Just a quick hit and run post today since I actually didn't get any stitching done today. My friend met me after work and we took a nice long walk in the neighborhood and grabbed a bite for dinner. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was watch some tv and relax. That was hung up by techie issues I'll explain in a bit.
For now...stitchy pictures. Below is the small progress I made on my Lizzie*Kate ABC Lessons. I'd have gotten farther if I hadn't received a visit from a small frog. I had finished "Dream" and then realized I made a mistake and had to frog four letters and start that bit over again. Since it's a long weekend coming up for Memorial Day, I hope to get to the end of this row by the end of the weekend.

And here is my travel project, Wishing Sheep by Shepherd's Bush. I've been running so many errands that I actually haven't worked on this much. Most of the progress was made while waiting for *the boy's* doctor's appointment. That place *always* runs late!

Anyways, I was hoping to come home after hanging out with my friend and do a quick posting and then watch tv. No matter what I did, my photos kept uploading sideways. Grrr!! I told *the boy* and he's all, "Oh, I'll show you how to rotate pictures". For being a nerd, he can be a dummy sometimes! Like I don't know how to rotate pictures!! Well, I showed him what happens and so he took it upon himself to find out the problem when I had resigned myself to just watching tv and so then he wouldn't let me watch my program because he "figured it out!". So I will share his genius with you guys. I think a lot of people have been having the same problem with their photos and blogger and you know, it's really frustrating. Apparently, it's well known that Blogger has a photo bug problem. I have this problem more on my home computer than at work but I really shouldn't be blogging from work. Don't tell anyone...ok?! Apparently, you need to open your photos in paint and save them as PNG because there is photo data in JPG that is telling Picasa it's a sideways picture. And computers are supposed to be smart! Ha! Anyways, this smart guy named Peter talks about it
here. It's an added step to use Paint but it's better than uploading your pictures 50 million times and throwing your computer on the floor in frustration. Hopefully that helps other stitchy bloggers who aren't techie.
Also, I got the ornament preview JCS magazine issue in the mail yesterday and was really disappointed in the ornaments. There wasn't even one that I wanted to stitch! I hope the christmas issue is a lot better. But despite the ornaments not being my speed, I really like the Italian Tile piece and will have to figure out how to work on that sometime sooner rather than later. :)
Ok, time to go but I hope everyone is having a good start to the week!
Until next time...
Isn't it funny - you have only stitched legs, a tail and the head but you can see it's a sheep?
Is it really time for the Ornament preview mag? Christmas come earlier every year!
Yup, had that photo problem before.... It was really frustrating!!! It hadn't happened for a while to me, but you never know...... Thanks for the tip!!
Thank you for the work around for the sideways uploaded pictures. I have been just as frustrated trying to deal with this.
At least a little progress is a good thing.
Excellent progress on ABC, even with the frog! And Wishing Sheep is going to be sooo cute!
I've never had problems with Blogger rotating my photos but I know some have lots of trouble!
End of the row or bust, eh -- well good luck. It is really looking nice. As is your sheep. I just started another SB sheep only to be thwarted by thread identical to the fabric. Sigh.
Great progress and hey it is better than none, right? I have not had the photo problem but at least now I know what to do if I do have that problem!
Oh, wow, your boy actually set off to figure out a problem and succeeded? Too often when mine does that, it just means I've lost my laptop for a few hours but don't wind up being enlightened at the end of it. LOL.
Love your ABC's, it is an awesome design and you are doing such a nice job, sorry about the frogs - they do come along every once in a while! Great insight on Blogger, though I haven's had any problems (so far). Come visit me at http://silverthreadsgoldenneedle.blogspot.com/
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