Despite getting away for the conference the week before last, my migraines kicked in and I was practically useless! There was one morning where I woke up, went downstairs for a glass of juice and told my co-worker I was going back upstairs for a 8am! The nap helped immensely! The conference was very informative and the morning speakers were great fun and very knowledgeable. I didn't get much stitching done since my migraine would not go away and it's probably just as well as the lighting in the hotel room was very dim and I forgot my Ott-lite. Oopsie!
This past weekend was rainy and busy. Both days were incredibly tiring. On Saturday, I ran around Union Square in the rain and without umbrella trying to find a good birthday present for *the boy*. By the end of that, I hadn't found anything and felt like a drowned rat. After that, I made my way to NiaH for a nice little shopping spree and bonding time with the lovely Mary. I walked out with a new project I couldn't resist and some linens for upcoming projects and threads to start the BBD freebie. Because of my thread mishap, I think I will save the BBD freebie for my mom's birthday in September. I should have plenty of time between now and then to finish and frame it how I envision. After my shopping spree, I headed over to meet *the boy* who has spent the majority of the afternoon packing up his belongings. I loaded everything in the car and we headed back to my place. Due to the poor living environment there, we decided it best for him to move in temporarily with me. His next follow up with the doctor is next Thursday (not this one) and the next move is fully dependant on what the doctor says at that time. *The boy* will either stay put if the news is good or move back to Rhode Island if the news is bad. It has been a very emotional week of discussion and decision.
Sunday was a nice busy, busy day of outlet shopping! Woo!! I didn't do that much damage there but between the NiaH shopping spree, outlet shopping and finding *the boy's* birthday present last night, the credit card is smoking and being put away in hiding!
I have quite a bit of stitching to get caught up on. I will be putting the finishing touches on my giveaway prize this weekend and getting it off in the mail to Meari but I have become obsessed with my new project, ABC Lessons by Lizzie*Kate. I came home on Saturday just dying to start it and so I stitched a bit. I kept making mistakes though but catching them as fast as I was making them. I suppose I was tired and not so alert for starting something new. Here is how it stands as of tonight. It is stitched on 32 count Antique Ivory Belfast with the called for threads. This is a fun and fast stitch assuming I don't keep getting visits from the frogs. I started in the middle because I'm lazy and didn't want to figure out how much room to save for framing later. I kind of regret that now but will leave things as is.

Since I am actually off and plan on stitching, I plan on also doing updates later on in the week. With pictures and everything...yay!
And before I forget, there are a couple of stitchy bloggers out there hosting giveaways. Edgar is celebrating his 2nd blogoversary on May 9th! Congratulations Edgar! You can sign up here before May 9th and remember to mention it on your own blog (if you have one). Simone is celebrating her 4th blogoversary on May 9th as well and hosting a giveaway sign up here. Congratulations Simone! Remember the deadline to sign up for either one is May 9th and all you have to do is comment and mention the giveaway on your own blog. Good luck to everyone who entered!
Well, time to head off to bed. I hope to update lots this week.
Until next time...
What a great start!! You have been so busy - and didn't the rain just bite! I am so green with envy over your upcoming 4 day weekend - enjoy!!!! It is supposed to be very nice.
Wow, you've been busy! We've had 5 straight weekends of cold and rain...and spent the last two at track meets and softball tournaments, no fun!
Have fun at your embroidery class!!!
You have been very busy, girl!!!! I'm glad that you would be able to have some time to yourself~~~
That L*K chart is indeed very hard to resist!!! Looking forward to see its progress, and hear all about your stitching classes~~
Great start Val!
What are you like? You buy an Ottlite and leave it at home!
Have a great stitchy weekend and I want a full report on the RSN class please!
Happy Birthday to the *boy*
Phew...I think that I need a nap :). You have been busy! Have fun at the embroidery class and enjoy the "Self-spa" day! I look forward to a recap of the class. Take care and have a good weekend!
Lisa in CA
Your post made me tired!!! To much going on! LOL, your new start looks great! I want to stitch that one some day as well. I just love that design! looking forward to watching yours grow!
Hopefully, you'll get good news from the *boy's* Dr visit. Migraines suck, don't they? At least you were able to lay down and it helped. I hope this week is better for ya.
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