hope nobody got upset about my "readers" comment! I have permanent readers...blind as a bat with a prescription in the 5.00+ range. I should get lasik but I'm too scared!
Well, I think it's time to peel off and stitch a bit. I worked my 8 hours, washed 2 loads of dishes, baked banana muffins, cooked dinner and did a preliminary draft of my taxes. I think I deserve a little stitching time. Hope you all had a great weekend. It's Monday...right? ;-)
Until next time...
I had that problem last week because of Mon being MLK day and no school, my whole week was thrown off and I couldn't remember which day it was, lol!
I really like your angel ornie. It'll be a cutie :)
I never know what day it is but then again I think I do it on purpose LOL.... I am joining you guys in your "informal" ornament stitch along if I may. I already have January don but still need to finsih it.
Traffic school? Fun times..... I am like you I get more vocal the more frustrated I get, sometimes I think it will make people hear me, but it never works.... Blllaaahhhh...
Love the little angel ornament -- so cute! I'm sure she'll have wings soon. lol! That driving school thing sounds like it was annoying and frustrating rather than fun. Too bad. Now this is bad -- I've never heard of Blue Valentine. lol! Black Swan I've heard of though.
I'm glad they didn't send me to traffic school when I got my speeding ticket last month--it does sound tortuous! And don't you hate it when you spend all that money on a movie you end up not being crazy about?
You may be glad you have bad eyes when you are in your mid-40s! I have needed glasses or contacts since I was 12, but now that I need reading glasses, too, I can see perfectly to stitch without anything! I just hold the fabric close and everything is so clear--great for "over one" stitching.
Love your little angel ornament so far...I need to finish mine up! February is a week from today!!
I have not been to traffic school here, but I don't think they offer a comedy version. I think the dramas get nominated because comedy is just harder to pull off well and there weren't many great comedies.
Those comedy traffic schools are the worst, but I hear you on wanting to get away from the computer. Your angel ornament is so cute. I'm hoping to get some ornaments finished this year as well. I still have a few days left to finish one for this month, right?!
Lovely angel design for your ornament
I'm sorry you had to endure the traffic school!
I thought you were teasing when you said you chose comedy traffic school!! I guess that is California. We have traffic school both live and online, but none of it is humorous! Glad you made it through!
I can't believe January is almost over already. WTF DID IT GO????????????????????
My friend and I were talking about seeing Blue Valentine but now I worry it won't be as good as we thought :o(
Your little angel is adorable and I think doing a SAL with others will help you :o)
I saw The Fighter. I didn't think it was that good. All through the movie I kept thinking, "Can this family get any white-trashier?!" Amy Adams' character was very supportive of her man and didn't take crap from his family.
Oh I sometimes don't know what day it is! Last night on the phone to my sister telling her about my Dad I had to ask her if it was Tuesday!
Your angel looks gorgeous.
I agree with you the days go by just too quickly lately. I suddenly realized, that tomorrow is Thursday! Holy carap!
That will be a lovely little ornie!
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