We interrupt regular Stitchy Tuesday programming to announce that FogCity Dweller is Four!

Four years ago today, I decided to start up my own blog and share my life with the world...or um, at least those who happened to stumble upon my little space in blogland. Back then, it was a way to chronicle my many dating escapades and my interest in knitting. Knitting seems ages ago and frankly, I'm pretty happy to be dating one fellow who makes me smile instead of many that drive me nuts. As a person who is quite shy and seemingly introverted, it amazes me how much I dated way back when and how much I had to say on the topic. I always talked about my dates here as the one place I can journal my experiences and look back on it as "research" should I ever decide to write that chick-lit fictional novel I've always talked about doing. Time is more scarce now than ever before but I have hopes that I can at least get a short story (if not that novel) out of my escapades as a commitment-phobe and serial dater. My, how things change in four years!
Now, I'm pretty content in blogging about my stitchy projects or lack of time to get my projects completed. I'm still shy and I'm still introverted and in an effort to meet more stitchy bloggers I'd like to extend an invitation of welcome for folks to come across my little spot of blogland and enter themselves for a
giveaway to celebrate my four years of blog babbling. The giveaway is open to all folks...old or new to my little blog. All you have to do is leave a comment on
this post only and mention my giveaway on your blog with a link back to mine. It's that easy! The giveaway objects will be something made by me along with some extras to be determined once I ransack through my stash. No sneakpeeks as I am currently stitching on it and am apt to change my mind and start something else for the lucky winner!
Oh! And the
deadline will be May 1st at 5pm PST. Good things should happen on May Day! Good luck and I look forward to making new stitchy friends in year 5!
Happy 4 Bloggy Years!!!! Enter me in the super giveaway!!! And here's to 4 more super years!!!!!
Happy blogversary!!!!!!!
I would love to enter the surprise giveaway~~~~ How fun!!
Thanks for the opportunity!!! May you have many more good blogging years to come~~~~
Happy 4th blogoversary Valerie! I hope your giveaway stretches to old visitors as well as new so please throw my name in the hat! I will post a link back to your giveaway on my next posting.
Happy Blog-iversary! I would love to enter your mystery give-a-way :) May you continue to journal your journey through life!
Best Wishes,
Lisa in CA
Happy 4 years I would love to be entered. It is nice to here you posting about the "boy" happiness is key to a long life
Happy blogoversary!
Happy Blogversary!!!! 4 Years, that is to awesome! I would love to be a part of your giveaway! I am new to your blog, but after exploring it a bit, I wish that I had been visiting for a while and you are now on my google reader!
I will post about this on my blog tomorrow!!!
Happy blogoversary Valerie!!
Happy 4 years of Bloggy fun and hard work! I'm a new visitor and it's lovely to meet you, looking forward to being inspired by your stitching. Thanks for putting my name in.
Happy Blogversary Valerie. Count me in for the give-away. To many more happy blogging moments.
Ooooh, sign me up, please.
I love that you were brave enough to write about your great adventures in dating. My experiences with marriage and dating could definitely fill a book. Thank goodness we can laugh about it all.
Happy Blogiversary! 4 years! wow that's sooo cool :) Ya know I'd love to win something handmade by you :)
Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I look forward to reading more at your blog. And I would love to enter my name in your giveaway. Thanks so much!
Happy blogoversary! I am a new visitor to your site. I read about it on Lynda's blog.
I don't have my own blog as yet. I am just a loyal stitching reader. I am thinking I need to start one tho... :)
Happy 4th blogoversary I wish you 4x4 more x 4 more and so on!!!!
Four years!!
Well done you and many congratulations on a super blog. I have been reading it for a while but haven't left a comment before. Please enter me for you glorious giveaway.
Happy 4 years of blogging!
4 years ! I'm only into my 4th month :) Congrats and Happy Blogoversary !!
Happy blogaversary hmmm weird word but happy 'it' anyway. If I win your contest would you put a little city fog in my package, I really really miss it!
Happy Blogaversary - I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to many more
Happy Blogoversary!
I add your picture to my blog on the left side coloumn (http://xszemkozt.blogspot.com/) and linked back to your blog.
Please enter me :)
Thank you!
I also have a giveaway, if you want to join... read on my blog ;)
Kind regards from Hungary,
Happy 4 year Blogaversary Valerie. Please throw my name in the hat too and if you look at my blog you will on the right (it's okay I just checked on my hands and it definitely the right)hand side of my blog for the link to your Blogaversary giveaway. Love Patti xxx
Happy blogoversary, Valerie!
Please enter me in the drawing! :D
Hi -
Four things we share.
My name is Valérie.
I was born early October.
I stitch and blog.
I work long hours.
I just wanted you to know I am one of your readers.
A Very Merry Blogaversary, Valerie!! I've now found your blog by Carol R.'s recommendation and have enjoyed my trip through reading and seeing your things. Please do add me to your happy day supper giveaway. I promise to give you a special gift in return for your special day! Hugs, Deb
Happy 4th Blogoversary, i hope you have many more happy blogging years to come
I have just found your blog, so i hope it's ok for me to join your giveaway, I will put your giveaway on my blog tomorrow
Hello Valerie! Happy 4th! May you have many many happy blogging years to come!
I will come back for a longer visit. I would love a chance for your giveaway. Thanks!
Happy 4 blogversary!!!!!! Please enter me in the giveaway.
Oh cripes! I almost missed your giveway. I guess I'll go back and add it to my Marvelous Monday post, LOL. Oh, and can you give me a link to your dating escapades? I want to feel like I'm not alone LOLOL! And Happy 4th Blogversary!
Happy Four Year Blogoversary!!
May you have many more great years ahead of you!!
I would like to be entered in your "Blogoversary"Giveaway Contest!!
Congrate on the blogiversary - 4 years is quite an achievement!
Congrats on your 4th blogversary! I saw your link on the yahoo group StitchMAP. Check it out to meet stitchers. You are linked on my blog: http://cwkalina.blogspot.com/
Happy, happy Blogaversary!! May you have many many more.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Congrats on your blogversary. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
hello, thank you for sharing a little piece of your world and a blog giveaway, I posted a note on my blog also:)
Well congrats on 4years and i would love to enter too! Glad to have found your blog, i enjoy it :)
Happy blogging for many years to come! Happy 4th. Ruby
Here's to your continued bloggy
success! Please enter my name in your giveaway. I enjoy your stitchy blog.
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