Days Four and Five of my vacation were pretty uneventful so I won't bother drawing out the details. The majority of it was spent being lazy, napping, watching bad tv and doing some errands. But the rest was much needed and welcome. I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! *The boy* and I climbed up to the roof of my building for a private showing of the fireworks three towns over. From the roof, we could just see them. There is this monster tree that blocked a lot of it but we enjoyed seeing them shoot into the sky. I couldn't get a picture to save my life! They came out all blurred so I have nothing to show. *The boy* took a lot with his super fancy schmancy camera but I don't know if any of his came out either. He is as slow as molasses when I ask him to do things like that so maybe I'll surprise you guys later.
The little bit of stitching post-exchange and rr wrap-up was devoted to this blast from the past. Since it seems like I am on a bit of a green trend, I figured I would continue and re-stitch my border. Here is what I have done so far.

Not a lot but a little bit is better than nothing. I think I will devote the week to doing as much as I can with the border. The goal is to make it to the end of September and as you can see, I've made it only to February. Once I hit NiaH on Saturday, I will be way too distracted with a new start or many to focus on boring borders!
Hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend...
Until next time...
Sounds like you had a very relaxing vacation!!! Sometimes that kind of vacation is the best!!!!
I didn't do much stitching over the long weekend myself, since we traveled a little bit. We didn't expect to see any fireworks, but stumbled across one on our drive home. Sometimes the most unexpected becomes the most interesting thing, and that was totally true on this trip.
Have a great week ahead!!
That'll be a lot of green but it is a pretty border!
Sounds like a fun few days! Sometimes it's nice to just kick back and relax. Lovely progress on your WIP!
I am glad that you were able to get some rest during the weekend. Summer is suppose to be for that. Good progress on the green. Maybe you will be able to make your goal (to get to September) before Saturday. What time are you planning to be at NiaH?
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