Before I get into the going ons, I want to say thank you to all my readers and new followers! I can't believe I am up to 123 followers. I am so excited! Details for the surprise will be coming soon once I can get my hands on the items I want to give away. It will be a stash enhancement since I haven't the time to make anything and am still trying to make good on my stitched item for my blogiversary from last April. Oof!
The start to the new year has been rough. And not like anything bad has happened. It's just been so busy and I am braindead and so tired before the end of each work day. By the time I get home, I just stare at the tv, unable to concentrate on anything. So I am scatterbrained and my thoughts are a jumble and when I get this way, I crave quiet and personal space. This becomes difficult when you work in a cubicle environment and your coworkers like to joke around and make lots of noise. I had a little loss of temper last week and made one of my coworkers all mad. But you know what, it's been blessedly quiet at work now and I've been more productive for it. She'll get over it. I really need to figure out a way to work from home to have the peace and quiet I crave. I miss having my own office but don't miss managing. The scatterbrain and difficulty focusing is so frustrating...not to mention the feeling of being pulled in so many directions.
Since I've been so tired, I haven't started my gym routine yet this year. I need to...and start getting to those yoga classes. I think I'll feel better once I get my breathing and stretching in weekly not to mention it's a very good workout.
Stitching has been slow as usual. Snow Garden has been giving me fits and I had to throw it in the corner for a week. My Parchment is too tan, the Woodsmoke, Chamomile, Cidermill Brown are all too light, Portabella not as variegated and I'm not sure if I'm really happy subbing Lexington Green in my border. A dear friend sent me some super dark, variegated Woodsmoke. Another stitcher is sending me some Chamomile to see if it's dark enough for my liking. I stopped by the close-to-me LNS and picked up new Cidermill Brown and Parchment that has a faint green hue to it. My Snow Garden is now a collaborative effort in stitcherland! I'm stitching AoTH as a SAL with Sally...I wonder how she's managing. I'll be happy to be done with this block because it's truly one of my least favorite ones and the drab coloring, whereas suitable, for not very happy. This is where It stands for now. Please ignore the wrinkles...didn't feel like getting the iron out.
When Snow Garden was in a timeout in the corner, I stitched on Mary Wigham. I finished Part 2! Yay!! And technically started Part 3. The motifs I recently stitched are the squirrel motif and the rosebud motif with the initials and tiny bits in between. I am so happy to be moving forward with Mary. I wonder if I can stitch one page/part per month. The motifs always take longer than I think they will so not sure how realistic I am being.
When I can't stitch, I surf the internet, read blogs and try to be inspired. You've all been keeping me busy and I've struggled to keep up with my Reader what with all the Crazy January Challengers out there. Lots of wonderful projects! I was surfing Chatelaine (like an idiot) the other day. There are very few Chats I can picture myself stitching. There is always an element that prevents a design from winning me over. I only have one in my stash (Taj Mahal) that I haven't even fully kitted (thank goodness because who knows when I will get to it). So in my surfing, I saw Evening in the Park and I fell in love. It must be my whole enthrallment with snow at the moment and disappointment that I can't have a snow day. I know all you folks in the Eastern belt think I'm nuts but having a snow day seems like a fun thing. Evening in the Park features swans, bare trees and snow. So I've been daydreaming about swans and snow and blue/grey/silvery fabric for days! I don't have time to stitch a Chat! What am I thinking?! Not to mention the expense. I feel my resolve faltering though. But it would be a nice addition to the "artwork" in the apartment and is more my style. Lots to think about.'s just been busy. Trying to get out more to meet new people. The recliner was fixed...yay! I am on a kick to go and see the oscar nominated movies before the Oscars so I went to see The Kings Speech yesterday. It was wonderful! Very well done and Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush did a wonderful job in their acting roles. It had funny moments, heartwrenching moments and happy moments. Oh and in my search for the link, I see Colin Firth just won a Golden Globe for Best Actor! Seriously, go see it! I am trying to decide whether I go see The Fighter or Country Strong (not nominated) today.
Well, this has gotten long enough. Hopefully, the next time I post, I'll be done with Snow Garden and working on my January ornie.
Until next time...
Bummer that you're so tired after work. I've heard from more than one stitcher that the January AotH colors are troublesome, so don't feel alone there. As for snow being fun, well, you would feel differently if another snowstorm was heading your way, this time with ice involved, the 4th one in as many weeks. It's going to be the 3rd snow day for school -- at this rate they'll be making up snow days for the whole summer. lol! I'm sick of snow and scared of ice! Ugh! Anyway, hope you get back to exercising -- I've been trying to as well -- and start feeling less tired in the evenings.
I can sympathize. Just hang in there. Tomorrow is another day. Your stitching looks great!
Well now... I do reckon we could be twins separated at birth lol. January hmmmm... this month has indeed been wearying. Too tired. Every day. Not blogged myself for ages. Now, the Snow Garden. Very interesting. Did I mention I was gifted this with all the threads and all the threads look the same?? Nothing like the picture. Yes it is a bit worrying so I am watchign everyone who is doing it and everyone seems to have complaints about it. Mary Wigham. You are well and truely beating me. Still not finished page 1 yet but my aim is also to do a page a month. Chateleines. I feel the same way. I haven't even bought one of her charts let alone kitted them up. I just keep drooling but I know I would struggle to get one of those finished. They are sooo detailed. Anyways, that is enough rambling from me. xx
First of all {{hugs}}. I'm sorry you're so tired when you get home, that isn't fun at all.
I loved stitching Snow Garden, but I did choose a very different fabric from the recommended one and I didn't have too much of a problem with the thread colours. I have seen that other people have had frustrations with this one though, as Margaret said (just read her comment LOL) - I hope you can find some threads that work for you.
Glad you enjoyed The King's Speech, it's definitely one I want to see :)
Seems like you are in something of a funk - bummmers - no fun. Hope you get some energy to exercise or do the yoga, that you help you get out of your funk. I like both of your designs, and I am looking forward to seeing them progress. Just think, January is more than halfway done - whoo hooo!!
I hope things re-energize for you. I can understand the appeal of snowy projects, though. I'd rather stitch snow than shovel it. I like your idea of seeing the Oscar movies. Will make sure to see the King's Speech.
I love snow, too (though shoveling it loses its charm after awhile, LOL). :)
Sorry it's been an exhausting start to the New Year. I can sympathize. I hope things level out nicely for you and you begin to feel less drained. :)
I'm feeling the tiredness as well -ready for spring here!
I have to pull out MW soon and put some more stitches in!
I'm feeling the tiredness as well -ready for spring here!
I have to pull out MW soon and put some more stitches in!
Your Mary Wigham is gorgeous. I know exactly what you mean about Snow Garden. I've been having the same issues - but I'm trying to stick with it. And I love love love that Chatelaine. They are a ton of work, but oh so worth it in the end. I have several started, but only one finished. I always want to see all the Oscar nominees before the big night too, but I've never done it!
Sorry that you've been so tired and feeling distracted...I think we all go through that and I'm sure you'll come out of it soon with lots of creative energy! Beautiful stitching progress :)
Yikes, kiddo, you need a breather! I can sense that overwhelmed feeling just reading the blog - you feel behind and yet you need to do stuff like yoga!
One thing I learned to do recently is to start the habit of just doing one small thing. So my one small thing was a new set of stretches that can do within 5 min and it's for my upper back and neck. Then I repeat in the evenings and because they feel so good I do them anytime I feel like it. Just taking this small step, but consistently, has been gratifying and helpful.
I see lovely stitching, you know, even if you are feeling somewhat frustrated! Hang in there!
Oh, Valerie, I know just how tiring January can be to get through. It is a long, dreary month and if my birthday weren't stuck in the middle, it would be even tougher. But, I see wonderful progress on your WIPs and I'll bet you'll end up loving Snow Garden when it is all finished up!
Hang in there and I hope you get that ornament started--I'm working on mine. It doesn't take long and you'll have such a feeling of accomplishment when you're finished :)
Your Mary Wigham looks lovely! And regarding the Chatelaines: you should go for it! I think they are well worth the time and expense and are my favorite things to stitch. Evening in the Park is really pretty too. ;)
And thank goodness January is more than half over. Hang in there. :)
Owww, i understand what you mean by peace and quiet. It is so very important, it is tough when you have noisy coworkers...
Glad to see your Mary Wigham. I have not even started mine:(
123 followers dear girl, you rock!!! Your blog is a treat to read:)
You can have my snow! I have about a two foot thick layer covering my lawn right now. And it's an oh-so-lovely 15 degrees (during the day) this week so it ain't going NOWHERE for a while. I might just be looking at until spring. lol
I hope things perk up for you a bit soon. :)
I was lucky enough to see some more than 1/2 done Anniversaries of the Heart back in Oct at the BBD class. Stick with it! It is stunning once you get going.
I thought you said your stitching was slow????? I'd say you got a lot done my friend ;o) I like the way your BBD looks. I thought it was supposed to be quite muted anyway.
Your the second person that has said that movie was really good. I might have to see it now!
Sorry to read you have been so tired, Mary Wigham looks great and i love the BD.
I've stitched EitP and loved it! It's lacier than, so not quite as intense as, most large Chats. Your BBD is really pretty, I'm sorry you've been having problems with it.
Will have to wait for the DVD for the King's Speech (yes, I'm yearning to see it) as I don't want to see it dubbed in Italian :-(
Sorry to hear your woes with Snow Garden, but it's looking beautiful to me!
I too have had a slow start to the year. What with one thing and another, I'm hoping it picks up VERY soon!
I had to have a look at Chatelaine's 'Evening in the Park' on their website and I can see why you've fallen in love with it. If I were to stitch it, I'd have to see it as a very long term project. The repetitive patterns would drive me mad!
Sorry you've been so tired!!! Just stitch the block and move on, honest, your house looks great and it will all pull together :-).
I'm with you - if we're going to have all the crappy gray days we at least deserve a snow day or 2!
I like the green you put in your border. I'd like to stitch AotH on one piece of linen but the January block really presents a challenge.
Snow Garden had a timeout in the corner.... a punishment for bad behavior? Too many frogging stitches?
Congrats on beautiful stitching and here's to you and yoga having fun!
Valerie, I think your AoTH block will end up looking great !! I love Mary too. I think I just have the little upper left hand corner stitched on mine. LOL !!
I watched The Kings Speech also and I absolutely loved it !! What a great movie and great acting.
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