Since my last post, things have been pretty much the norm this past weekend. I pick up *the boy*, we hang out, he cooks, I sleep and then I take him back "home". I think the highlight of the weekend was visiting my parents for Easter and me getting locked inside the bathroom with no way out! I hadn't noticed that the knob was missing until I went to leave. Thank goodness my brother was there so he could bust me out of the bathroom! My parents are quite deaf and *the boy* isn't too mobile so I could have been pounding for a while if he hadn't been there!
The week proved to be too busy for stitching. Below is my progress on the September block of the BC Snappers. Not much but I am almost finished with the block itself. Just the stems and leaf veins to longstitch. I am still in debate over my border and as you can see, I haven't finished the top border for the block yet. I have about 7 skeins of Dried Thyme to pick through and make sure that they are similar enough in color for me to use for the entirety of the project. Since I'll be working on border for a while, things will not look too exciting. I still seem to be in debate as to what my next project will be while I work on this border disaster. So many options and I can't seem to choose!

On an interesting note, next week will mark my four year bloggaversary. Four years! I can't believe it's been that long and to think this little space started off as a venting post for my trials and tribulations in the world of dating. Whoa, the dating world is crazy...especially when you dated and juggled as much as I did! Over the last year or so, it's spun off from dating to crafting. I laugh at that interesting turn. I had high hopes to be a stitching whiz this winter and have something fabulous all made up as a prize for giveaway. I'm quite disappointed that I don't. Apparently, I am still not a hard-core stitchy blogger or I'd be organized for this already! *sigh*
Since I don't have access to a garden, I bring spring indoors. Here are some colorful beauties I brought home from Safeway and Trader Joes! I absolutely love orange tulips and I love to see daffodils opening up. They are both quite cheerful and I display them on top of my TV so I can get the most enjoyment out of them. Aren't they pretty?!

Until next time...
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