I was about to start the BBD Freebie that everyone and their mother seems to be stitching. I knew there was no way I could finish it in time for the contest but I thought it would be a nice project to stitch up in honor of my maternal grandmother to give to my mom for Mother's Day. Trim it with lace and frame up myself. Nothing fancy...simple. I had the fabric and threads in mind from my stash...Lakeside Linens Pearled Barley with Belle Soie Sister Scarlett silk. Here is my situation and question to you...I pulled a length of the silk and slid it on the fabric to compare the color variagation throughout the thread and if it would complement the fabric. When I pulled the silk away, it left a red line on the fabric! In a panic, I rubbed and rubbed and the color transfer went away. The leftover dye in this silk is unbelievable! Has anyone else had this problem?! I even rubbed a napkin down the length of the silk and the color transfered to the napkin. I'm very worried about using the silk on the fabric. I decided to soak/rinse the silk in cold water but the dye is still bleeding despite repeated rinses and soaks in cold water. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was disappointed to encounter this problem as I was all excited about curling up and starting this project yesterday but I had to put it on the back burner.
Anyways, the regular programming for this post was Totally Useless SAL reporting. Below is where my little glass jar sits. It's not very full. In fact, it looks downright empty!

Remember the deadline for my Blogoversary giveaway is May 1st at 5pm PST. All you need to do is comment here and mention my giveaway on your own blog.
Until next time...
Hmmm I don't have suggestions -- I have had Bell Soies (and other threads) leave "stain" marks on the edges of fabric from where they continually brush when I pull the needle (apparently I always pull towards 3 o'clock). I don't know what to tell you. Personally I'd be reticent to water the silk. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
I brought a skein of Belle Soie to 'try it out' and had exactly the same problem so I avoid it now. I much prefer AVAS, Needlepoint Inc or Caron threads. Luckily I was only stitching a very small piece - I can't imagine stitching a large project with it as I always start with an 'away thread'. Shame though as they do a great selection of colours.
Don't worry about your lack of threads in your jar - it just shows you don't waste any!
Well personally I can not think of any stitching that I would not like to see, just to let you know! LOL I think that stitching the freebie sampler that everyone and their mothers is stitching is great, but I also knew there was no way I would get it stitched in time for the contest. I may do as you are and end up stitching it just because. I think that your idea for it is fantastic and I am sure that you mom would love it!! Your TUSAL is looking great, thats a great start!
The only silk I'll use is Vikki Clayton's, which I find bleeds less than all the others. However, that said, I still soak my silk for several days (using lots of water changes) to make sure that all of the loose dye is gone! Some colors take longer than others, and the basic color of the silk doesn't change at all.
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